פרופ' אמיר חורי

סגל אקדמי בכיר במנהלת הפקולטה למשפטים
מנהלת הפקולטה למשפטים סגל אקדמי בכיר
פרופ' אמיר חורי
טלפון פנימי: 03-6405263
משרד: מינקהוף משפ, 421



Professor Amir H. Khoury is an Associate Professor of Law, and a faculty member at the Faculty of Law in Tel Aviv University (Israel) since 2003. He has also been a Distinguished Visiting Professor at the School of Law, University of Kansas (USA), for the 2013-2014 academic year. Prof. Khoury is an expert in IP laws (both domestic and international) and is also an advisor on Strategic IP matters including on Branding, Copyrights and Patenting as well as Trade Secrecy matters. Prof. Khoury is Of Counsel at the law firm of S. Horowitz, Tel Aviv Israel.
Professor Khoury has received his Ph.D. from Haifa University (2004), his LL.M. from Fordham University, NYC (1998), and his LL.B. (1993) from The Hebrew University.

Prof. Khoury's research interests span many issues in IP including technological and administrative facets of IP law. Among other things Khoury has produced research dealing with: Artificial Intelligence & Deep Learning; 3D Printing; genetic sequencing; service inventions; access to medicines during national/international medical Emergencies; establishing and a World Patent Office; moral rights in morally divisive issues; the commercialization of trade secrets; differential patent terms etc. His academic publications (over 35 research publications) are predominantly in English and have been published in the U.S. Three of his papers have been included in books published by Oxford University Press.

Professor Khoury has presented his research at conferences around the world including North-Western, Chicago; U.C. Berkeley; Pisa U. in Italy; Free U. of Brussels; Salzburg Global Seminar; World Jurist Association (Prague); Vanderbilt U. and George Washington University; Kiev University; Skokovo Technological Center in Moscow; United Nations World Intellectual Property Organization (Geneva) as well as several leading Israeli universities and academic institutions. He has also lectured at USPTO IP programs held in Oman and in Jordan and at the USPTO-HQ (Alexandria VA). Khoury has also taught at the University of Kansas (Lawrence, KS) and at a number of prominent Academic institutions in Israel.

Professor Khoury has trained Judges, lawyers and patent examiners in IP matters (namely at the Jordan IP Weeks events and at the Israeli Patent Authority). He served as a judge in the Tel Aviv University Ethics tribunal/committee, as well as various other committees at the university (e.g. the TAU copyright committee) . Khoury also taught for a number of years at the Tel Aviv - UC Berkeley Masters of Law program. Khoury has also published literary works (in English). 

Research Interests and Teaching

Intellectual Property Law, International Protection of International Intellectual Property Rights, Globalization and the TRIPS-Plus Era, Commercial Wrongs, Trade Secrets, IP Regulation in Arab Countries, Civil Remedies for the Protection of IP Law




Haifa University, Israel
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Fordham University School of Law, NYC, USA
Masters of Law (LL.M.)


Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel

Bachelor of Law (LL.B)


Academic Appointments

·         Lecturer, Faculty of Law Tel Aviv University (since 2004)      

·         Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law Tel Aviv University (since 2010) 

·         Associate Professor of Law, Faculty of Law Tel Aviv University (since 2018).

·         Adjunct Professor Various academic institutions in Israel (Haifa U., IDC, Netanya)

·         Tel Aviv-Berkeley Executive Masters of Law program

·         Distinguished Visiting Professor, Kansas U. Law.


Full CV

Representative Publications

Amir H. Khoury, Well-Known and Famous Trademarks in Israel: TRIPS From Manhattan to the Dawn of a New Millennium!, 12(4) Fordham Intellectual Property, Media & Entertainment Law Journal, (2002), 991-1039


Amir H. Khoury, Three Dimensional Objects as Trademarks: Does a Dark Shadow Loom over Trademark Theory? 26(2) Cardozo Arts and Entertainment Law Journal, (2008), 335-367


Amir H. Khoury, Ancient and Islamic Sources of Intellectual Property Protection in the Middle East: A Focus on Trademarks, 43(2) IDEA: The Journal of Law and Technology, Franklin Pierce Law Centre, (2003) 151-206,


Amir H. Khoury, The 'Public Health' of the Conventional International Patent Regime & the Ethics of 'Ethicals', 26 The Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal, (2008), 25-70.


Amir H. Khoury, Dubai's New Intellectual Property-Based Economy: Prospects for Development without Dependency, 9(1) The John Marshall Review of Intellectual Property Law; (2009) 84-109.


Amir H. Khoury, Differential Patent Terms and the Commercial Capacity of Innovation, 18(3) Texas Intellectual Property Law Journal; 373-418 (2010).


Amir H. Khoury, The End of the National Patent Office, 52(2) IDEA:  The IP Law Review, 199-240 (2012).


Amir H. Khoury, Brand Loyalty and Loyalty of brands: A Symbiotic Relationship, 32(2) The Journal of Law and Commerce, (2014). 


Amir H. Khoury, The Case Against the Protection of Negative Trade Secrets: Sisyphus' Entrepreneurship, 54(3), IDEA: The Intellectual Property Law Review; 431, (2014).


Amir H. Khoury When Art Becomes Free: Inverse Moral Rights as a Guardian of a Truly Liberal Society and Economy, 3(1) Moral Cents: The Journal of Ethics  in Finance, (2014).


Amir H. Khoury, Of Trucks, Trains and Ships: Relative Liability for Cargo Loss and Damage, Richmond Journal of Global Law and Business (2016).


Amir H. Khoury, The Makings of an 'Individualized-Industrial' Revolution:


Three-Dimensional Printing and its Implications on Intellectual Property Law, 16(1) Journal of High Technology Law, Suffolk University Law School, 1 (2015).  


Amir H. Khoury, The 'UNLIMITLESS': On How to Remedy the Inadequacies of a Language-Based System for Patent Claims., 24(1) Texas Intellectual Property Law Journal (TIPLJ), 103 (2016),  


Amir H. Khoury, Intellectual Property from Outside the Box: The Curious Case of Internet from Space, 6(2) Journal of International Media and Entertainment Law, 169 (2016), http://www.swlaw.edu/pdfs/jimel/6_2  and https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2965138


Amir H. Khoury, Intellectual Property Rights for "Hubots": On the Legal Implications of Human-Like Robots as Innovators and Creators, 35(3) Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal 635-668, (2017).


Full CV


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