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#7 What is the Future of Computing
Episode #7 - Prof. Tova Milo - What is the Future of Computing
In this episode of TAU Unbound we had a chance to discuss the future of computing and exact sciences from Natanya-born Prof. Tova Milo Dean of the Faculty of Exact Sciences.
How powerful computers will help advance solutions to health-related, environmental and societal problems ?
Prof. Milo shares about her own career as well as her faculty’s work.
00:30 How she came to study exact science
3:45 How she transferred to computer science
4:47 Main things that hasn’t changed in computer science
6:36 Personal specialty in computer science
7:05 Main challenges in data management
7:51 The applications of data management and ethics
11:00 Ai and algorithms - critics
14:58 Creativity and ai
17:22 Future of work and leisure activities in the technological world
20:17 Faculty of exact science
21:00 International collaboration
23:00 Environmental agenda
25:41 Future of her research
29:00 Future of information tech
31:48Quantum computing and future of computer science