S.Vigodman Fromm, S. Duady-Ben Yaakov, C. Schechter, R. Ehrlich. Assembly and cell surface expression of TAP-independent, chloroquine-sensitive and interferon-gamma-inducible class I MHC complexes in transformed fibroblast cell lines are regulated by tapasin. Cell Immunol. Vol. 215, 2002 (pp.207-218).
S. Vahdati-Ben Arieh, N. Laham, C. Schechter, J.W. Jewdell, J.E. Coligan, R. Ehrlich. A single viral protein HCMV US2 affects antigen presentation and intracellular iron homeostasis by down-regulating the expression of classical class I MHC and HFE molecules. Blood, Prepublished online, Nov. 27, 2002, DOI 10.1182/blood – 2002 07 – 2158.
E. Arons, V. Kunin, C. Schechter, R. Ehrlich. Organization and functional analysis of the mouse transporter associated with antigen processing 2 promoter. J. Immunol. Vol.15, 2001 (pp.3942-3951).
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