Gideon Toury

Articles and Chapters in Books


  1. Toury, Gideon 1995. “The Nature and Role of Norms in Translation”. In idem, Descriptive Translation Studies and Beyond. Amsterdam-Philadelphia:
    John Benjamins, 53-69.
  1. Toury, Gideon 1995. “The Notion of 'Assumed Translation' - An Invitation to a New Discussion”. H. Bloemen, E. Hertog & W. Segers, eds. Letterlijkheid, Woordelijheid / Literality, Verbality). Antwerpen/Harmelen: Fantom, 135-147.
  1. Toury, Gideon 1998. “A Handful of Paragraphs on 'Translation' and 'Norms'”. In: Christina Schäffner, ed. Translation and Norms. Clevedon etc.:
    Multilingual Matters, 1998. 10-32. [also available as Vol 5, Nos 1&2 of
    Current Issues in Language & Society
  1. Toury, Gideon 1998. “Hebrew [Translation] Tradition”. In Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies, ed. Mona Baker, assisted by Kirsten Malmkjaer. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 439-448.
  1. Toury, Gideon 1999. “How Come the Translation of a Limerick Can Have Four Lines (Or Can It)?” In: Word, Text, Translation: Liber Amicorum for Peter Newmark, eds Gunilla Anderman & Margaret Rogers. Clevedon etc.: Multilingual Matters, 163-174.
  1. Toury, Gideon (in press). “Culture Planning and Translation”. Forthcoming In: Proceedings of the Vigo Conference “anovadores de nós - anosadores de vós", eds. A. Alvarez et al.
  1. Toury, Gideon 2002. “Translation as a Means of Planning and the Planning of Translation: A Theoretical Framework and an Exemplary Case”. In “Translations: (Re)shaping of Literature and Culture", Bogaziçi University, Istanbul, ed. Saliha Paker, pp. 148-165.
  1. Toury, Gideon 2001. “A Tradução como Meio de Planificação e a Planificação da Tradução”. In Histórias Literárias Comparadas: Colóquio Internacional. Lisboa: Colibri, pp. 17-32.
  1. Toury, Gideon (in press). “Enhancing Cultural Changes by Means of Fictitious Translations”.
  1. Toury, Gideon 1997. “A Dónde nos llevan los estudios descriptivos de traducción: O ¿dónde vamos desde donde supuestamente estamos?”. In: Miguel Angel Vega y Rafael Martín-Gaitero (eds.) 1997. La Palabra Vertida: Investigaciones en torno a la Traducció, Madrid, Editorial Complutense, pp. 69-80.
  1. Toury, Gideon 2002. “Translation and reflection on translation: A skeletal history for the uninitiated”. In Jewish Translation History: A Bibliography of Bibliographies and Studies, ed. Robert Singerman. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. IX-XXXI.