ד"ר אנג'לה רובן

סגל אקדמי בכיר בחוג למדעי האחיות כללי
חוג למדעי האחיות כללי סגל אקדמי בכיר
ד"ר אנג'לה רובן
טלפון פנימי: 03-6406259
פקס: 03-6409496
משרד: מקצוע הבריאות, 302

קורות חיים


תחומי מחקר

Research topic: Glutamate excitotoxicity and blood-glutamate scavenging in acute and chronic diseases

Research methods:  HPLC, intracranial mouse and rat tumor models, brain metastatic animal models, neurotrauma animal models, behaviora tests, immunohistochemistry, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics analysis, biochemical analysis of liver enzymes activity in a blood sample.


Main projects in the lab include:

  1. Blood glutamate scavenging as a novel neuroprotective treatment in the neurotrauma.
  2. Role of blood liver enzyme and glutamate levels and the pathophysiology of neurodegenerative and malignant diseases.
  3. Blood glutamate scavenging in the prevention of brain tumor invasiveness.



Avissar, S, Matuzany-Ruban, A, Tzukert, K, Schreiber, G.: b-arrestin-1 levels are reduced in leukocytes of patients with depression and elevated by antidepressants in rat brain. Am. J. Psychiatry Vol. 161; pp.2066-72, 2004. 


Matuzany-Ruban, A, Avissar, S, Schreiber, G.: Dynamics of beta-arrestin1 protein and mRNA levels elevation by antidepressant in mononuclear leukocytes of patients with depression. Affective dis. Vol. 88; pp. 307-312, 2005. 


Matuzany-Ruban, A, Schreiber, G, Farkash, P, Avissar, S.: Phosducin-like protein levels in leukocytes of patients with major depression and in rat cortex: the effect of chronic treatment with antidepressants. Psychiatry Res. Vol. 141(3); pp. 287-94, 2006. 


Zlotnik, A, Gurevich, B, Cherniavsky, E, Tkachov, SMatuzani-Ruban, A, Leon, A., Shapira, Y. and Teichberg, V.: The contribution of the blood glutamate scavenging activity of pyruvate to its neuroprotective properties in a rat model of closed head injure. Neurochem Res. Vol. 33(6); pp. 1044-50, 2008.


Marosi, M, Fuzik, J, Nagy, D, Rákos, G, Kis, Z, Vécsei, L, Toldi, J, Ruban-Matuzani, A, Teichberg, VI, Farkas, T.: Oxaloacetate restores the long-term potentiation impaired in rat hippocampus CA1 region by 2-vessel occlusion. Eur J Pharmacol. Vol. 604(1-3); pp. 51-7, 2009


Matuzany-Ruban, A, Golan, M, Miroshnik, N, Schreiber, G, Avissar, S.: Normalization of GRK2 protein and mRNA measures in patients with depression predict response to antidepressants. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. Vol. 29; pp. 83-91, 2009.


Ruban, A, Berkutzki T, Cooper I, Mohar B. and Teichberg, Vivian, I.: Blood glutamate scavengers prolong the survival of rats and mice with brain-implanted glioma. Invest New Drugs. Vol. 30(6); pp. 2226-35, 2012.


Pérez-Mato, M, Ramos-Cabrer, P, Sobrino T, Blanco, M, Ruban, A, Mirelman, D, Menendez, P, Castillo, J, Campos, F.: Human recombinant glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase 1 (GOT1) supplemented with oxaloacetate induces a protective effect after cerebral ischemia. Cell Death Dis. Vol. 9; 5:e992, 2014.


Ruban, A, Mohar, B, Jona, G, Teichberg, VI.: Blood glutamate scavenging as a novel neuroprotective treatment for paraoxon intoxication. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. Vol. 34(2); pp. 1-7, 2014.


Schwartz-Arad, D, Ofec, R, Eliyahu, G, Ruban, A, Sterer, N.: Long Term Follow-Up of Dental Implants Placed in Autologous Onlay Bone Graft.  Clin Implant Dent Rel Res. doi: 10.1111/cid.12288; 2014. 


Ruban, A, Biton, I, Markovich, A. and Mirelman, D.: MRS of Brain Metabolite Levels Demonstrates the Ability of Scavenging of Excess Brain Glutamate to Protect against Nerve Agent Induced Seizures. Int. J. Mol. Sci. Vol. 16 (2); pp. 3226-36, 2015. 


Ruban, A, Cohen-Kashi Malina K, Cooper I, Graubardt N, Babakin L, Jona G, and Teichberg V. Combined treatment of an ALS rat model with recombinant GOT1 and Oxaloacetic acid: a novel neuroprotective treatment. Neurodegen Dis. 2015. 


Schwartz-Arad, D, Ofec, R, Eliyahu, G, Sterer, N, Ruban, A. Onlay Bone Graft augmentation for the Treatment of Maxillary Atrophy: Implants long term follow-up (up to 131 months). J Cosmetic Dentistry Vol. 31(3); pp 76-93, 2015. 


Goldshmit A, Jona G, Schmuklerd E, Solomond S, Pinkas-Kramarskid R and Ruban A. Blood Glutamate Scavenger as a novel neuroprotective treatment in spinal cord injury. J Neurotrauma Mar 1. doi: 10.1089/neu.2017.5524, 2018.


Tsivion-Visbord H, Pretes N, Bikivski L, Goldshmit Y, Ruban A, Offen D. MSCs-Derived-EVs as Potential Protection Against Behavioral and Biochemical Deficits in a Phencyclidine Model of Schizophrenia. Biol Psychiatry Vol. 87(9); S195, 2020.


Ruban A, Daya N, Schneider A.L.C., Gottesman R, Selvin E, Coresh J, Lazo M, Koton S. Liver enzymes and risk of stroke: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study (ARIC). J Stroke August, 2020.


Amit-Aharon A, Ruban A, Dubovi I. Knowledge and information credibility evaluation strategies regarding COVID-19: A cross-sectional study.  2021 January-February; 69(1): 22–31. 


Amit-Aharon A, Dubovi I, Ruban A. Quality of Life Res Differences in mental health and health-related quality of life between Israel and Italy public sample during COVID-19 quarantine. Quality of Life Research Jan 14: 1–10, 2021.


Goldshmit Y, Perelroizen R, Yakovchuk A, Banyas E, Mayo L, David S, Benbenishty A, Blinder P, Shalom M, ​Ruban A. Blood glutamate scavengers increase pro-apoptotic signaling and reduce metastatic melanoma growth in-vivo. Sci Rep. 2021 Jul 19;11(1):14644.


S Poleg, Emad Kיourieh, A Ruban, G Shapira, N Shomron, B Barak and Daniel Offen . Behavioral Aspects and Neurobiological Properties Underlying Medical Cannabis Treatment in Shank3 Mouse Model of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Transl Psychiatry​ 2021 Oct 13;11(1):524.


Goldshmit Y, Shalom M and Ruban A.Treatment with Pulsed Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field (PELF-EMF) Exhibit Anti-Inflammatory and Neuroprotective Effect in Compression Spinal Cord Injury Model Special Issue Spinal Cord Injury: From Mechanisms to Nanotherapeutic Approache. Biomedicines 2022;10(2):325.


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