השקת המרכז למדעי המידע - TAU Data Science Center

מפגש ראשון מתוך שניים

26 בנובמבר 2014, 17:00 - 20:00 
אולם כס המשפט, הפקולטה למשפטים 
ללא תשלום
השקת המרכז למדעי המידע - TAU Data Science Center

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Prof. Joseph Klafter, President, Tel Aviv University

Welcome and Greetings


Prof. Yaron Oz, Dean, Raymond and Beverly Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences

"TAU Data Science Center: The Goals"




Discussion and a short presentation of the Data Science members


List of Talks:


1. Ms. Einat Ron, Head of the EU Liaison Office, TAU

"Big Data opportunities under Horizon 2020"


2. Ms. Adva Simantov Damti, Information Manager, TAU

"Big Data Funding Opportunities: Mapping the Terrain"

3. Prof. Varda Shalev, Department of Epidemiology, Faculty of Medicine

"Medical Informatics"

4. Prof. Nir Ben-Tal, The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Life Sciences

"Global View of the Protein Universe"

5. Dr. Oded Rechavi, Department of Neurobiology, Faculty of Life Sciences

"Inheritance of Acquired Traits Via Non Coding RNAs"

6. Dr. Dov Poznanski, School of Physics & Astronomy, Faculty of Exact Sciences

"Needles in Astronomical Haystacks – Studying the Interstellar Medium with Massive Spectroscopic Surveys"

7. Dr. Nili Harnik, Department of Geosciences, Faculty of Exact Sciences

"What causes extreme global-scale winter conditions?"

8. Prof. Nira Liberman, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences

"Effects of psychological distance (temporal, inter-personal, probability) on mental processes (evaluation, decision making, abstractness of mental representation) and on intensity of psychological effects (e.g., persuasion)"

9. Prof. Shai Lavi, Director, Edmond j. Safra Center for Ethics, Faculty of Law

"Bioethics  and  the Challenge of Big Data"

10. Dr. Tomer Geva, Recanati Business School, Faculty of Management

"Predictive Modeling of Consumer Behavior Using Search Trends and Social Media Data"

11. Dr. Erez Shmueli, Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering

"Sensing, understanding and shaping social behavior"

12. Prof. Sivan Toledo, School of Computer Science, Faculty of Exact Sciences

"Analyzing High-Throughput Wildlife Tracking Data"

13. Prof. Yoel Shkolnisky, School of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Exact Sciences

"Three Dimensional Structure Determination in Electron Microscopy"

14. Prof. Lior Wolf, School of Computer Science, Faculty of Exact Sciences

"An Overview of Deep Learning in Image and Video Analysis"

15. Prof. Irad Ben-Gal, Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering

"Big Data Applications to Service and Industrial Organizations"

16. Prof. Tova Milo, School of Computer Science, Faculty of Exact Sciences

"Data Centered Crowdsourcing"


The second meeting will take place at 24.12.14.


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