סמינר המחלקה לזואולוגיה

19 בפברואר 2014, 14:15 
בנין שרמן, אולם 02 
ללא תשלום
סמינר המחלקה לזואולוגיה


Cannibalism: ecology, epidemiology and viral activation

Dr. Asaf Sadeh

University of California, Davis, Department of Entomology




The role of species traits and spatial-context in ant-plant interactions       

Dr. Itamar Giladi

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Dept. of Desert Ecology




Genetic population structure of the fire salamander (Salamandra infraimmaculata) at the southernmost extreme of its distribution

Dr. Lior Blank

University of Haifa, Dept. of Evolutionary & Environmental Biology




On contingencies of reinforcement and their effect on decision from experience

Dr. Eyal Ert     

Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Dept. of Agricultural Economics & Management




Two ways interaction between biota and climate     

Prof. Hezi Gildor

Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Institute of Earth Sciences




Animal bones and early societies in Iron Age Timna

Dr. Lidar Sapir-Hen                

Tel Aviv University, Dept. of Archaeology



Denovo next-gen sequencing of nuclear and mitochondrial genomes: insight from an animal blob (Myxozoa)

Dr. Dorothée Huchon

Tel Aviv University, Dept. of Zoology




Looking for adaptation in ant genomes: adaptive role for concerted evolution in the ant's sex determination locus

Dr. Eyal Privman

University of Haifa, Dept. of Evolutionary & Environmental Biology




השפעת מגוון מאביקים על שרותי האבקה לצמחי בר וגידולי חקלאות

Dr. Yael Mandelik

Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Department of Entomology




Through the looking glass: host-parasite coevolution and sex

Prof. Curt lively

Indiana University, Bloomington, Department of Biology




Interactions of zoo visitors with exhibits: How do they learn about conservation, animals and attitude to animals?           

Dr. Chagit Tishler       

David Yellin Academic College of Education




חרקים, חיידקים ומה שביניהם

Dr. Elad Chiel

University of Haifa, Oranim Campus, Department of Biology & Environment




Between niche and neutrality: which mechanisms affect species assembly in communities?

Dr. Avi Bar-Massada  

University of Haifa, Oranim Campus, Department of Biology & Environment



שימוש בבעלי חיים במערכת הביטחון 

Prof. Joseph Terkel

Tel Aviv University, Department of Zoology



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