ד"ר נעם גיל

עמית הוראה בחוג לספרות אנגלית ולימודים אמריקניים
חוג לספרות אנגלית ולימודים אמריקניים עמית הוראה
ניווט מהיר:
ד"ר נעם גיל
משרד: ביה"ס לשפות, 503


Dr. Noam Gil is a lecturer in the department of English Literature and American Studies as well as a director, screenwriter and playwright. His PhD and research deal with Jewish American Culture, Popular Culture, and American theatre. After finishing his dissertation at Tel Aviv University, Noam was a Post-Doctoral Fellow and lecturer at UC Berkeley.


Dr. Noam Gil teaches Creative Writing workshops and courses on American theatre.  

His work in this department aims to bridge the academic and creative worlds, being both a scholar of American theater/culture and an active creator within those fields.

Creative Work


2022 – Writing and Co-Directing the feature film "Lady Amar".



2024 – Writing the play "Schusterman". The play is currently showing at Habima Theater.

2023 – Writing the play "Welcome". The play was staged at Tmuna Theater.

2021 – Writing the Play "Someday my Prince Will Come". The play is was staged at Habima Theater.

2021 – Writing the play "Jungle at the Villa". The play was staged at Tmuna Theater.

2019 - Writing the play "Lady Amar", Recipient of "Kvutzat Avoda" grant from Mifal Hapais. The play is currently showing at Tmuna Theater.

2018 – Writing the play "Pawns". The play was staged at Tmuna Theater.

2017 – Writing the Play "Suspicious Incident", The play was staged at "Tmuna Theater."

2013-4 Writing the play "The Settler".  The play was staged at "Tmuna Theater" and won the Best Playwright Award for writing "The Settler" in the 2016 Israeli Fringe Theater Awards.

2007-8 Writing the play "The End of a Joke". The play was produced and performed on Israel's national theater "Habima."

אוניברסיטת תל אביב עושה כל מאמץ לכבד זכויות יוצרים. אם בבעלותך זכויות יוצרים בתכנים שנמצאים פה ו/או השימוש שנעשה בתכנים אלה לדעתך מפר זכויות
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