פרופ' עמיחי פרימן

אמריטוס במקרוביולוגיה מולקולרית
מקרוביולוגיה מולקולרית אמריטוס
ניווט מהיר:
פרופ' עמיחי פרימן
טלפון פנימי: 03-6409054
פקס: 03-6405147
Phone: 03-6409054
Another phone: 0544740775
Fax: 03-6405147
משרד: גרין ביוטכנו, 008



1968-1971 B.Sc. Tel-Aviv University, Chemistry
1971-1973 M.Sc Tel-Aviv University, Biochemistry
1974-1978 Ph.D. Tel-Aviv University, Biochemistry


Academic Positions:

1979-1983 Lecturer, Department of Biotechnology, Tel-Aviv University
1983-1988 Senior Lecturer, Department of Biotechnology, Tel-Aviv University
1984-1985 Visiting Scientist, Department of Chemical & Biochemical Engineering, University College London
1988-1995 Associate Professor, Department of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology, Tel-AvivUniversity
1994-2004 Visiting Professor, Department of Biochemical Engineering, University College London
1995-1996 Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Texas
1995-2015 Professor, Department of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology, Tel-Aviv University
2006-2017 Incumbment of the Edouard Seroussi Chair in Protein Nanobiotechnology
2016- Professor Emeritus, Department of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology, Tel-Aviv University.


Administrative and Financial Responsibilities:

In charge of all administrative and financial activities of the Department of Biotechnology
1987-1989 Acting Head; The Department of Biotechnology
1992-1994 Chairman; Department of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology


Member; Tel-Aviv University IP & Patent Committee
1994-1997 Head; Committee of the Israeli Council for Higher Education on authorisation of "Tel-Hai" College
Director; Institute of Biotechnology; Tel Aviv University
1999-2001 Member; Israel National Committee for Biotechnology
2001-2003 Chairman; Nano-Science and Nanotechnology University Research Institute, Tel Aviv University


Research Interests

Research interests include: 

  • Biomedical applications of enzymes and cells.
  • Protein Nano-biotechnology: protein mediated biotemplating for the integration of biologically active protein-metal hybrid with microelectronics and development of new composite materials.
  • Bioprocessing aspects of biocatalysis


Recent Publication

Publications in refereed journals

A. Freeman, S. Abramov and G. Georgiou "Site-protected fixation and immobilization of E. coli cells displaying surface anchored b-lactamase". Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 62, (1999), 155-160.


T. de Lumley-Woodyear, C.N. Campbell, E. Freeman, A. Freeman, G. Georgiou and A. Heller "Rapid amperometricverification of PCR amplification of DNA", Analytical Chemistry,71, (1999), 535-538.


N. Dotan, D. Arad, F. Frolow and A. Freeman "Self -­assembly of a tetrahedral lectin into predesigned diamond-like protein crystals". Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed. 38, (1999), 2363-2366.


N. Dotan, N. Cohen, O. Kalid and A. Freeman "Supramolecular assemblies made of biological macromolecules" In: "Nanosurface chemistry", M. Rosoff, Ed. Marcel Dekker. (2001) pp 461-471.


A. Dukler and A. Freeman "In situ removal of ketoses by immobilized 3-amino phenyl boronic acid: effect of immobilization method on pH profile". Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 75, (2001), 25-28.


N. Cohen, S. Abramov, Y. Dror and A. Freeman "In vitro enzyme evolution: the challenge of isolating the one in a million". Trends in Biotechnology 19 (2001) 507-510.


Y. Schacham-Diamand, A. Inberg, Y. Sverdlov, N. Croitoru, H. Moskovich and  A. Freeman "Electroless processes for micro and nano-electronics". Electrochimica acta 48, (2003) 2978-2996.


A. Freeman, N. Cohen-Hadar, S. Abramov, R. Modai-Hod, Y. Dror and G. Georgiou "Screening of large protein libraries by 'cell immobilized on adsorbed bead' approach". Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 86, (2004), 196-200.


T. Yaakobi, D. Rot, Y. Chen and A. Freeman "Streaming of proteolytic enzymes solutions for wound debridement: afeasibility   study". Wounds 16, (2004) 193-197


C. Omero, Y. Dror and A. Freeman "Trichoderma spp antagonism to the dermatophyte Trichophyton rubrum: implications in treatment of onychomycosis". Mycopathologia, 158, (2004), 173-180.


N. Cohen-Hadar, Y. Wine, E. Nachliel, D. Huppert, M. Gutman, F. Frolow and A. Freeman  "Monitoring the stability of crosslinked protein crystals biotemplates: a feasibility study". Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 94 (2006), 1005-1011.


J. S. Dordick and A. Freeman "Biocatalysis as a discovery tool: from nanoscale to high-throughput and beyond". Current opinion in Biotechnology, 17 (2006) 559-561.


S. Lagziel-Simis, N. Cohen-Hadar, H. Moscovich-Dagan, Y Wine and A. Freeman "Protein-mediated nanoscalebiotemplating". Current  opinion in Biotechnology, 17 (2006) 569-573.


H. Dagan-Moscovich, N. Cohen-Hadar, C. Porat, J. Rishpon, Y. Shacham-Diamand, A. Freeman "Nanowiring of the catalytic site of novel molecular enzyme-metal hybrids to electrodes". Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111(2007) 5766-5769.


T. Yaakobi, N. Cohen-Hadar, H. Yaron, E. Hirszowicz, Y. Simantov, A. Bass, A. Freeman "Wound debridement by continuous streaming of proteolytic enzyme solutions: Effects on experimental wound model in porcine".  Wounds, 19 (2007) 192-200.


Y. Wine, N. Cohen-Hadar, A. Freeman, F. Frolow "Elucidation of the mechanism and end products of glutaraldehyde crosslinking reaction by X-ray structure analysis". Biotechnology and Bioengineering (2007) 98, 711-718.


H. Ben Yoav, A. Freeman "Enzymatically attenuated in situ release of silver ions to combat bacterial biofilms: a feasibility study". Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology (2008) 18, 25-29.


H. Ben Yoav, Y. Shacham-Diamand, A. Freeman, A. Biran, R. Pedhazur, S. Belkin, S. Buchinger, G. Reifferscheid " Anovel microfluidic whole cell biosensor based on electrochemical detection for water toxicity analysis". ECS Transactions (2008) 16, 187-197.


N. Cohen-Hadar, Y. Wine, S. Lagziel-Simis, Y. Dror, F. Frolow, A. Freeman "Protein crystal mediated biotemplating". Journal of Porous Media (2009) 12, 213-220.


S. Vernick, H. Moscovich-Dagan, C. Porat-Ophir C, J. Rishpon, A. Freeman, Shacham- Diamand Y "Directed metallization of single enzyme molecules with preserved enzymatic Activity".  IEEE transactions in Nanotechnology (2009) 8, 95-99.


Y. Wine, N. Cohen-Hadar, R. Lamed, A. Freeman, F. Frolow "Modification of protein crystal packing by systematic mutations of surface residues:  implications on biotemplating and crystal porosity". Biotechnology and Bioengineering, (2009) 104, 444-457.


S. Vernick, A. Freeman, J. rishpon, Y. Shacham-diamand " Direct biopsy screening of colorectal cancer by electrochemical biosensor". ECS Transactions (2009) 19, 61-68.


H. Ben Yoav, N. Cohen-Hadar, A. Freeman "Biomedical implications of the porosity of microbial biofilms" In: "Porous Media: Applications in biological systems and biotechnology" K. Vafai, Ed. Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton, FA, USA. (2010), pp 122-172.


Y. Wine, N. Cohen-Hadar, S. Lagziel-simis, Y. Dror, F. Frolow, A. Freeman "Adjustment of protein crystal porosity for biotemplating: chemical and protein engineering tools" AIP Con Pro (2010) 1254, 198-203.


H. Ben-Yoav , A. Freeman , M. Sternheim, N.Fishelson, A. Rubin , A. Biran, R. Pedahzur, S. Belkin , Y. Shacham-Diamand "Electronically directed integration of whole-cell biosensors on bio-chips". ECS Transactions (2010) 33(8), 49-58.


H. Ben-Yoav, S. Melamed, A. Freeman, Y. Shacham-Diamand, S. Belkin "Whole cell biochips for biosensing integration of live cells and inanimate surfaces" Critic Rev Biotechnol (2010) 1-17.


S. Vernick, A. Freeman, J. Rishpon, Y. Niv, A. Vilkin, Y. Shacham-Diamand " Electrochemical Biosensing for direct biopsy slices screening for colorectal cancer detection" J Electrochem Soc (2011) 158, 1-4.


N. Cohen-Hadar, S. Lagziel-Simis, Y. Wine, F. Frolow, A. Freeman "Re-structuring protein crystals porosity for biotemplating by chemical modification of lysine residues". Biotechnology and Bioengineering (2011) 108, 1-11.


H. Ben Yoav, T. Amzel, A. Biran, M. Sternheim, S. Belkin, A. Freeman, Y. Shacham-Diamand " Bacterial biofilm based water toxicity sensor" Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (2011) 158, 366-371.


H. Ben Yoav, A. Freeman, M. Sternheim, Y. Shacham-Diamand "An electrochemical impedance model for integrated bacterial biofilms" Electrochimica Acta (2011) 56, 7780-7786.


H. Ben Yoav, T. Amzel, M. Sternheim, S. Belkin, A. Rubin, Y. Shacham-Diamand, A. Freeman " Signal amelioration of electrophoretically deposited whole-cell biosensors using external electric field" Elctrochimica Acta (2011) 56, 9666-9672.


G. Mor, S. Vernick, H. Dagan-Moscovich, Y. Dror, A. Freeman " Novel biologically active silver-avidin hybrids" J Phys Chem C (2011) 115, 22695-22700.


H. Ben-Yoav, R. Ofek-Almog, Y. Sverdlov, M. Sternheim, S. Belkin, A. Freeman, Y. Shacham-Diamand " Modified working electrodes for electrochemical whole-cell microchips" Electrochemica Acta (2012) 82, 109-114.


H. Ben-Yoav, A. Biran, M. Sternheim, S. Belkin, A. Freeman, Y. Shacham-Diamand "Functional modeling of electrochemical whole-cell biosensors". Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (2013) 181, 479-485.


M. Buch, Y. Wine, Y. Dror, S. Rosenheck, M. Lebendiker, R. Giordano, R.M.F. Leal, A.N. Popov, A. Freeman, F. Frolow " Protein products obtained by site-preferred partial crosslinking in protein crystals and "liberated" by redissolution". Biotechnology and Bioengineering (2014) 111, 1296-1303.


A. Freeman, Y. Dror, C. Ophir-Porat, N. Hadar, Y. Shacham-Diamand " Silver coated biologically active protein hybrids: antimicrobial applications". Applied Mechanics and Materials (2015) 749, 453-456.


H. Ragones, D. Schreiber, A. Inberg, O. Berkh, G. Kósa, A. Freeman, Y.Shacham-Diamand "Disposable Electrochemical Sensor Prepared using 3D Printing for Cell and Tissue Diagnostics". Sensors & Actuators:B. Chemical (2015) 216, 434-442.


T. Yoetz-Kopelman, Y. Ram, A. Freeman, Y. Shachcam-Diamand " Faradic impedance spectroscopy for detection of small molecules binding using the Avidin-Biotin model". Electrochemica Acta (2015) 173, 630-635.


T. Yoetz-Kopelman, C. Porat-Ophir, Y. Shacahm-Diamand, A. Freeman "Whole-Cell Amperometric Biosensor for Screening of Cytochrome P450 Inhibitors". Sensors and Actuators B. Chemical (2016) 223, 392-399.


T. Yoetz-Kopelman, Y. Dror, Y. Shacham-Diamand, A. Freeman "Cells-on-Beads": A Novel Immobilization Approach for the Construction of Whole-Cell Amperometric Biosensors" Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical (2016) 232, 758-764.


Y. Ram, T. Yoetz-Kopelman, Y. Dror, A. Freeman, Y. Shacham- Diamand " Impact of Molecular Surface Charge on Biosensing by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy" Electrochimica Acta (2016) 200, 161-167.


T. Yoetz-Kopelman, R. Pandey, A. Freeman, Y. Shacham-Diamand "Modelling of suspended vs. immobilized whole-cell amperometric biosensors" Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical (2017) 238, 1248-1257.


N. Mintz-Hemed, T. Yoetz-Kopelman, A. Convertino, A. Freeman, Y. Shacham-Diamand "Whole-cell electrochemical biosensor integrating microbes with Si nanowire- forest" Journal of the Electrochemical Society (2017) 164, B253-257.


A. Freeman "Protein–mediated biotemplating on the nanoscale" Biomimetics (2017) 2, 14; doi: 10.3390/biomimetics2030014.





A. Freeman and S. Abramov "Chapters in Biochemistry", Israeli Ministry of Education and Center for Technological Education - Holon; 209 pp, 1994. In Hebrew.


A. Freeman and S. Abramov "Biotechnological Processes", Israeli Ministry of Education and Pedagogic & Technological Center - "Amal"; 220pp, 1996. In Hebrew.


A. Freeman "Biotechnology Principles": An advanced course in 6 units of the Open University of Israel (1998, inHebrew):



Selected Patents


A. Freeman "Device for controlled enzymatic removal and retrieval of tissue". US Patent Application no 09/915,518 (27.7.01)


A. Freeman, R. Segal and Y. Dror "Method and compositions for treating fungal infections". US Patent Application no 60/306,857 (23.7.01); PCT US 02 23252.


M. Liperman, E. Herschovitz, A. Freeman " Apparatus and methods for enzymatic debridement of skin lesions". US Patent app. No 11/493,381 (27.1.05).


N. Hadar , A. Freeman. "Stable enzymatic preparations and methods of using thereof".  PCT/IL2006/001492 (27.12.06).


A. Freeman "Controlled enzymatic removal and retrieval of cells" US patent 7364565 B2 (29.4.2008).A. Freeman, Y. Shacham-Diamand, H. Dagan, N. Hadar " Metallization of proteins and cells with preserved biological activity". US patent application no 60/646,648 (26.1.05)


A. Freeman, Y. Shacham-Diamand, S. Vernick, H. Dagan "Directed metallization of single enzyme molecules with preserved enzymatiy activityII". US patent application no 60/682,006 (18.5.05)


A. Freeman "Controlled enzymatic removal and retrieval of cells" US patent 7364565 B2 (29.4.2008).


N. Cohen-Hadar, A.Freeman" Antiseptic compositions and uses thereof". US Patent Application 61/151,539 (11.2.2009).


A. Freeman, R. Segal, Y. Dror " Methods and compositions for treating fungal infections" US Patent 7,825,104, (2.11.10).


A. Freeman, E. Herschovitz, M. Liperman " Apparatus and methods for enzymatic debridement of skin lesions" US Patent 8128589 B2 (6.3.2012).


N. Hadar , A. Freeman "Stable enzymatic preparations and methods of using thereof" US Patent US8337837 B2 (25.12.2012).


A. Freeman, Y. Shcham-Diamand, H. Moscovich-Dagan, N. Hadar "Biologically active silver-coated proteins" European Patent No. 1 842 066 B1 (26.1.2011); US Patent US 9057088 B2 (2.6.2015).


N. Cohen-Hadar, A. Freeman "Antiseptic compositions and uses thereof" US Patent 8,968,794 B2 (3.3.2015).


N, Hadar , A. Freeman "Antiseptic compositions comprising silver ions and menthol and uses thereof" European Patent 16,180,275.6 – 1466 (12.9.16)A. Freeman, R. Segal, Y. Dror " Methods and compositions for treating fungal infections" US Patent 7,825,104, (2.11.10).


A. Freeman, E. Herschovitz, M. Liperman " Apparatus and methods for enzymatic debridement of skin lesions" US Patent 8128589 B2 (6.3.2012).


N. Hadar , A. Freeman "Stable enzymatic preparations and methods of using thereof" US Patent US8337837 B2 (25.12.2012).


A. Freeman, Y. Shcham-Diamand, H. Moscovich-Dagan, N. Hadar "Biologically active silver-coated proteins" European Patent No. 1 842 066 B1 (26.1.2011); US Patent US 9057088 B2  (2.6.2015).


N. Cohen-Hadar, A. Freeman "Antiseptic compositions and uses thereof" US Patent 8,968,794 B2 (3.3.2015).


N, Hadar , A. Freeman "Antiseptic compositions comprising silver ions and menthol and uses thereof" European Patent 16,180,275.6 – 1466 (12.9.16)



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