סמינר מחקר בחוג להנדסה ביו רפואית

09 בדצמבר 2013, 14:00 
חדר 315, הבניין הרב תחומי 
ללא תשלום
סמינר מחקר בחוג להנדסה ביו רפואית

Prof. Keefe Manning

The Pennsylvania State University, Department of Bioengineering



Using Fluid Dynamics as a Predictor for Thrombus Deposition in Ventricular Assist Devices


One of the major impediments for successful use of cardiovascular devices is the occurrence of thrombosis, and potentially, thromboembolization.  In an effort to improve design of technology like ventricular assist devices, we are studying how fluid dynamics can become a predictor for thrombus deposition and growth.  We are conducting in vitro experimental studies using optical measurement techniques to characterize the near wall surface while simultaneously performing in vitro blood experiments using platelets and whole blood.  With these data and through the development of a predictive parameter, we hope to create a computational tool that will be able to identify regions susceptible to thrombosis well before we create any physical models and conduct animal studies.








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