סימפוזיון: רפואה במאה ה-21

SYMPOSIUM - Medicine in the 21st Century

11 בינואר 2015, 10:00 - 16:30 
אולם שלזק, בית הספר לרפואה 
ללא תשלום
סימפוזיון: רפואה במאה ה-21

SYMPOSIUM - Medicine in the 21st Century


Tel Aviv University – Northwestern University


10:00 Introductory remarks

  • Prof. Yoav Henis, Vice President for Research and Development, TAU
  • Prof. Rex Chisholm, Vice Dean Scientific Affairs and Graduate Education, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine


10:10 Rex Chisholm: Genomic medicine: Discovery and implementation


10:40 Noam Shomron: Genome-wide expression profiling of human lymphoblastoid cell lines discover novel biomarkers


11:00 Susan Quaggin: New angiogenic targets in disease


11:30 Jonathan Leor: New targets for cardiac repair and regeneration


11:50 Karen B. Avraham, Vice Dean, Sackler Faculty of Medicine

Uri Ashery, Head, Sagol School of Neuroscience


12:00 Lunch


12:45 Nav Chandel: Cancer Research: Mitochondria as signaling organelles


13:15 Ilan Tsarfaty: Interplay between Met signaling and metabolism as a target for breast cancer therapy


13:35 Alfred L. George: Channelopathies


14:05 Nathan Dascal: Lithium, ion channels and bipolar disorder


14:25 Jim Surmeier: Calcium and selective neuronal vulnerability in Parkinson’s disease


14:55 Bernard Attali: SK4 Ca2+-activated K+ channel is a critical player in cardiac pacemaker


15:15 Coffee and cake


15:30 Hagit Eldar-Finkelman: Lysosome as a therapeutic target in Alzheimer’s disease and its regulation by GSK-3


15:50 Illana Gozes: Genes shared among autism, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease: ADNP as a case study


16:10 Dimitri Krainc: Development of targeted therapies for neurodegenerative disorders


Invitation >

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