Symbolic Logic:Programming
From Knowino
Programming in symbolic logic is the solving of problems. The solving of problems is reduced to the solving of trivial equations. Analysis will already have derived theorems and solved complex equations.
Programming implements the decision making process. It initiates actions. In a robot programming initiates physical movements based on inputs. On a laptop computer programming displays information for the user.
Level | Subject 1 | Subject 2 | Subject 2 |
Foundations | Value Sets - Implementation | Function to Fact Transformation | Demand Driven Evaluation |
Application | Change in Time | Object Oriented Programming | Meta Programming |
Framework | Object Relational Mapping | GUI Framework | Messaging Systems |
Testing | Regression and Unit testing | Recording Tests | Explanation |
Developement Environment | GUI for Programs Objects | Program Object Learning | Diagrams |
[edit] Summary
Foundations | Values functions and variables |
Value Sets | Multiple values for variables treated a single set of values. |
Function to Fact Transformation | Treat the return value no differently than the parameters. |
Demand Driven Evaluation | Choose the order of evaluation to match the requested data, and maximise speed. |
Application | Objects and relationships in the world. |
Change in Time | Dealing with change and the passing of time. |
Object Oriented Logic Programming | Modelling the world as collections of related objects. Renaming inheritance. |
Meta Programming | Break down the execution into a series of phases that contribute to generating the final executable. |
Framework | Common structural functionality across the application. |
Object Relational Mapping | Functionality to integrate Constraint Logic Programming with database systems. |
GUI Framework | Functionality to integrate Constraint Logic Programming with a Graphical User Interface. |
Messaging Systems | Message translation and routing systems. |
Testing | Protecting existing functionality so that the application only improves. |
Regression and Unit Testing | Examples of expected behaviour, used to verify functionality. |
Recording Tests | Capturing test cases from the deployed application environment. |
Explanation | Getting the computer to explain its calculations. Link the calculations to the business rules. |
Development Environment | Maintaining and working with programs |
GUI for Programs Objects | Regard the program as a collection of objects. Use a GUI to maintain the objects in an object database. |
Program Object Learning | Automated simplification and restructuring of the program to minimise complexity. |
Diagrams | Create diagrams to show the structure of the program. |