פרופ' דן סלודובניק

סגל אקדמי קליני בדרמטולוגיה
דרמטולוגיה סגל אקדמי קליני
ניווט מהיר:


  • Director, Skin Allergy Clinic and Occupational Dermatology Clinic. Dermatology Department, Tel-Aviv Souraski Medical Center.

  • Chair, Israeli Society of Contact Dermatitis.


  • Dr, Dan Slodownik was appointed as Director of the Skin Allergy Clinic and Occupational Dermatology Clinic in Tel-Aviv Souraski Medical Center in 2012
  • 2007-2012 Coordinator, Occupational Dermatology clinic Hadassah Ein- kerem, Jerusalem.
  • 2006-2007 Fellowship at the Occupational Dermatology and Research Center, Skin and Cancer Foundation, Melbourne, Australia

Research Interests

  • Epidemiology of occupational diseases- focus in occupational skin diseases.

  • Epidemiology and clinical aspects of allergic contact dermatitis.

Selected Publications

Click here for a complete list of Dr. Slowdownik's Peer-Reviewed Articles.


  1. Tal O , Slodownik D, Zack J. Varicocelle in adolescents. Harefuah 1997;132:802.
  2. Basketter D, Horev L, Slodownik D, Merimes S,Trattner A, Ingber A. Investigation of the threshold for allergic reactivity to chromium. Contact Dermatitis.2001 Feb; 44(2):70-4
  3. Moshe S, Ingber A, Slodownik D, Lerman Y. Contact Dermatitis- Relation between job assignment and work Motivation in young Israeli adult population. Exog Dermatol 2002;1:112-6.
  4. Slodownik D, Ingber A. The use of Tacrolimus in Dermatology. Harefuah. 2003; 142 (11): 770-4.
  5. Moshe S, Slodownik D, Merkel D.Value of preemployment medical assessments for white-collar workers.Arch Environ Health. 2003 Nov;58(11):723-7.
  6. Rozin AP, Balbir-Gurman A, Gilead L, Slodownik D. Combination therapy for Pyoderma Gangrenosum. Ann Rheum Dis. 2004 Jul;63(7):888-89.
  7. Slodownik D, Ingber A. Late patch test reaction to textile dyes. Contact Dermatitis. 2005 Sep;53(3):172.
  8. Slodownik D, Ingber A. Thimerosal- Is it really irrelevant? Contact Drematitis. 2005 Dec;53(6):324-26.
  9. Mansura A, Alkalay R, Slodownik D, Ingber A, Ruzicka T, Enk CD. UVA-1 as a treatment for ulcerative Lichen Planus of the feet. Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed. 2006;22: 164-65.
  10. Raz O, Slodownik D, Ingber A. Allergic Contact Dermatitis to Cocamidopropyl betaine among Israeli patients with cosmetic allergy. Harefuah 2006:145 (7): 486-88.
  11. Slodownik D, Ingber A, Moshe S, Sarbagil-Mamman H, Brenner S, Shochat T, Wohl Y. Contact Dernatitis in IDF- The occupational scope. J Isr Mil Med 2006: 3; 110-12.
  12. Slodownik D, Wohl Y, Mansura A, Moshe S, Sarbagil-Maman H, Shochat T, Levi Y, Brenner S, Ingber A. Allergic contact dermatis among maintenance and clerical workers in a military population. Contact Dermatitis 2006: 55; 335-37.
  13. Slodownik D, Williams JD, Tate BJ. Prolonged paresthesia due to sculptured acrylic nails. Contact dermatitis 2007: 56 ; 298-99.
  14. Slodownik D, Williams J, Lee A, Tate B, Nixon R. Controversies regarding the sensitive skin syndrome. Expert Rev Dermatol 2007: 2(5); 579-84.
  15. Moshe S, Shilo M, Yagev Y, Levy D, Slodownik D, Chodick G, Levin M. Comparison of three methods of pre-employment medical evaluations. Occup Med (Lond). 2008;58(1):46-51.
  16. Gaton DD, Lichter H, Avisar I, Slodownik D, Solomon AS. Lymphocytic reaction to ultraviolet radiation on rabbit conjunctiva. Ann Ophthalmol (Skokie). 2007;39(2):128-33.
  17. Slodownik D, Lee A, Nixon R. Irritant Contact dermatitis: a review. Australas J Dermatol. 2008 ;49(1):1-9.
  18. Katz I, Moshe S, Levin M, Slodownik D, Yagev Y. Does exercise cause asthma? Occup Med (Lond). 2008 ;58(7):480-4.
  19. Slodownik D, Grinberg I, Spira RM, Skornik Y, Goldstein RS. The human skin/chick chorioallantoic membrane model accurately predicts the potency of cosmetic allergens. Exp Dermatol 2009;18(4):409-13.
  20. Lavy Y, Slodownik D, Trattner A, Ingber A. Toothpaste allergy as a cause of cheilitis in Israeli patients. Dermatitis 2009; 20(2): 95-8.
  21. Slodownik D, Williams J, Frowen K, Palmer A, Matheson M, Nixon. The additive value of patch testing with patients’ own products at an occupational dermatology clinic. Contact Dermatitis 2009; 61(4):231-5.
  22. Neumark M, Moshe S, Ingber A, Slodownik D. Occupational airborne contact dermatitis to simvastatin, carvedilol and zolpidem. Contact Dermatitis 2009; 61(1):51-2.
  23. Trattner A, Slodownik D, Jbarah A, Ingber A. Questionnaire study of the prevalence of allergic contact dermatitis from cosmetics in Israel. Dermatitis 2009 ;20(5):284-6.
  24. Neumark M, Ingber A, Levin M, Slodownik D. Occupational airborne contact dermatitis caused by pantoprazole. Contact Dermatitis 2011; 64(1): 60-1.
  25. Yasky AS, Eyal A, Kappel A, Slodownik D. Occupational contact dermatitis in a nurse due to thimerosal. Isr Med Assoc J 2011; 13(4): 254-5.
  26. Slodownik D, Williams J, Tate B, Tam M, Cahill J, Frowen K, Nixon R. Textile allergy- The Melbourne experience. Contact Dermatitis 2011; 65(1): 38-42.
  27. Slodownik D, Levi A, Lapidoth M, Ingber A, Horev L, Enk CD. Noninvasive in vivo confocal laser scanning microscopy is effective in differentiating allergic from nonallergic equivocal patch test reactions. Lasers Med Sci 2015;30(3):1081-7.
  28. Moshe S, Slodownik D, Yagev Y, Segal N, Tavor M, Afek A, Zack O. Atopy as a risk factor for the development of asthma in young recruits. J Asthma 2015; 52(5):453-7.
  29. Moshe S, Zack O, Finestone AS, Mishal M. Segal N, Slodownik D, Yagev Y. The incidence and worsening of newly diagnosed low back pain in a population of young male military recruits.BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2016 17(1):279.
  30. Tavor M, Neufeld MY, Chodick G, Zack O, Krakov A, Slodownik D, Moshe S. Vocational factors which predict seizure prognosis in young adults during military service. Epilepsy Behav. 2016 Sep;62:209-13.
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