ד"ר עקיבא טרטנר

בדימוס במחלקות קליניות
מחלקות קליניות בדימוס

מידע כללי

Akiva Trattner, M.D.                                                       

Head, Dermatological Ambulatory Service

Rabin Medical Center, Petah Tiqva, Israel

קורות חיים



1973 - 1979           Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University

                             Tel Aviv, Israel.


1985                      Doctoral Thesis: The influence of anti-coagulants

                             on the Leukergy test

                             Supervisors: M. Aharonson, Ph.D,  S. Berliner, M.D.


1985                      M.D. Degree

                             Magna cum Laude


1992                      Specialization certificate in Dermatology






1987 - 1992           Dermatology, School of Postgraduate Medical                                       Studies, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel.


1993                      Hypnosis, School of Postgraduate Medical Studies,

                             Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel.



Professional Experience:



1980                      Internship, Ichilov Medical Center, Tel Aviv, Israel.


1980 - 1985           Military Physician, Zahal Military Service, Israel.


1985 - 1987           General Physician, Villages in Ramat Hagolan, Israel.


1987 - 1992           Resident, Department of Dermatology, Beilinson

                             Medical Center, Petah Tiqva (Head:Prof.M.Sandbank).


1991                      Dermatological consultant, Meir Medical Center,

                             Kfar Saba, Israel.


1991                      Dermatological consultant, Levinstein Hospital,

                             Raanana, Israel.


1992                      Dermatological consultant, Beit Rivka Geriatric Medical

                             Center, Petah Tiqva, Israel.


2002                      Head, Dermatological Ambulatory Service, Rabin Medical

Center, Petah Tiqva, Israel.


2002                      Member of the Examination Committee for Specialization in



2009                      Good Clinical Practice Course.








34.     A. Trattner, M. David, A. Lazarov.

         Occupational contact dermatitis due to essential oils.

         Contact Dermatitis 58:282-284, 2008.


35.     A. Trattner, M. Freireich-Astman, M. David, A. Lazarov.

         Patch test results of oil and cooling fluid series.

         Dermatitis 20:39-43, 2009.


36.     Y. Lavy, D. Slodownik, A. Trattner, A. Ingber.

         Toothpaste allergy as a cause of cheilitis in Israeli patients.

         Dermatitis 20:95-98, 2009.


37.     A. Trattner, D. Slodownik, A. Jbarah, A. Ingber.

         Questionnaire study of the prevalence of allergic contact dermatitis from cosmetics in Israel.

         Dermatitis 20:284-286, 2009.


38.     S. Halevy, G. Shalom, A. Trattner, L. Bodner.

         Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome: A possible associatin with psoriasis.

         J Am Acad Dermatol 67:795-796, 2012.



Submitted for Publication


1.       J. Hagler, A. Trattner, Z. Reizis, D.J. Hauben, M. David, O. Nativ.

         Flow cytometric DNA content analysis of benign and malignant     cylindromas.

         J Am Acad Dermatol


2.       A. Ingber, M. David, A. Trattner, L. Horev, R. Hershkovitz, L. Cahalon, D. Gilat, A. Avron, H. Schor, O. Lider. 

         Low molecular weight heparins can inhibit TNF  and T-cell mediated inflammation in rodents and in humans.

         J Clin Invest


3.       L. Di Alberti, A. Trattner, A. Piattelli, L. Artese, G. Favia, G. Campisi, V. Margiotta, P.A. Reichart, J. Epstein, G. Ficarra, P. Reade, I. Sng, P.M. Speight, S.R. Porter, C.M. Scully, C.G. Teo.

         Hot-spot mutations in open reading frame 26 of the human herpes virus - 8 genome define at least eight genetic groups.

         J Virol 


4.       L. Akerman, T. Klein M. Israeli, A. Freizer, D. Mimouni, M. David, A. Trattner.

         Luminexx Liquichek system for the evaluation of cytokine levels in patients with contact dermatitis to potassium dichronate.







30.     A. Dalal, M. David, M. Feinmesser, A. Trattner.

         Multiple myeloma unveiled by multiple hyperkeratotic spicules.

         IMAJ 12:709-710, 2010.  



Submitted for publication


1.       A. Trattner, M. David, M. Sandbank.

         Mycosis fungoides versicolor.

         Clin Exp Dermatol


2.       A. Trattner, M. David, V. Katzenelson,  M. Sandbank.

         Treatment of bullous lichen sclerosus et atrophicus with etretinate.

         J Am Acad Dermatol


3.       A. Trattner, M. David.

         Darkening of hair in patient treated with etretinate.

         J Am Acad Dermatol







6.       J.E. Naschitz, A. Trattner.

         Erysipelas,  cellulitis and mimickers.

         In: Challenges in acute geriatric care.

         J. Naschitz (ed).

         Nova Science Publishers, Inc., N.Y. USA, 2009.


7.       J.E. Naschitz, A. Trattner.

         Cutaneous eruptions.

         In: Challenges in acute geriatric care.

         J. Naschitz (ed).

         Nova Science Publishers, Inc., N.Y. USA, 2009.


8.       J.E. Naschitz, A. Trattner.

         Atypical skin ulcers.

         In: Challenges in acute geriatric care.

         J. Naschitz (ed).

         Nova Science Publishers, Inc., N.Y. USA, 2009.


9.       J.E. Naschitz, A. Trattner.

         Atypical skin ulcers.

         In: Ulcers: Cuases, Diagnosis and Treatment.

         D. Erceg, P. Milojevia (eds).

         Nova Science Publishers, Inc., N.Y. USA, pp. 71-88, 2010.


10.     A. Trattner, A. Lazarov, A. Ingber.

         Military personnel.

         In: Kaneva’s Occupational Dermatology.

         Th. Ristemeyer, P. Elsner, S.M. John, H.I. Maibach (eds).

         Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp.     2nd edition.







15.     A. Trattner, H. Segal, M. Sandbank, A. Ingber.

         Late onset pemphigus - clinical, therapeutic and prognostic aspects.

         J Geriatr Dermatol 4:244-247, 1996.


16.     E. Hodak, A. Trattner, H. Feuerman, M. Feinmesser, R. Tzvieli, S.M. Rosenbaum, M. David.

         Lupus miliaris desseminatus faciei - The DNA of mycobacterium     tuberculosis is not detectable in active lesions by polymerase chain reaction.

         Br J Dermatol 137, 614-619, 1997.


17.     A. Trattner, J.D. Johansen, T. Menne.

         Formaldehyde concentration in the diagnostic patch tests -

         comparison of 1% with 2%.

         Contact Dermatitis 38:9-13, 1998.


18.     P.L. Rady, E. Hodak, A. Yen, O. Memar, A. Trattner, M. Feinmesser, M. David, S.D. Hundnall, S.K. Tyring.

         Detection of human herpes virus-8 in Kaposi's sarcomas from iatrogenically immunosuppressed patients.

         J Am Acad Dermatol 38:429-437, 1998.


19.     A. Trattner,  M. David.

         The concordance of TRUE testTM applied in reverse directions on either side of the back.

         Contact Dermatitis 39:137-138, 1998.


20.     A. Trattner, E. Hodak, M. David.

         Screening patch tests for pigmented contact dermatitis in Israel.

         Contact Dermatitis 40:155-157, 1999.


21.     S.A. Naimer, A. Trattner, A. Biton, I. Avinoach, D. Vardy.

         “Davener’s Dermatosis” - A variant of friction hypermelanosis.

         J. Am Acad Dermatol 42:442-445, 2000.


22.     A. Trattner, M. David.

         Gold sensitivity in Israel – consecutive patch test result.

         Contact Dermatitis 42:301-302, 2000.


23.     A. Lazarov, A. Trattner, M. David, A. Ingber.

         Textile dermatitis in Israel.  A retrospective study.

         Am J Contact Dermatitis 11:26-29, 2000.

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