Figure 6Wave plots of "discontent" and "York"excised from a reading of excerpt
Let us have now a look at figure 6. The line-final discontentends
with a stop release. This stop release is exceptionally loud and
exceptionally long; and is preceded by a very minute pause (0.028
msec). The nature of this structure will be clarified by a comparison to
the stop release at the end of Yorkin the next line. Here the plosion,
though still quite conspicuous, is much shorter and much weaker. It is
preceded by an exceptionally long pause (0.169 msec--in midword!).
In spite of its excessive duration, it is not perceived as a pause, but as
an articulatory gesture: extended closure of the vocal track, to
overarticulate the [k]. In this instance, at least, there appears to be a
trade-off between the amplitude and duration of the realease and the
preceding pause. The brief 0.056-msec break after discontent,too, is
perceived not as a straightforward pause, but as some articulatory
gesture that does not interrupt the stream of speech.
There is a fairly mild enjambment from the first to the second line:
the sentence is running on from one line to the other; even the verb
phrase "is made" is straddled between the two lines. The line boundary
requires discontinuation of the stream of speech; the run-on sentence
requires continuation. The performer solves this problem remarkably
well. The lack of perceptible pause between the two lines takes care of
continuation; the terminal intonation contour, the prolongation of the
last syllable, and the exceptionally well-articulated stop release at the
end take care of discontinuation. That is what I have called "conflicting
cues" in enjambment.
At the end of the second line, line boundary and sentence boundary
coincide; so, there is no syntactic demand here for continuation.
Indeed, the phonetic cues are, again, in harmony, all of them indicating
discontinuation. This is what I have called redundancy. The final
monosyllable, York, is the longest syllable in the first two lines (0.544
msec). The final rising-and-falling intonation curve too may effectively
contribute to closure. Considering that there is no prosodic problem
here to solve, the line-final stop release with the preceding excessive
pause may be judged very much exaggerated. It is here where
expressive force and overdetermination come in. The overarticulated
line-final stop does not serve merely to clearly articulate a juncture of a
line-boundary and sentence-boundary; it serves an expressive function
too. When speaking of "triple encodedness", I suggested above that the
distorted pronunciation of a phoneme may be decoded as a phoneme, as
some expressive effect, and as some prosodic effect. We have just
considered the prosodic function of the overarticulated oral stops at the
end of the first two lines: to clearly articulate the line boundary. But I
have also suggested above that a tendency to overarticulate oral stops
may be an indication of certain personality traits, such as an assertive,
determined, firm attitude. According to our foregoing analysis, this
description fits Gloucester extremely well. I submit that the