- Professor (Emeritus), Department of Environmental & Occupational Health, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University
- Professor (Emeritus), School of Behavioral Sciences, Academic College of Tel-Aviv-Yaffo.
פרופ' שמואל מלמד
בדימוס במחלקות קליניות
מורה מן החוץ בביה"ס לבריאות הציבור
מחלקות קליניות
מורה מן החוץ בביה"ס לבריאות הציבור
Prof. Melamed was employed as a vocational rehabilitation psychologist at Loewenstein Rehabilitation Hospital, Raanana, during the years 1979 -1985. During the years 1985 – 2005 he served as the head of the Department of Occupational Health Psychology at the National Institute of Occupational Health in Raanana, Israel.
From 2005 to 2015, he was the head of the "Behavior at Work and Health" study track, of the MA program in occupational health, at Tel-Aviv University School of Public Heakth. In 2006 -2015 he was also employed as full professor in the School of Behavioral Sciences, at the Academic College of Tel-Aviv- Yaffo.
Research Interests
- Psychosocial factors at work.
- Stress and burnout.
- Vocational rehabilitation.
- Health behavior and health promotion
Selected Publications
- Melamed S, Armon G, Shirom A, Shapira I. (2011). Exploring the reciprocal causal relationship between job strain and burnout: A longitudinal study of apparently healty employed persons. Stress and Health,27, 272-281.
- Shirom A, Toker S, Melamed S, Berliner S, Shapira I. (2010). Vigor, anxiety, and depressive symptoms as predictors of changes in fibrinogen and C-reactive protein. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 2(3), 251 – 271.
- Hod K, Dickman R, Sperber A, Melamed S, Dekel R, Ron Y, Halpern Z, Berliner S, Maharshak N. ( 2011). Assessment of high-sensitivity CRP as a marker of micro-inflammation in irritable bowel syndrome. Neurogastroenterlology Motil., 23 (12),1105 – 1110.
- Shirom A, Toker S, Melamed S, Shapira I.( 2012). The relationships between self-rated health and serum lipids. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine., 19 (1), 73 -81.
- Shirom A, Melamed S, Toker S, Berliner S, Shapira I. ( 2012).The Effects of Vigor on Measures of Obesity across Time. British Journal of Health Psychology, 17 (1), 129 -143.
- Armon G, Shirom A, Melamed S. (2012). The big five personality factors as predictors of changes across time in burnout and its facets. Journal of Personality, 80 (2), 403 – 427.
- Toker S, Shirom A, Melamed S, Armon G. (2012). Work characteristics as predictors of diabetes incidence among apparently healthy employees. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 17 (3), 259 -267.
- Toker S, Melamed S, Berliner S, Zeltser D, Shapira I, (2012). Burnout and risk of coronary heart disease: A Prospective Study of 8,838 Employees. Psychosomatic Medicine, 74. 840 -847.
- Armon G, Melamed S, Shirom A, Shapira I, Berliner S. (2013). Personality traits and body weight measures: Concurrent and across-time associations. European Journal of Personality.
- Armon G, Melamed S, Shirom A. (2012). The relationship of the job demends-control-support model with vigor across time: Testing of reciprocality. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being,4 (3), 276 -298.
- Shirom A, Toker S, Melamed S, Berliner S, Izhak Shapira I. ( 2013). Burnout and vigor as predictors of the incidence of hyperlipidemia among healthy employees. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being,5 (1), 77 -98.
- Fried Y, Laurance GA, Shirom A, Melamed S, Toker S, Berliner S, Shapira I. (2013). The relationship between job enrichment and abdominal obesity: A longitudinal study of apparently healthy individuals. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 18 (4), 458 -468.
- Zelber-Sagi S, Toker S, Armon G, Melamed S, Berliner S, Shapira I, Halpern Z, Santo E, Shibolet O, ( 2013). Elevated alanine transaminase independently predict new onset of depression in employees undergoing health screening examinations. Psychological Medicine , Mar 22, 1-11.
- Armon G, Melamed S, Toker S, Berliner S, Shapira I (2014). Joint effect of chronic medical illness and burnout on depressive symptoms among employed adults. Health Psychology, 33(3), 264 -272
- Armon G, Melamed S, Berliner S, Shapira I ( 2014). High- arousal and low-arousal job-related positive affect and basal cardiovascular activity. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 9(2), 146 – 154.
- Armon G, Melamed S, Vinokur A. (2014). The reciprocal relationship between vigor and insomnia: A three-wave prospective study of employed adults. Journal of Behavioural Medicine 37(4), 664 – 674.
- Shmueli H, Rogowski O, Toker S, Melamed S, Leshem-Rubinow E, Ben-Assa E, Shapira I, Berliner S, Steinvil A. (2014). Effect of socioeconomic status on cardiorespiratory fitness: data from a health screening program. Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine (Hagerstown) 15(6), 435 -440.
- Leshem-Rubinow E, Shehar-Tsarfaty S, Milwidsky A, Toker S, Shapira I, Berliner S, Beyaminy Y, Melamed S, Rogowski O. (2015). Self-rated health is associated with elevated C-reactive protein even among apperntly healty individuals. IMAJ , 17, 213 – 218.
- Armon G, Melamed S, Vinokur A. (2014). The reciprocal relationship between vigor and insomnia: A three-wave prospective study of employed adults. Journal of Behavioural Medicine, 37 (4), 664 -674.