Hematopathology Index
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Go to the tutorial on white blood cell morphology.
Go to the tutorial on hemoglobinopathies.
Go to the tutorial on diseases of iron metabolism.
Go to the hematopoietic and lymphoid tissue histology tutorial.
The following images are present:
Standard Peripheral Blood and Marrow Findings
- Normal bone marrow, medium power microscopic
- Normal bone marrow, high power microscopic
- Normal bone marrow smear, high power microscopic
- Normal bone marrow smear, high power microscopic
- Normal bone marrow smear, high power microscopic
- Normal red blood cells on smear, microscopic
- Normal CBC, diagram
- Normal lymphocyte and neutrophil on smear, microscopic
- Normal monocyte on smear, microscopic
- Normal eosinophil on smear, microscopic
- Normal basophil on smear, microscopic
- White blood cell identification, microscopic
- Neutrophilia on smear, microscopic
- Reticulocytosis on smear, microscopic
- Rouleaux formation with red blood cells on smear, microscopic
- Chediak-Higashi syndrome on smear, microscopic
- Chronic granulomatous disease, nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) test, microscopic
- Chronic granulomatous disease, respiratory burst assay, flow cytometry
- Platelet function disorders, diagrams
RBC and Bone Marrow Disorders
- Hypochromic microcytic anemia on smear, microscopic
- Hypochromic microcytic anemia on smear, microscopic
- CBC with iron deficiency anemia, diagram
- Hypersegmented neutrophil with megaloblastic anemia on smear, microscopic
- Hypersegmented neutrophil with megaloblastic anemia on smear, microscopic
- CBC with megaloblastic anemia, diagram
- Schistocytes (fragmented red blood cells) on smear, microscopic
- CBC with microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (MAHA), diagram
- CBC with hemolytic anemia on smear, microscopic
- CBC with tear drop cells on smear, microscopic
- Howell-Jolly bodies in red blood cell on smear, microscopic
- CBC with spherocytosis, diagram
- Spherocytosis, peripheral blood smear, microscopic
- Spherocytosis, spleen, high power microscopic
- Basophilic stippling in red blood cell on smear, microscopic
- Atypical lymphocytes on smear, microscopic
- Pelger-Huet anomaly (bilobed neutrophils) on smear, microscopic
- Hemoglobinopathies, diagnosis, diagram
- Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, Heinz body stain, peripheral blood smear
- Beta-thalassemia with marked poikilocytosis and anisocytosis on smear, microscopic [XRAY]
- Sickle cell anemia on smear, microscopic
- Sickle cell anemia on smear, microscopic
- "Autosplenectomy" with sickle cell anemia, gross
- CBC with transfusion, diagram
- Skull with increased marrow, gross
- Hemoglobin SC disease on smear, microscopic
- Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, flow cytometry diagrams
- Aplastic anemia, bone marrow, low power microscopic
- Malaria, peripheral blood smear, microscopic
- Metastatic carcinoma to bone marrow, gross [IPX]
- Metastatic carcinoma to bone marrow, microscopic [NM]
- Leishmaniasis, bone marrow smear, high power microscopic
- Granuloma in bone marrow, medium power microscopic
- Essential thrombocytosis, bone marrow, medium power microscopic
- Myelodysplasia, bone marrow, ringed sideroblasts, iron stain, medium power microscopic
- Acute lymphocytic leukemia in marrow, medium power microscopic
- Acute lymphocytic leukemia on smear, microscopic
- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia on smear, microscopic
- Acute myeloblastic leukemia on smear, microscopic
- Acute myeloblastic leukemia in bone marrow, low power microscopic
- Acute myeloblastic leukemia in marrow, high power microscopic
- Chronic myelogenous leukemia on smear, microscopic
- Chronic myelogenous leukemia on smear, microscopic
- Chronic myelogenous leukemia on smear, microscopic
- Chronic myelogenous leukemia, Philadelphia chromosome, karyotype
- Leukemoid reaction on smear, microscopic
- Leukocyte alkaline phosphatase (LAP) on smear, microscopic
- Hairy cell leukemia on smear, microscopic [CT]
- Karyotypic abnormalities with leukemias/lymphomas, diagram
Lymph Nodes
- Benign reactive lymph node, low power microscopic [IPX]
- Benign reactive lymph node, high power microscopic [IPX]
- Benign reactive lymph node, medium power microscopic [IPX]
- Benign reactive lymph node, high power microscopic
- Non-Hodgkin lymphomas, characteristics, tables
- Malignant lymphoma involving mesenteric lymph nodes, gross [CT]
- Malignant lymphoma, follicular small cleaved type, lymph node, low power microscopic
- Malignant lymphoma, diffuse small lymphocytic type, lymph node, low power microscopic
- Malignant lymphoma, small lymphocytic type, liver, medium power microscopic
- Malignant lymphoma, Burkitt type, karyotype, diagram
- Malignant lymphoma, diffuse large B cell type, lymph node, medium power microscopic
- Malignant lymphoma, diffuse large B cell type, retroperitoneum, medium power microscopic
- Malignant lymphoma, peritrabecular, bone marrow, medium power microscopic
- Post-transplantation lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD), medium power microscopic
- Metastatic carcinoma to lymph nodes, gross [XRAY]
- Metastatic carcinoma to lymph nodes, gross
- Metastatic carcinoma to lymph node, low power microscopic
- Caseous necrosis, gross
- HIV lymphadenopathy, microscopic
- Multiple myeloma, lesions in skull, gross [XRAY]
- Multiple myeloma, lesions in bone marrow, gross [XRAY]
- Multiple myeloma, bone marrow, low power microscopic [XRAY]
- Multiple myeloma, bone marrow, medium power microscopic
- Multiple myeloma, bone marrow smear, high power microscopic
- Gammopathies, diagram
Hodgkin Disease
- Hodgkin disease, characteristics, tables
- Hodgkin disease, lymph node, gross [CT]
- Hodgkin disease, liver, gross [CT]
- Hodgkin disease, nodular sclerosis type, low power microscopic
- Hodgkin disease, nodular sclerosis type, medium power microscopic
- Hodgkin disease, lacunar cells, high power microscopic
- Hodgkin disease, Reed-Sternberg cells, lymph node, low power microscopic
- Hodgkin disease, Reed-Sternberg cell, lymph node, high power microscopic
- Hodgkin disease, mixed cellularity type, medium power microscopic
- Hodgkin disease, mixed cellularity type, high power microscopic
- Hodgkin disease, lymphocyte predominance type, medium power microscopic
- Hodgkin disease, lymphocyte predominance type, high power microscopic
- Hodgkin disease, lymphocyte depletion type, high power microscopic
Splenic Disorders
- Normal spleen and accessory spleen, gross [CT]
- Normal spleen, microscopic
- Splenomegaly from portal hypertension, gross
- Splenomegaly with myeloproliferative disorder, gross [CT]
- Splenic infarcts, gross
- Splenic fracture, gross
- Splenic fracture, gross [CT]
- Amyloidosis involving spleen, gross
- Gaucher disease involving spleen, gross
- Gaucher disease involving spleen, high power microscopic
- Gaucher disease, bone marrow smear, medium power microscopic
- Sarcoidosis, spleen, gross
- Hodgkin disease, spleen, gross
- Spleen with metastases from melanoma, gross
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