Prof. Leonid Frankfurt works on a range of topics: on the role of color in the short-range internucleon forces, using QCD factorization theorems for the hard diffractive processes which allow predicting new QCD phenomena such as color transparency, color fluctuations phenomena discovered at LHC(ATLAS), BNL(NY), FNAL(Chicago), and TJNF(Virginia); developing the theory of ultraperipheral processes which is used now at any of the large detectors at LHC; on the theory of nuclear shadowing and antishadowing in the hard processes; on the scientific program for the detector PANDA (GSI, Germany). His prediction of universal properties of the yield of short-range internucleon correlations in a nucleus (SRC) in the high energy processes allowed to discover pair and triple nucleon correlations at FNAL, TJNF, BNL, and SLAC (Palo Alto). Works on establishing the QCD dynamics of the core of neutron stars and developing the perturbative pomeron.
פרופ' לאוניד פרנקפורט
![פרופ' לאוניד פרנקפורט פרופ' לאוניד פרנקפורט](
Leningrad university, 1958-1964
M.S. in Theoretical Physics, Leningrad University, 1964
Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics, A. F. Joffe Physical-Technical Institute of Leningrad, 1968
Professor Habilitatus degree in theoretical physics, St Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics, 1981
Academic Appointments
Junior Member of Laboratory of Theoretical Physics of A.F. Joffe Physical-Technical Institute of Saint Petersburg, 1965-1970
Research Associate, 1971-1975
Senior Member, 1976-1986
Leading Member of Laboratory of Theoretical Physics of Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics, Gatchina, 1986-1992
Visiting Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, 1990-1991
Visiting Professor, Michigan State University at East Lansing, USA, 1991-1992
Visiting Professor, University of Washington at Seattle, USA, 1992-1993
Professor, Tel Aviv University, Israel, 1993-Present
Eminent Visiting Professor, RIKEN Institute, Japan, 2003, 2004
Awards and Prizes
Y.Neeman Chair in Theoretical Nuclear Physics, 2000-2012
Humbold prize, 2000