Publications in refereed journals
Bekerman, R., G. Segal, E.Z. Ron, and E. Rosenberg. 2005. The AlnB protein of the bioemulsan alasan is a peroxiredoxin. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 66: 536-541
Gaspari, F., Y. Paitan, M. Mainini, D. Losi, E.Z. Ron, and F. Marinelli. 2005. Myxobacteria isolated in Israel as potential source of new anti-infectives. J Appl Microbiol 98: 429-439
Gur, E., C. Katz, and E.Z. Ron. 2005. All three J-domain proteins of the Escherichia coli DnaK chaperone machinery are DNA binding proteins. FEBS Lett 579: 1935-1939
Mokady, D., U. Gophna, and E.Z. Ron. 2005. Extensive gene diversity in septicemic Escherichia coli strains. J Clin Microbiol 43: 66-73
Gophna, U., E. Bapteste, W. F. Doolittle, D. Biran, and E. Z. Ron. 2005. Evolutionary plasticity of methionine biosynthesis. Gene, 355:48-57
Cherny, I., L. Rockah,. O.. Levy-Nissenbaum, U Gophna, E. Z. Ron, and E. Gazit. 2005. The formation of Escherichia coli curli amyloid fibrils is mediated by prion-like peptide repeats. J Mol Biol 352:245-252
Ideses, D., D. Biran, U. Gophna, O. Levy-Nissenbaum, and E. Z. Ron. 2005. The lpf operon of invasive Escherichia coli. Int J Med Microbiol 295:227-236
Popovtzer, R., T. Neufeld, T., Biran, D., Ron, E. Z., Rishpon, J. and Shacham-Diamand, Y.. 2005. Novel integrated electrochemical nano-biochip for toxicity detection in water. Nano Let. 5. 1023-1027
Mokady, D., Gophna, U., and Ron, E.Z. (2005) Virulence Factors of Septicemic Escherichia coli strains. International Journal of Medical Microbiology 295:455-462
Ideses, D, Gophna, U., Levy-Nissenbaum, O., Paitan, Y. Chaudhuri, R.R., Pallen, M.J., and Ron, E.Z. (submitted for publication) A Degenerate Type-III Secretion System from Septicemic Escherichia coli Contributes to Pathogenesis. J. Bact. 187: 8164 - 8171
Walzer, G. E. Rosenberg and E.Z. Ron. 2005. The Acinetobacter outer-membrane protein A (OmpA) is a secreted emulsifier. Env. Microbiology. 8:1026-1032
Ron, E.Z. 2006. Host specificity of septicemic Escherichia coli: human and avian pathogens. Curr Opin Microbiol, 9:28-32
Ron, E.Z. 2006. Viable Methods of Treating Soil and Water Pollution: Monitoring, Protection and Remediation. In NATO Science Series, Series IV: vol 69. Earth and Environmental Sciences pp:523-532. Edited by Twardowska I, Allen HE, ggblom MHH: Springer
Chevrot, R., R. Rosen, E. Haudecoeur, A. Cirou, B. J. Shelp, E. Ron, and D. Faure. 2006. GABA controls the level of quorum-sensing signal in Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 103:7460-7464
Neufeld, T., D. Biran, R. Popovtzer, T. Erez, E. Z. Ron, and J. Rishpon. 2006. Genetically engineered pfabA pfabR bacteria: An electrochemical whole cell biosensor for detection of water toxicity. Anal Chem 78:4952-4956
Mizrahi, I., D. Biran, and E. Z. Ron. 2006. Requirement for the acetyl phosphate pathway in Escherichia coli ATP-dependent proteolysis. Mol Microbiol 62:201-11
Aronov, D., R. Rosen, E. Z. Ron, and G. Rosenman. 2006. Tunable hydroxyapatite wettability: Effect on adhesion of biological molecules. Process Biochemistry 41: 2367-2372
Vicente, M., J. Hodgson, O. Massidda, T. Tonjum, B. Henriques-Normark, and E. Z. Ron. 2006. The fallacies of hope: will we discover newantibiotics to combat pathogenic bacteria in time? FEMS Microbiol Rev 30:841-852
Knezevich, V., O. Koren, E. Z. Ron, and E. Rosenberg. 2006. Petroleum Bioremediation in Seawater Using Guano as the Fertilizer. Bioremediation Journal 10:83-91
Mizrahi, I., D.Biran, E. Gur, and E.Z. Ron, 2007 Tools for the study of protein quality control systems: use of truncated homoserine trans-succinylase as a model substrate for ATP-dependent proteolysis in Escherichia coli. J Microbiol Methods 70: 82-85
Rasouly, A., Y. Shenhar, and E.Z. Ron, 2007. Thermoregulation of Escherichia coli hchA transcript stability. J Bacteriol 189: 5779-5781
Ron, E.Z.2007. Biosensing environmental pollution. Curr Opin Biotechnol 18: 252-256
Mizrahi, I., M. Dagan, D. Biran, and E.Z. Ron, 2007. Toxic Thermolabile Proteins in the Study of Protein Quality Control. Appl Environ Microbiol 73:5951-5953
Aronov, D., R. Rosen, E. Z. Ron, and G. Rosenman. 2008. Electron-induced surface modification of hydroxyapatite-coated implant. Surface & Coatings Technology 202:2093-2102
Demuth, A., Y. Aharonowitz, T. T. Bachmann, G. Blum-Oehler, C. Buchrieser, A. Covacci, U. Dobrindt, L. Emody, A. van der Ende, J. Ewbank, L. A. Fernandez, M. Frosch, F. G. Portillo, M. S. Gilmore, P. Glaser, W. Goebel, S. E. Hasnain, J. Heesemann, K. Islam, T. Korhonen, M. Maiden, T. F. Meyer, C. Montecucco, E. Oswald, J. Parkhill, M. G. Pucciarelli, E. Ron, C. Svanborg, B. E. Uhlin, S. N. Wai, J. Wehland, and J. Hacker. 2008. Pathogenomics: An updated European Research Agenda. Infect Genet Evol 8:386-393
Katz, C., and E. Z. Ron. 2008. Dual role of FtsH in regulating lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis in Escherichia coli. J Bacteriol 190:7117-7122
Oberpichler, I., R. Rosen, A. Rasouly, M. Vugman, E. Z. Ron, and T. Lamparter. 2008. Light affects motility and infectivity of Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Environ Microbiol 10:2020-2029
Reshef, L., E. Ron, and E. Rosenberg. 2008. Genome analysis of the coral bleaching pathogen Vibrio shiloi. Arch Microbiol 190:185-194
Ron, E. Z. 2008. FEMS - Federation of European Microbiological Societies: past, present and future. Res Microbiol 159:49-50
Geffen, Y., E. Z. Ron, and E. Rosenberg. 2009. Regulation of release of antibacterials from stressed scleractinian corals. FEMS Microbiol Lett 295:103-109
Hempel, K., R. Rosen, D. Becher, K. Buttner, M. Hecker, and E. Z. Ron. 2009. Analysis of ultra acidic proteins by the use of anodic acidic gels. Analytical Biochemistry 385:208-214
Katz, C., A. Rasouly, E. Gur, Y. Shenhar, D. Biran, and E. Z. Ron. 2009. Temperature-dependent proteolysis as a control element in Escherichia coli metabolism. Res Microbiol 160:684-686
Mizrahi, I., D. Biran, and E. Z. Ron. 2009. Involvement of the Pta-AckA pathway in protein folding and aggregation. Res Microbiol 160:80-84
Rasouly, A., and E. Z. Ron. 2009. Interplay between the heat shock response and translation in Escherichia coli. Res Microbiol 160:288-296
Rasouly, A., M. Schonbrun, Y. Shenhar, and E. Z. Ron. 2009. YbeY, a heat shock protein involved in translation in Escherichia coli. J Bacteriol 191:2649-2655
Ron, E. Z. 2009. Editorial: an update on the bacterial stress response. Res Microbiol160:180
Ron, E. Z. 2009. Distribution and evolution of virulence factors in septicemic E. coli. IJMM 6:367-370
Ron, E. Z. 2009. The avenue to systemic infections - genomics and beyond. Nova Acta Leopoldina 98:49-52
Shenhar, Y., A. Rasouly, D. Biran, and E. Z. Ron. 2009. Adaptation of Escherichi coli to elevated temperatures involves a change in stability of heat shock gene transcripts. Environ Microbiol 11:2989-2997
Sørensen, J., M. H. Nicolaisen, E. Ron, and P. Simonet. 2009. Molecular tools in rhizosphere microbiology - from single-cell to whole-community analysis. Plant and Soil 321:483-513
Walzer, G., E. Rosenberg, and E. Z. Ron. 2009. Identification of outer membrane proteins with emulsifying activity by prediction of beta-barrel regions. J Microbiol Methods 76:52-57
Brzuszkiewicz, E., Gottschalk, G., Ron, E., Hacker, J. & Dobrindt, U. 2009. Adaptation of Pathogenic E. coli to Various Niches: Genome Flexibility is the Key. Genome Dyn 6, 110-125
Cohen-Or, I., Y. Shenhar, D. Biran, and E. Z. Ron. 2010. CspC regulates rpoS transcript levels and complements hfq deletions. Res Microbiol. 161:694-700
Lakretz, A., E. Z. Ron, and H. Mamane. 2010. Biofouling control in water by various UVC wavelengths and doses. Biofouling 26:257-267
Aronov, D., R. Rosen, E. Z. Ron, and G. Rosenman. 2008. Electron-induced surface modification of hydroxyapatite-coated implant. Surface & Coatings Technology 202:2093-2102
Ron, E. Z. & Rishpon, J. (2010) Electrochemical cell-based sensors. Adv Biochem Eng Biotechnol 117, 77-84
Rosenberg, E. et al. 2010 The phage-driven microbial loop in petroleum bioremediation. Microb. Biotechnol 3, 467-472
Rasouly, A., C. Davidovich, and E. Z. Ron. 2010. The heat shock protein YbeY is required for optimal activity of the 30S ribosomal subunit. J Bacteriol 192:4592-4596
Katz, C., I. Cohen-Or, U. Gophna, and E. Z. Ron. 2010. The ubiquitous conserved glycopeptidase Gcp prevents accumulation of toxic glycated proteins. MBio 1:195-210
Lakretz, A., Ron, E. Z. & Mamane, H. 2011. Biofilm control in water by a UV-based advanced oxidation process. Biofouling 27, 295-307
Friedrich, T. S. Rahmann, W. Weigel, W. Rabsch, A. Fruth, E. Ron, F. Gunzer, T. Dandekar, J. Hacker, T. Muller and U. Dobrindt. 2011. High-throughput microarray technology in diagnostics of enterobacteria based on genome-wide probe selection and regression analysis. BMC Genomics 11, 591
Zdziarski, J., E.Brzuszkiewicz, B.Wullt, H. Liesegang, D. Biran, B. Voigt, J.Gronberg-Hernandez, B.Ragnarsdottir, M. Hecker, E. Z. Ron, R. Daniel, G. Gottschalk, J. Hacker, C. Svanborg and U. Dobrindt. 2011. Host imprints on bacterial genomes--rapid, divergent evolution in individual patients. PLoS Pathog 6 e1001078.
Cohen-Or, I., Katz, C. & Ron, E. Z. 2011. AGEs Secreted by bacteria are involved in the Inflammatory Response. PLoS One 6, e17974.
Rosen, R. & Ron, E. Z. 2011. Proteomics of a plant pathogen: Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Proteomics 11, 3134-42
Lakretz, A., Ron, E. Z., Harif, T. & Mamane, H. 2011. Biofilm control in water by advanced oxidation process (AOP) pre-treatment: effect of natural organic matter (NOM). Water Sci Technol 64, 1876-84
Eliaz, N. et al. 2011. The effect of surface treatments on the adhesion of electrochemically deposited hydroxyapatite coating to titanium and on its interaction with cells and bacteria. J Mater Sci Mater Med 22, 1741-52
Gur, E., Biran, D. & Ron, E. Z. 2011. Regulated proteolysis in Gram-negative bacteria - how and when? Nat Rev Microbiol 9, 839-48
Lenz, G., A. Doron-Faigenboim, E. Z. Ron, T. Tuller, and U. Gophna. 2011. Sequence Features of E. coli mRNAs Affect Their Degradation. Plos One 6.
Oberpichler, I., A. J. Pierik, J. Wesslowski, R. Pokorny, R. Rosen, M. Vugman, F. Zhang, O. Neubauer, E. Z. Ron, A. Batschauer, and T. Lamparter. 2011. A Photolyase-Like Protein from Agrobacterium tumefaciens with an Iron-Sulfur Cluster. Plos One 6.
Shenhar, Y., D. Biran, and E. Z. Ron. 2012. Resistance to environmental stress requires the RNA chaperones CspC and CspE. Env Microbiol Rep 4:532-539.
Karch, H., E. Denamur, U. Dobrindt, B. B. Finlay, R. Hengge, L. Johannes, E. Z. Ron, T. Tonjum, P. J. Sansonetti, and M. Vicente. 2012. The enemy within us: lessons from the 2011 European Escherichia coli O104:H4 outbreak. Embo Mol Med 4:841-848.
Grinwald M and E.Z. Ron (2013) The Escherichia coli Translation-Associated Heat Shock Protein YbeY Is Involved in rRNA Transcription Antitermination. Plos One 8.
Rotem O., D. Biran and E.Z. Ron (2013) Methionine biosynthesis in Agrobacterium tumefaciens: study of the first enzyme. Res Microbiol 164: 12-16.
Lenz G and E.Z. Ron (2013) Novel interactions between the major bacterial heat shock chaperone (GroESL) and an RNA chaperone (CspC). JMB 426: 460-6
Huja, S., Y. Oren, D. Biran., S. Meyer., U. Dobrindt, J. Bernhard., D. Becher, M. Hecker, R. Sorek and E. Z. Ron (2014) Fur is the Master Regulator in ExPEC (Extraintestinal Pathogenic Escherichia coli) Response to Serum. mBio 5: e01460-14
Oren, Y., Smith, M. B., Johns, N. I., Kaplan Zeevi, M., Biran, D., Ron, E. Z., Corander, J., Wang, H. H., Alm, E. J. & Pupko, T. (2014). Transfer of noncoding DNA drives regulatory rewiring in bacteria. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111:16112-7
Ron, E.Z. and Rosenberg, E. (2014) Enhanced bioremediation of oil spills in the sea. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 27: 191-194
Huja, S., Oren, Y., Trost, E., Brzuszkiewicz, E., Biran, D., Blom, J., Goesmann, A., Gottschalk, G., Hacker, J., Ron, E. Z. & Dobrindt, U. (2015). Genomic avenue to avian colisepticemia. Mbio 6. 01681-14
Chapters in Books
Ron, E.Z. 2000. Microbial Life on Petroleum. In: Journey to Diverse Microbial Worlds, pp. 303-305. Kluwer Academic Publishers. The Netherlands.
Ron, E. Z. 2006. Bacterial stress response, p. 1012-1027. In M. Dworkin (ed.), Prokaryotes, vol. 2. Springer
Ron, E., and E. Rosenberg. 2010. Role of Fertilizers: Biostimulation, p. 2502-2504. In K. Timmis (ed.), Handbook of hydrocarbon and lipid microbiology. Springer
Ron, E. Z., and J. Rishpon. 2010. Electrochemical cell-based sensors, p. 77-85. In S. Belkin and M. B. Gu (ed.), Whole cell sensing systems I. Springer.
Ron, E. Z., and E. Rosenberg. 2010. Role of Biosurfactants, p. 2516-2519. In K. Timmis (ed.), Handbook of hydrocarbon and lipid microbiology. Springer.
Ron, E. Z., and E. Rosenberg. 2010. Bioremeidation/biomitigation, p. 2461-2464. In K. Timmis (ed.), Handbook of hydrocarbon and lipid microbiology. Springer.
Ron, E. Z., and E. Rosenberg. 2010. Protein emulsifiers, p. 2302-2305. In K. Timmis (ed.), Handbook of hydrocarbon and lipid microbiology. Springer
Ron, E. Z., and E. Rosenberg. 2010. Acinetobacter and Alkanindiges, p. 1800 - 1802. In K. Timmis (ed.), Hydrocarbon and lipids microbiology. Springer
Ron, E.Z. and S. Rottem. Microbial Surface Components and Toxins in Relation to Pathogenesis. 1990. Plenum Press, London.
Ron, E.Z. and P. Hugenholtz. Environmental biotechnology. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, vol. 18. 2007. Elsevier, Amsterdam.