פרופ' חיים גנז

אמריטוס במנהלת הפקולטה למשפטים
מורה מן החוץ במנהלת הפקולטה למשפטים
מנהלת הפקולטה למשפטים אמריטוס
ניווט מהיר:
פרופ' חיים גנז
טלפון פנימי: 03-6408279
פקס: 03-6405349
משרד: טרובוביץ משפ, ספריה


Chaim Gans received his LL.B. from Hebrew University, B.A. and M.A. from TAU, and D. Phil. from University College, Oxford.

He teaches legal, moral and political philosophy.

His books are: A Political Theory for the Jewish People (Oxford University Press, 2016);
A Just Zionism: On the Morality of the Jewish State (Oxford University Press, 2008);
From Richard Wagner to the Right of Return: Philosophical Analysis of Israeli Public Affairs (Am Oved, 2006) (Hebrew);
The Limits of Nationalism (Cambridge University Press, 2003); 
Philosophical Anarchism and Political Disobedience(Cambridge University Press, 1992).


Gans was awarded in 2017 the American Association for Jewish Studies Jordan Schnitzer Book Award in Philosophy and Jewish Thought for his A Political Theory for the Jewish People (Oxford UP, 2016). The Hebrew edition of this book won the Bahat Prize for the best scholarly manuscript 2011. In 2012 Gans won the Landau Prize for Academic Excellence in Political Science and International Relations, the Cheshin Prize for Academic Excellence in Law and previously, in 2004, The Minkoff Prize for Excellence in Law.

Research Interests and Teaching

Political and legal theory with emphasis on nationalism, multiculturalism, global justice and philosophical/moral analysis of more specific public affairs




1970 LL.B. Hebrew University
1976 M.A. Tel Aviv University
1981 D.Phil. Oxford University


Professional Experience

September-December 2017 Visiting Professor, Department of Political Science and the Center for Jewish Studies, University of Chicago
April-May 2017 

Visiting Fellow, School of Social Science, European University Institute, Florence

October 2016  Professor Emeritus, Tel Aviv University 
2016, since 1981  Faculty member at the Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University; Full Professor since 2001
2015-2016 Member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
2013-2014 Visiting Research Fellow, University Center for Human Values, Princeton
Sept 2011-2015 Senior Research Fellow, The Shalom Hartman Institute, Jerusalem
March 2011-Aug 2011 Research Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Sept 2009-Oct 2009 Visiting Researcher, The Law Center, Georgetown University, Washington DC
June 2009-2011 Op-ed articles in the daily newspaper Ha’aretz
Sept 2007-May 2009 Head of a research group on immigration and human rights, Minerva Center for Human Rights, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Sept 2008-Oct 2008 Cornell Law School, Visiting Professor
2000-2005 Director, Minerva Center for Human Rights, Tel Aviv University
March 2004-Aug 2004 Research Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
During 2003-04 Visiting Fellow for 4 months at the Max Planck Institute for International Law and Comparative Constitutional Law, Heidelberg
March 2001-June 2001 Research Fellow at the Rabin Center for Israel Studies, Tel Aviv
1991-1996 Op-ed articles in the daily newspaper Ha’aretz
Feb 1995-Aug 1995 Visiting Fellow, the Max Planck Institute for International Law and Comparative Constitutional Law, Heidelberg
1987-1988 Editor of Law Review, Tel Aviv University
1986 Visiting Scholar at University College, Oxford
1976-1980 D.Phil. student, University College, Oxford, U.K.
1973-1976 Teaching Assistant in the Department of Philosophy, Tel Aviv University
1971-1976 Book Reviewer in the daily newspaper Ha’aretz


Full CV

Representative Publications

‘Citizenship and Nationhood’, in Rainer Baubock et.al., (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Citizenship (Forthcoming, Oxford University Press, 2017).   


A Political Theory for the Jewish People (New York: Oxford University Press, 2016). This book is a revised and enlarged edition of the Hebrew book: A Political Theory for the Jewish People: Three Zionist Narratives (Haifa University Press and Yediot Sfarim, 2013) 


A Just Zionism: On the Morality of the Jewish State (New York: Oxford University Press, 2008) (A Hebrew second edition appeared in 2014 under the title Egalitarian Zionism (Molad, 2014)


From Richard Wagner to the Right of Return: Philosophical Analysis of Israeli Public Affairs (Am Oved - Tel Aviv, 2006) (Hebrew)


The Limits of Nationalism (Cambridge University Press, 2003)


Philosophical Anarchism and Political Disobedience (Cambridge University Press, 1992)
​A paperback edition has been published in 2009.


’The Rights Discourse and the Obligation of States to Admit Immigrants’, 43 Israel Law Review(2010), 164-182


‘Right and Left: Ideological Disobedience in Israel’, 36 Israel Law Review (2004), 19-71, and in Hebrew: Alpaim 27 (2004), 9–65


Full CV

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