פרופ' אבנר בדולח ז"ל

אמריטוס בביה"ס לזואולוגיה
ביה"ס לזואולוגיה אמריטוס
ניווט מהיר:
פרופ' אבנר בדולח ז"ל
טלפון פנימי: 03-6409816
משרד: שרמן, 226



1954 -1959 M.Sc Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Bacteriology
Title of Masters thesis: "The fate of killed radioiodinated bacteria in normal and immune mice." Supervisor: Dr. D. Sulitzeanu.
1965 Ph.D. Hebrew University, Jerusalem
Title of Doctoral dissertation: "The process of amylase secretion by the salivary gland cells". Supervisor: Dr. M. Schramm.


Academic Appoitments:

1959 - 1961 Ministry of Health, Bacteriologist. Central laboratories, Vaccine and Serum Production.
1961 - 1965 Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Department of Biological Chemistry, Assistant.
1965 - 1967 University of Pittsburgh, Department of Biology (Synthesis of Nucleotide Sugars), Research Associate.
1967 - 1969 Tel Aviv University, Department of Zoology, Synthesis and secretion by the venom glands of snakes; isolation and characterisation of snake venom components. Lecturer.
1969 - 1976 Tel Aviv University, Department of Zoology, Synthesis and secretion by the venom glands of snakes; isolation and characterisation of snake venom components. Senior Lecturer.
1974 - 1975 University of Washington, Seattle, USA. Department of Oral Biology, Visiting Scientist.
1976 - 1989 Tel Aviv University, Associate Professor.
1986 - 1987 Visiting Scientist, Lab. Cell Biol. Genet. NIDDK, NIH, Bethesda, Md. USA. Biosynthesis of norepineprine in chromaffin granules. Effects of toxin on secretion by chromaffin cells.
1989 - Tel Aviv University Professor of Zoology
1994 Visiting Scientist, Dept. Biochem. & Mol. Biol., Jozef Stefan institute, Ljubljana, Slovenija. Structure of the genes of the viperid venom Phospholipase A2.
2002 Visting Scientist, Dept. Biological Sciences, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
2002 Professor Emeritus


Recent Publications


D. Sulitzeanu, A. Bdolah and O. Sperling. The fate of killed, radioiodinated Brucella abortusinjected into mice.  II. Mechanism of determining the distribution of the injected bacteria. J. Immunol. 86 , 551-561, 196O.


A. Bdolah and M. Schramm. Factors controlling the process of enzyme secretion by the rat parotis slice. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 8, 266-27O, 1962.


A. Bdolah, R. Ben-Zvi and M. Schramm. The mechanism of enzyme secretion by the cell.   II. Secretion of amylase and other proteins by slices of rat parotid gland. Arch. Biochem. Biophys.,1O4, 58-66, 1964.


M. Schramm and A. Bdolah. The mechanism of enzyme secretion by the cell. III.Intermediate stages in amylase transport as revealed by pulse labeling of slices of parotid gland. Arch. Biochem. Biophys ., 1O4, 67-72, 1964.


M. Schramm, R. Ben-Zvi and A. Bdolah. Epinephrin-activated amylase secretion in parotid slices and leakage of the enzyme in the cold. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 18, 446-451, 1965.


A. Bdolah and M. Schramm. The function of 3'5' cyclic AMP in enzyme secretion. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun . 18, 452-454, 1965.


A. Bdolah and D.S. Feingold. Decarboxylation of uridine diphosphateDglucuronic acid by an enzyme preparation from hen oviduct. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 21 , 543-46, 1965.


H. Babad, R. Ben-Zvi, A. Bdolah and M. Schramm. The mechanism of enzyme secretion by the cell. IV. Effects of inducers, substrates and inhibitors on amylase secretion by rat parotid slices. Europ. J. Biochem. 1, 96-1O1, 1967.


A. Bdolah and D.S. Feingold. Uridine diphosphateDglucose dehydrogenase of hen oviduct.Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 159, 176-178, 1968.


A. Bdolah and D.S. Feingold. Uridine diphosphateDglucose dehydrogenase of   A. aerogenes. J. Bact. 96, 1144-1149, 1968.


A. Bdolah, E. Kochva and R. Sobol. Some comments on the PAS reaction of glycogen.Histochem. J. 1 , 267-276, 1969.


A. Fein, A. Bdolah and E. Kochva. Developmental pattern of enzyme secretion in the embryonic venom glands of Vipera palaestinae . Develop. Biol. 24, 52O-532, 1971.


U. Oron and A. Bdolah. Regulation of protein synthesis in the venom gland of viperid snakes. J. Cell Biol. 56, 177-190, 1973.


N. Shaham and A. Bdolah.  L-amino acid oxidase from Vipera palaestinae venom: Purification and assay. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 46B , 691-698, 1973.


E. Alcon and A. Bdolah. Increase of proteolytic activity and synthetic capacity of the pancreas in snakes after feeding. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 5OA , 627-631, 1975.


R. Sobol-Brown, A. Bdolah, E. Kochva and M.B. Brown. Accumulation of some secretory enzymes in venom glands of Vipera palaestinae. Am. J. Physiol. 229 , 1675-1679, 1975.


Z. Levy and A. Bdolah. Multiple molecular forms of snake venom phosphodiesterase fromVipera palaestinae. Toxicon 14, 389-391, 1976.


A. Bdolah and P.J. Keller. Isolation of collagen granules from the foot of the sea mussel,Mytilus californianus. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 55B, 171-174, 1976.


U. Oron and A. Bdolah. Chronic cannulation of left systemic arch of snake. Lab. Anim. Sci. ,28 , 219-22O, 1978.


U. Oron and A. Bdolah. Intracellular transport of proteins in active and resting secretory cells of the venom gland of Vipera palaestinae. J. Cell Biol. 78, 488-5O2, 1978.


U. Oron, S. Kinamon and A. Bdolah. Asynchrony in the synthesis of secretory proteins in the venom gland of the snake Vipera palaestinae. Biochem. J. , 174, 733-739, 1978.


T. Simon, A. Bdolah and E. Kochva. The two-component toxin of Vipera palaestinae:   contribution of phospholipase A to its activity. Toxicon, 18 , 249-259, 1980.


T. Simon and A. Bdolah. Isolation of phospholipase A from the venom of the desert black snake Walterinnesia aegyptia. Toxicon 18 , 369-373, 198O.


R. Batzri-Izraeli and A. Bdolah. Isolation and characterisation of the main toxic fraction from the venom of the False Horned Viper (Pseudocerastes fieldi). Toxicon, 2O , 867-875, 1982.


U. Oron, D. Roth and A. Bdolah. Processing of snake venom L-amino acid oxidase during intracellular transport. Exp. Cell Res. , 14O, 383-388, 1982.


M.C. Tsai, C.Y. Lee and A. Bdolah. Mode of action of neuromuscular blocking action of a toxic phospholipase A from Pseudocerastes fieldi. Toxicon, 21, 527-534, 1983.


H.I. Rosenberg, A. Bdolah and E. Kochva. Lehal factors and enzymes in the secretion from Duvernoy's gland of three colubrid snakes.  J. Exp. Zool. 233 , 5-14, 1985.


A. Bdolah, S. Kinamon and A. Batzri-Izraeli. The neurotoxic complex from the venom ofPseudocerates fieldi. Contribution of the nontoxic subunit. Biochem. Int. 11 , 627-636, 1985.


G. Berdansky, A. Bdolah and E. Kochva. Gel permeation patterns of venoms from eleven species of the genus Vipera. Toxicon 24, 721-725, 1986.


A. Bdolah. Comparison of venoms from two subspecies of the falsed horned viper(Pseudocerastes persicus). Toxicon   24, 726-729, 1986.


R. Shabo-Shina and A. Bdolah. Interactions of neurotoxic complex from the venom of the falsed horned viper (Pseudocerastes fieldi ) with rat striatal synaptosomes. Toxicon 25 , 253-266, 1987.


M. Zhalka and A. Bdolah. Dietary regulation of levels of digestive enzymes in the water snake ( Natrix tessellata). J. Exp. Zool. 243, 9-13, 1987.


Z. Wollberg, R.   Shabo-Shina, N. Intrator , A. Bdolah, E. Kochva , G. Shavit, Y. Oron, B.A. Vidne, and S. Gitter. A novel cardiotoxic polypeptide from the venom of Atractaspis engaddensis(Burrowing Asp): Cardiac effects in mice and isolated rat and human heart preparations. Toxicon26 , 525-534, 1988.


C. Takasaki, N. Tamiya, A. Bdolah, Z. Wollberg and E. Kochva. Sarafotoxins S6: Several isotoxins from Atractaspis engaddensis (Burrowing asp) venom that affect ther heart. Toxicon 26 , 543-548, 1988.


Y. Kloog, I. Ambar, M. Sokolovsky, E. Kochva, Z. Wollberg and A. Bdolah. Sarafotoxin, a novel vasoconstrictor peptide: Phosphoinositide hydrolysis in rat heart and brain.  Science ( W ash. D.C.) 242, 268-270, 1988.


M. Levine, W. Hartzell and A. Bdolah. Ascorbic acid and MgATP coregulate dopaminemonooxygenase activity in intact chromaffin granules.  J. Biol. Chem. 263, 19353-19362, 1988.


I Ambar, Y. Kloog, E. Kochva, Z. Wollberg, A. Bdolah, U. Oron and   M. Sokolovsky. Characterization and localization of a novel neuroreceptor for the peptide sarafotoxin. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm . 157 , 1104-1110, 1988.


D. Graur, A. Bdolah, Z. Wollberg and E. Kochva. Homology between snake venom sarafotoxins and mammalian endothelins.  Isr. J. Zool . 35 , 171-175, 1988.


Y. Kloog, I. Ambar, E. Kochva, Z. Wollberg, A. Bdolah and M. Sokolovsky. Sarafotoxin receptors mediate phosphoinositide hydrolysis in various rat brain regions. FEBS Lett . 242 , 387-390, 1989.


Z. Wollberg, A. Bdolah and E. Kochva. Vasoconstrictor effects of sarafotoxins in rabbit aorta: Structure function relationships. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun ., 162 , 371-376, 1989.


D.Bousso-Mittler, Y. Kloog, Z. Wollberg, A. Bdolah, E. Kochva and M. Sokolovsky.  Functional endothelin/sarafotoxin receptors in the rat uterus. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.162 , 952-957,   1989.


G. Fleminger, D. BoussoMittler, A. Bdolah, Y. Kloog and M. Sokolovsky. Immunological and structural characterization of sarafotoxin /endothelin family of peptides. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. , 162 , 1317-1323, 1989.


Y. Kloog, D. BoussoMittler, A. Bdolah and M. Sokolovsky. Three apparent receptors subtypes for the endothelin/sarafotoxin family. FEBS Lett ., 253 , 199-202, 1989.


R. Galron, Y. Kloog, A. Bdolah and M. Sokolovsky. Functional   endothelin/sarafotoxin receptors in rat heart myocytes: Structureactivity relationships and receptor subtypes. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun . 163 , 936-943, 1989.


A. Bdolah, Z. Wollberg, I. Ambar, Y. Kloog, M. Sokolovsky and E. Kochva. Disturbances in the cardiovascular system caused by endothelin and   sarafotoxin.  Biochem. Pharmacol ., 38 , 3145-3146, 1989.


A. Bdolah, Z. Wollberg, G. Fleminger and E. Kochva. SRTX-d, a new native peptide of the endothelin/sarafotoxin family. FEBS Lett ., 256 , 1-3, 1989.


E. Kochva, A. Bdolah, D. Graur and Z. Wollberg. Sarafotxins, a new group of cardiovascular modulators from   snake venom. Mem. Inst. Inst. Butantan . 51 , 205-210, 1989.


R. Galron, Y. Kloog, A. Bdolah and M. Sokolovsky. Different pathways of endothelin/sarafotoxin-stimulated phosphoinositide hydrolysis in myocytes. Eur. J. Pharmacol.- Molec. Pharmacol. 188 , 85-88, 1990.


M. Sokolovsky, R. Galron, Y. Kloog, A. Bdolah, F.E. Indig, S. Bloomberg and G. Fleminger. Endothelins are more sensitive than sarafotoxins to neutral endopeptidase: Possible physiological significance. Proc. Natnl. Acad. Sci. USA , 87 , 4702-4706, 1990.


R. Galron, A. Bdolah, Y. Kloog and M. Sokolovsky. Endothelin/Sarafotoxin receptor induced phosphoinositide turnover: Effect of pertussis and cholera toxins and phobol ester.Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. , 171 , 949-954, 1990.


G. Landan, A. Bdolah, Z. Wollberg, E. Kochva and D. Graur. Evolution of the sarafotoxin/endothelin superfamily of proteins. Toxicon , 29 , 237-244, 1991.


G. Landan, A. Bdolah, Z. Wollberg, E. Kochva and D. Graur. The evolutionary history of the sarafotoxin / endothelin / endothelinlike superfamily. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 17 (Suppl. 7 ): S517-S519, 1991.


E. Kochva, Z. Wollberg and A. Bdolah. The chemical secrets of snake venom toxins.Chemistry in Britain , 273, 132-134, 1991.


Z. Wollberg, A. Bdolah, R. Galron, M. Sokolovsky and E.Kochva. Contractile effects and binding properties of endothelins / sarafotoxins in the guinea pig ileum. Eur. J. Pharmacol ., 198 , 31-36, 1991.


R. Galron, A. Bdolah, E. Kochva, Z. Wollberg, Y. Kloog and M. Sokolovsky. Kinetics and crosslinking studies indicate different receptors for endothellins and sarafotoxins in the illeum and cerebellum. FEBS Lett ., 283 , 11-14, 1991.


Z. Wollberg, D. Bousso-Mittler, A. Bdolah, Y. Kloog, E. Kochva, and M. Sokolovsky. Endothelins and sarafotoxins: Effects on motility, binding   properties and phosphoinositide hydrolysis during the estrous cycle of the rat uterus. J. Basic Clin. Physiol. Pharmacol ., 3, 41-58,1992.


T. Zigdon-Arad, A. Bdolah, Z. Wollberg, and E. Kochva. Activity of Sarafotoxin/Endothelin peptides in the heart and brain of lower vertebrates. Toxicon , 30 , 439-448, 1992.  


H.I. Rosenberg, S. Kinamon, E. Kochva and A. Bdolah. The secretion of Duvernoy's gland of Malpolon monspessulanus induces hemorrhage in the lung of mice. Toxicon , 30 , 920-924, 1992.


D. Bousso, A. Bdolah and M. Sokolovsky Involvement of tyrosyl residue(s) in binding of endothelin and sarafotoxin to their receptors in rat brain and heart. Neurosci. Lett. , 140 , 247-250, 1992.


Z. Wollberg, N. Shinnar, A. Bdolah and E. Kochva. Endothelin and sarafotoxin: Influence on steroidregulated motility of rat uterus. Life Sci ., 51 , PL57-PL60, 1992.


H. Lewy, R. Galron, A. Bdolah, M. Sokolovsky and Z. Naor Paradoxial signal transduction mechanism of endothelins and sarafotoxins in cultured pituitary cells: stimulation of phosphoinositide turnover and inhibition of prolactin   release. Mol. Cell. Endocrinol ., 89 , 1-9, 1992.


F. Ducancel, V. Matre, C. Dupont, E. Lajeunesse, Z. Wollberg, A. Bdolah, E. Kochva, J.C. Boulain and A. Menez Cloning and sequence analysis of cDNAs encoding precursors of sarafotoxins. J. Biol. Chem ., 268 , 3052-3055, 1993.


E. Kochva, A. Bdolah and Z. Wollberg. Sarafotoxins and endothelins: Evolution, structure and function. Toxicon, 31 , 541-568, 1993.


H. Lamthanh, A. Bdolah, C. Creminon, J. Grassi, A. Menez, Z. Wollberg and E. Kochva. Biological activities of [Thr 2 ]sarafotoxin-b, a synthetic analogue of sarafotoxin-b. Toxicon , 32 , 1105-1114, 1994.


H. Lamthanh, A. Bdolah, Z. Wollberg and J.L. GY Separation of two isoforms (Ser7/Thr7) of natural sarafotoxin-a by capillary electrophoresis:   mass spectrometry and synthesis.  J. Liquid Chromatogr ., 17 , 3859-3867, 1994.


B. Francis, A. Bdolah and I.I. Kaiser Amino acid sequences of a heterodimeric neurotoxin from the venom of the False Horned   Viper ( Pseudocerastes fieldi). Toxicon, 33 , 863-874, 1995.


I. Krizaj, A. Bdolah, F. Gubensek, P. Bencina and J. Pungercar Protein and cDNA structure of an acidic phospholipase A 2 .The enzymatic part of an unusual, two-component toxin fromVipera palaestinae. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 227 , 374-379, 1996.


A. Bdolah, E. Kochva , M. Ovadia, S. Kinamon and Z. Wollberg, Resistance of the Egyptian Mongoose to sarafotoxins. Toxicon , 35 , 1251-1261, 1997.


D.Kordis, A. Bdolah and F. Gubensek Positive Darwinian selection in Vipera palaestinaephospholipase A 2 genes is unexpectedly limited to the third exon. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 251 , 613-619, 1998.


N. Yaakov,   A. Bdolah, Z. Wollberg, S.A. Ben-Haim and U.Oron Recovery from Sarafotoxin-b Induced Cardiopathological Effects in Mice following Low Energy Laser Irradiation Basic Research in Cardiology 95 , 385-389, 2000.  


M. A. F. Hayashi, C. Ligny-lemaire, Z . Wollberg, M . Wery, A . Galat, T . Ogawa, B . H. Muller, H . Lam Thanh, Y . Doljansky, A . Bdolah, R . Stöcklin, and F . Ducancel . Long-sarafotoxins: characterization of a new family of endothelin-like peptides. Peptides, 2004 (in press) .



Chapters in Books

R. Sobol-Brown, A. Bdolah, E. Kochva and M.B. Brown. Secretion of enzymes in the venom gland of Vipera palaestinae . In: Toxins of Animal and Plant Origin.  A. de Vries and E. Kochva , eds., Gordon and Breach, London ,   p. 107, 1971.


N. Shaham, A. Bdolah and E. Kochva. Isolation of L-amino acid oxidase from Vipera palaestinae venom and preparation of a monospecific antiserum in rabbits. In: Toxins of Animal and Plant Origin. A. de Vries and E. Kochva , eds., Gordon and Breach, London , p. 919, 1973.


U. Oron and A. Bdolah. Intracellular transport of secretory proteins in the venom   gland of the snake Vipera palaestinae : A radioautographic study. In: Electron Microscopy 1976. D.G. Brandon and Y. BenShaul, eds., Tal Int. Pub. Co. , Tel-Aviv, Vol.II, p. 249, 1976.


A. Bdolah. The venom gland of snakes and venom secretion. In:   Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology Vol. 52, Snake Venoms. C.Y. Lee, ed., SpringerVerlag , Berlin , Heidelberg and New York . Vol. 52, p. 4157, 1979.


E. Kochva, U. Oron, M. Ovadia, T. Simon and A. Bdolah. Venom glands, venom synthesis, venom secretion and evolution. In: Natural Toxins . D. Eaker and T. Wadstrom, eds., Pergamon Press, Oxford , p. 312, 1980.


H. Rosenberg, A. Bdolah and E. Kochva. Duvernoy's gland in Colubrid snakes. In: Studies in Herpetology.   Z. Rocek, ed., Prague , p. 641-644, 1986.    


Z. Wollberg, A. Bdolah and Kochva, E. Cardiovascular effects of mammalian endothelins and snake venom sarafotoxins. In: Calcium Channel Modulators in Heart and Smooth Muscle: Basic Mechanisms and Pharmacological Aspects .   S. Abraham and G. Amitai, eds., Wienheim/Deerfield Beach, FL and Balaban, Rehovot/Philadelphia, pp. 2832, 1990.


A. Bdolah, Z. Wollberg and E. Kochva. Sarafotoxins: a new group of cardiotoxic peptides from the venom of Atractaspis . In: Snake Toxins. (Int. Encyclopedia of Pharmacol. & Therapeut.). A.L. Harvey, ed., Pergamon Press, Oxford , pp. 415424, 1991.


E. Kochva, Z. Wollberg, T. Zigdon-Arad and A. Bdolah. Sarafotoxins and endothelins: distribution, structure, function and evolution. In: Recent Advances in Toxinology Research , Vol.1. P. Gopalakrishnakone and C.K. Tan, eds., Venom and Toxin Reaserch Group, National University of Singapore , Singapore , pp. 404-420, 1992.


F. Ducancel, V. Matre, C. Dupont, Z. Wollberg, A. Bdolah, E. Kochva, J.C. Boulain and A. Menez Structure and Function of mRNAs encoding Sarafotoxin Precursors. In: Frontiers in Endocrinology , Vol. 15. E. Bladi , M. Magi, I.T. Cameron and M.J. Dunn, eds., Ares-Serno Symposia publications, pp. 1-7, 1995.


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