Absorption and Laser Induced Fluorescence Spectra of Molecular Iodine
In this experiment you will determine the energy levels of a diatomic molecule.
Answer in writing:
- For the absorbance spectroscopy and LIF parts of the experiment, write in detail:
- Subject
- Purpose
- List the equations you will use. Explain the meaning of each variable and its units.
- List the known values needed for the experiment (e.g., for the calibration you will need the peak wavelengths of mercury).
- List the literature values of the quantities you will be measuring in this experiment.
- Explain how the detector you will use works. Specifically:
- Monochromator: What happens when light passes through the monochromator? Explain in terms of diffraction (עקיפה) and interference (התאבכות).
- Photomultiplier: Is there a minimal intensity required in order to get signal amplification? Can you get a signal for each photon?
- Explain some of the principles behind the equipment you will use:
- Exlpain spontaneous emission, stimulated emission and absorption.
- How does a laser work? What is the main difference between laser light and the light of a mercury lamp?
- What is the Franck-Condon principle?
Prepare in advance and bring to the lab:
- Values of ωe, ωeχe, De, D0, E*, Be and re for iodine molecule obtained from literature.
- The wavelength of the five major peaks of a mercury lamp.
- Use equation 23 and calculate the resolution of a monochromator with a reciprocal linear dispersion of 1.6 nm/mm (for a 1200 grooves/mm grating) and w=500μm wide entrance slit. Considering this resolution, what features will be seprable in the spectrum?