ד"ר איליה קגן

סגל אקדמי קליני בהרדמה וטיפול נמרץ
הרדמה וטיפול נמרץ סגל אקדמי קליני
ניווט מהיר:
ד"ר איליה קגן
פקס: 03-9376524


Lecturer, Department of Nursing, Tel Aviv University

Head, Accelerated Program for Non-Nursing B.A. Graduates, Tel Aviv University


Peri-operative Factors and Their Impact on Postoperative Recovery: 


Our research area is developing in two tracks: a) discovering the factors that affect quality and safety behavior of healthcare workers (HCWs) and b) examination of psycho-social and bio-physiological factors before and after surgery and their impact on short-/long-term recovery and rehabilitation. 


The first research track focuses on both the “human element” variables and the systemic approach to the quality improvement, clinical risk management and patient safety issues such as medical error-reporting, safety culture, disclosure errors to patients, patient empowerment and more. The studies highlight the barriers that have to be addressed when planning and implementing changes to improve quality and patient safety in healthcare. The second track addresses the influence of variables such as personal self efficacy, situational anxiety, health literacy, subjective readiness to surgery, gender, ethnicity etc., on postoperative recovery. These studies aim to identify variables that could have a positive or negative effect on readiness to leave the hospital after surgery, to comply with the recommendations on discharge from the hospital, and to adhere to rehabilitation programs and more.


Recent Publications

Toren, O., Kerzman, H., Kagan, I. (2011). The difference between professional image and job satisfaction of nurses who studied in a post-basic education program and nurses with generic education: a questionnaire survey. Journal of Professional Nursing, 27, 28-34


Hendel, T. & Kagan, I. (2011). Professional image and intention to emigrate among Israeli nurses and nursing students. Nurse Education Today, 31, 259- 262.


Baum, A., Pinchuk., M., Kagan, I. (2012). Job satisfaction and intention to leave the workplace among psychiatric nurses working in mental health hospital”, The Nurse in Israel, 190, 42-46 [Hebrew]


Melnikov, S., Kigli-Shemesh, R., Shor, R., Gon- Osishkin, M. Kagan, I (2012). Closing an open psychiatric ward: organizational change and its effect on staff uncertainty, self-efficacy, and professional functioning. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 49, 103-9


Hendel, T. & Kagan, I. (2012). Organizational values and commitment: Do nurses’ ethno -cultural differences matter? Journal of Nursing Management, 22, 499–505.


Kagan, I. and Barnoy, S. (2013). Organizational safety culture and error-reporting by Israeli nurses. Journal of Nursing scholarship, 45, 273 80.


Melnikov, S., Itzhaki, M., Kagan, I (2013). Intention to report to work in emergency and disasters among Israeli nurses. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 46, 134-42. Chosen as ‘March 2014 Editor’s Choice Article’ of JNS.


Kagan, I., Cohen, R., Fish, M., Peri, H. (2014). Developing and implementing a computerized nursing quality control system in general medical center. Journal of Nursing Care Quality (JNCQ), 29, 83-90.


Frishman, S., Theilla, M., Singer, P., Avraham, Z., Libman, C., Kagan, I. (2014). JCI Accreditation and Its multiprofessional Impact on nutrition care at Rabin Medical Center, Israel. Invited (peer reviewed) paper, published on official site of Joint Commission International (JCI): http://www.jointcommissioninternational.org/new-study-jciaccreditation-and-nutrition-care-at-rabin-medicalcenter/ and also in JCInsight, official newsletter of JCI, http://www.jointcommissioninternational.org/assets/3/7/jcinsightapril2014.pdf.


Kagan, I., Fish, M., Farkash-Fink, N., Barnoy, S. (2014) Computerization and its contribution to care quality and improvement: the nurses’ perspective. Int J Med Inform. 83, 881-8.


Kagan, I., Biran, E., Telem., L., Steinovitz, N., Alboer, D., Ovadia, K. & Melnikov, S. (2015). Promotion or marketing of the nursing profession by nurses. International Nursing Review, e-published.


Kagan, I., Gaash, T., Sela, M., Cohen, S., Grigorash, S., Maximov, Y., Tabak, N. (2015). Sexual harassment by patients: the different experience of physicians, nurses and nursing aids. Medicine & Law, 34 (1), 5-20.


Baum, A. and Kagan, I. (2015). Job satisfaction and tendency to leave among psychiatric nurses. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 29, 213-216.


Kagan, I., Shachaf, S, Rapaport, S., Livni, T., Majar, B. (2016). The working conditions of Israel's public health nurse: A case study in quality improvement. Public Health Nursing, doi: 10.1111/phn.12261.


Kagan, I., Fish, M., Farkash, N. (2016). Nursing work environment before and after Joint Commission International Accreditation in tertiary medical center. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, published ahead of print, 21 Apr. 2016, doi: 10.1097/NCQ.0000000000000180.


Theilla, M., Cohen, J., Singer, P., Liebman, C., and Kagan, I (2016). The Assessment, Knowledge and Perceived Quality of Nutrition Care amongst Nurses. Journal of Nutritional Medicine and Diet Care, 2:012.


Melnikov, S., Elian Antar, T., Shor, R., Kigli-Shemesh, R., and Kagan, I. (2016). Nurses teaching prison officers: a workshop to reduce the stigmatization of mentally ill person inmates. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, published ahead of print, 20 May 2016. DOI: 10.1111/ppc.12165


Kagan, I., Kigli-Shemesh, R., Shor, R., Melnikov, S. (2016). Between the rock and the hard place: Ethical and professional dilemmas in the management of care and functioning in a psychiatric hospital under missile attacks. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, published ahead of print, 08 July 2016. DOI: 10.1177/1078390316654968


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