פרופ' עמרם אשל

בדימוס בביה"ס למדעי הצמח ואבטחת מזון
ביה"ס למדעי הצמח ואבטחת מזון בדימוס
ניווט מהיר:
פרופ' עמרם אשל
פקס: 03-6409380
משרד: בריטניה


Born in 1944 in Rehovot, Israel, Prof. Eshel has been happily married to his wife Nira sinc 1965.  He has three children and 5 grandchildren (so far.)  He has been teaching at Tel Aviv University since 1980.  An author of four books on plant roots, he has also written 71 articles and chapters in books and presented more than 40 papers at scientific conferences.




1978-1980 Postdoctoral Research; Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Department of Agricultural Engineering- Wooster, Ohio

Ph.D; Botany, Tel Aviv University

1971 M.Sc.; Botany (cum laude), Tel Aviv University
1969 B.Sc.; Biology, Tel Aviv University


Academic Appointments:

2011-2012 Visiting Scientist; ERGO,  University of Western Australia, School of Plant Biology, Perth WA
2003-2005 Head; Department of Plant Sciences, Tel Aviv University
1997 Associate Professor; Molecular Biology and Ecology of Plants, Tel Aviv University
1994-1995 Visiting Scholar; Department of Horticulture, Pennsylvania State University, -- University Park, Pennsylvania
1992-1994 Affiliated Teacher; Faculty of Agriculture, Hebrew University
1990 Visiting Scholar; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Institut des Sciences Vegetales- Gif sur Yvette, France.
1987-1989 Executive Director; Tel-Aviv University Botanical Gardens
1986-1987 Visiting Scholar; Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Michigan State University- East Lansing, Michigan.
1982-1987 Affiliated Teacher; Department of Biology, Technion- Haifa
1985-1997 Senior Lecturer; Department of Botany, Tel Aviv University
1980-1985 Lecturer; Department of Botany, Tel Aviv University


Research Interests

My main research interests are in the field of plant ecophysiology, especially as related to root-system structure and function.  I am also interested in plant ecology and agro-ecosystems and in application of computer simulation to the study of ecological and physiological processes.  I am also in charge of monitoring airborne allergenes and forecast of alleregnic blooming published monthly by The Israeli Ministry of Environmental Protection,


Recent Publications

For a full list


Since 2010:

Shtein I., Noy-Porat T., Eshel A. Effects of light, temperature and nitrogen on Scilla hyacinthoidesgermination and seedling development. Seed Science and Technology 42(2):113-125 (2014).


Ventura Y., Eshel A., Pasternak D., Sagi M. The development of halophyte-based agriculture: Past and Present. Annals of Botany (in press) (2014).


Eshel A., Geller-Bernstein C. Undesirable plants - allergenic and toxic - in Israeli parks. Chapter 2 in: I. Schnell, A. Rosenberg, G. Ronen (eds.) Sustainability Considerations in Urban Parks Design in Israel. Haifa: Pardes. pp. 41- 62 (2014).


Santi G., D’Annibale A., Eshel A., Zilberstein A., Crognale S., Ruzzi M., Valentini R., Moresi M., Petruccioli M. Bioethanol production from xerophilic and salt-resistant Tamarix jordanis biomass. Biomass and Bioenergy 61: 73-81 (2014)


Noy-Porat T., Cohen D., Mathew D., Eshel A., Kamenetsky R., Flaishman M.A. Turned on by heat: differential expression of FT and LFY-like genes in Narcissus tazetta during floral transition. Journal of Experimental Botany 64:3273-3284 (2013).


Inbart-Pompan H., Eilam T., Eshel A. Searching for salt tolerance among wild relatives of wheat: What should we look for? Australian Journal of Crop Science 7(13):2116-2127 (2013).


Abbruzzese G., Kuzminsky E., Abou Jaoudé R., Angelaccio C., Eshel A., Scoppola A., Valentini R. Leaf epidermis morphological differentiation between Tamarix africana Poir. and Tamarix gallica L. (Tamaricaceae) With ecological remarks. Plant BioSystems 147: 573-582 (2013).


Muscolo A., Panuccio M.R., Eshel A. Ecophysiology of Pennisetum clandestinum: A valuable salt tolerant grass. Environmental and Experimental Botany 92:55-63 (2013)


Eshel A., Grünzweig J.M. Root-shoot allometry of tropical forest trees determined in large-scale aeroponics. 8th Meeting of the International Society of Root Research, Dundee, Scotland 25th June – 29th July 2012.


Eshel A. Oren I, Alekperov C, Eilam T, Zilberstein A. Biomass production by desert halophytes: Alleviating the pressure on the scarce resources of arable soil and fresh water. The European Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology 5(Special issue 2):48-53 (2011)


Sherman T, Yakobi P, Zarchin Y, Bolshak G, Svatizky M, Finkler R, Eshel A, Fromm H (2011) 4D Root imaging system for root phenotyping. PhenoDays International Symposium. October 12-14, Wageningen, Holland.


Eshel A., Zilberstein A., Alekparov C., Eilam T., Oren I., Waisel Y. Biomass production by desert halophytes will not compete with conventional agriculture. WSEAS Int.Conf. on ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT (EE'10) Cambridge, UK, February 23-25, 2010


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