פרופ' בן עמי אליהו באלין

אמריטוס במחלקות קליניות
מחלקות קליניות אמריטוס
טלפון פנימי: 03-6408421
פקס: 03-5028164

קורות חיים


1976 - Graduated in Sackler Medical School, Tel Aviv

1981 – Sheba Medical Center - Finished residency in Pediatrics

1984 -  Sheba Medical Center – Finished residency in Hematology

1985-87 – Senior in Pediatric Hemato-oncology, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada


Academic and other positions

1999 - Clinical Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Sackler Faculty of Medicine

1999 – Head, Department of Pediatrics, E. Wolfson Med. Center                             

2005-2009 – Head, Department of Pediatrics, Sackler Medical School                      

2007-present – Vice Dean, Sackler Faculty of Medicine (in Wolfson M.C.)                    

תחומי מחקר

Researcha areas

-       Iron deficiency anemia   In several clinical studies we looked at the incidence of Iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia among infants, children and adolescents in Israel. We have investigated the correlation of this entity with the socioeconomic status     

         of the patients and looked for possible ways to augment parents compliance in iron supplementation to their infants.

-       Cord blood    Collection, screening and storage of cord blood for potential use for transplantation to reconstitute bone marrow.      

-       Anemia associated with acute infection     In recent clinical studies we have investigated the prevalence of this entity in children. We found that it is not related to any hemolytic process. Using an animal model (mice) we have demonstrated that

         hemoglobin drop in acutely infected mice is caused by erythrophagocytosis in the liver. 


List of publications (2008-2012):


1. A. Ballin, V. Livshiz, F.B. Mimouni, S Dollberg, D. Kohelet, M. Oren, E. Arbel, M. Boaz, A. Tal, Z. Matas, D. Mandel.

Reducing blood transfusions requirements in preterm infantsby a new device: a pilot study. Acta Pediatrica 2009;98(2): 247-50.

IF = 1.768 R = 34 / 94

2. Ami Ballin, Amir Lotan, Francis Serour, Amit Ovental,  Mona Boaz, Yehuda, Senecky, Shimon Rief,  

Anemia of acute infection in hospitalized children – no evidence of hemolysis.      

Journal Pediatric Hematology Oncology 2009; 31(10):750-   IF = 1.022  R = 64/94

3.    Stark B, Avrahami G, Nirel R, Abramov A, Attias D, Ballin A, Bielorai B, Burstein Y, Gavriel H, Elhasid R, Kapelushnik J, Sthoeger D, Toren A, Wientraub M, Yaniv I, Izraeli S.

Extended triple intrathecal therapy in children with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia: a report from the Israeli National ALL-Studies.

Br J Haematol. 2009 Oct;147(1):113-24.

IF = 4.597  R = 13/61


4.   Amarilyo G, Mimouni FB, Oren A, Ochshorn Y, Ballin A, Deutsch V, Mandel D.

 Prohepcidin concentrations and erythroid progenitors in cord blood of appropriate versus small for gestational age neonates.

J Perinatol 2010, 30 (6):396-8. IF = 1.593  R = 40/94

5.    Stark B, Nirel R, Avrahami G, Abramov A, Attias D, Ballin A, Bielorai B, Burstein Y, Gavriel H, Elhasid R, Kapelushnik J, Sthoeger D, Toren A, Wientraub M, Yaniv I, Izraeli S.

Long-term results of the Israeli National Studies in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia: INS 84, 89 and 98.

Leukemia 2010 Feb;24(2):419-24. Epub 2009 Dec 17.

IF = 8.296, R = 9/166

6. Ballin A. Waisbourd-Zinman O., Yacobovich J. Barzilai-Birenbaum S. Yaniv I., Tamary H.  Steroid therapy may be effective in augmenting hemoglobin levels during hemolytic crises in children with hereditary spherocytosis.  Pediatric Blood Cancer 2011, 57:303-5. IF = 2.134, R = 25/94

7. Ater D, Shai H, Bat-El B, Fireman N, Tasher D, Dalal I, Ballin A, Mandelberg A, Hypertonic Saline and Acute Wheezing in Preschool Children, Pediatrics 2012; 129(6):e1397-1403. IF =  5.437 R = 2/115

8.  Ballin A, Senecky Y, Rubinstein U, Schaeffer E, Peri R, Amsel S, Vol M, Amit Y,   Boaz M.  Anemia associated with acute infection in children. IMAJ 2012, 14(8):484-7  IF = 0.953, R = 84/151

9. Ballin A,  Aeed H, Vaknine H, Senecky Y, Tal A, Avni Y, Schreiber L, Tamary H, Boaz M.  Anemia associated with acute infection in children – animal model. J Pediatr Hemato Oncol  2013, 35(1):14-7.  IF = 1.022  R = 64/94








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