Post-Doctoral Scholarships - 10/2016

Tel-Aviv University offers Post-Doctoral scholarships for one year as from October 2016.


The amount of the scholarship per-year is about 68,000 NIS. Half of the scholarship will be financed by the advisor and half by the university or by the Pikovsky Valazzi Fund.


The scholarship will be granted for one year.

1. University Scholarships: The university will grant 20 scholarships on the basis of matching for new post-docs. Ten out of the 20 scholarships will be granted to Post-Docs. from leading Universities abroad.

2. Pikovsky Valazzi Scholarship: The Pikovsky Valazzi fund will grant two scholarships on the basis of matching for new post-docs.


The scholarships will be offered for research in the fildes of applied electronics, biotechnology, applied physics, which should be suitable for application and use in science based industries.


Qualifications: The candidate must submit the Ph.D. thesis before 10/2016.


Supporting Documents:

  • A confirmation that the candidate is entitled to a Ph.D degree and the date it was awarded, or an administrative confirmation that the doctoral thesis was send to the referees.
  • A letter from the head of the department (at Tel-Aviv University)
  • A letter from the advisor (at Tel-Aviv University)
  • Three letters of recommendation (including a letter from the Ph.D. supervisor and if possible, one not from the University where the Ph.D. was granted).
  • A short (1-2 pages) research proposal.
  • List of Publications.
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Application form


The application form and the supporting documents must be received not later than July 3, 2016.


More detailes are available at:

Research Students Section: Tel. No.: 03-6408161, Fax No.: 03-6416226





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