Conference and Colloquium Talks
- April 1971. The perceptual content of some grammatical constraints. Chicago Linguistic Society Annual Meeting.
- April 1972. Is the A-over-A Principle an A-over-A Principle? Chicago Linguistic Society Annual Meeting.
- January 1973. The binary nature of the coordinate structure constraint. Linguistic Society of America Winter Meeting.
- March 1973. The proper formulation of the Sentential Subject Constraint. Santa Cruz Linguistics conference.
- April 1974. On extraction from clause-nonfinal constituents. Chicago Linguistic Society Annual Meeting.
- July 1974. The structural position of clause-initial interrogative and relative pronouns. Linguistic Society of America Summer Meeting.
- April 1975. A plea for greater caution in proposing functional explanations in linguistics. The parassession on functionalism of the Chicago Linguistic Society Annual Meeting (invited presentation)
- January 1976. On the distributional restrictions of complement clauses (with Sandra Thompson). Berkeley Linguistic Society Summer Meeting.
- June 1978. Island Constraints and their pragmatic component. Israeli University Teachers’ Annual Meeting.
- June 1980. Island Constraints and processing. International Congress on language, logic and discourse Theory, Tel Aviv University.
- July 1983. The coordination of categorially and functionally distinct constituents. Linguistic Society of America Summer Meeting.
- June 1984. Heterofunctional coordination and focus, First Israel International Congress on cognitive science. Also given at the Max Planck Institut für Psycholinguistik (Sept. 1983), The Catholic University of Nijmegen (Dec. 1983), The Netherlands Institute for Advanced Science (March 1984), The University of Bochum (April 1984), The University of Salzburg (May 1984), and the University of Toronto (June 1984).
- June 1989. Matching and anti-Pied-Piping constraints in finite and nonfinite free relatives, The Israel Association of Theoretical Linguistics. Also given at the University of Regensburg (June 1986), the University of Passau (August 1986), the University of Tuebingen (June 1990), the University of Montreal (September 1990), the University of Quebec at Montreal (October 1990), the University of Ottawa (September 1991) and the University of Paris 8 (February 1992).
- June 1992. Free relatives with a 'missing' preposition in Romanian, French, English and German. The Venice International Conference on Romanian Theoretical Linguistics (invited presentation), and the Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics Annual Meeting (June 1992).
- September 1995. The ambiguous operator/complementizer status of French qui/que and Romanian ce. The International Colloquium on the lexicon and syntax of Romance languages, Tel Aviv University.
- October 1995. The semantic typology of relative clauses in the languages of the world. University of Bucharest, Romania.
- October 1995. Strange relatives of the third kind (with Fred Landman), The First Paris International Conference on Syntax and Semantics. Also given at the Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics Annual Meeting (June 1995), and the Amsterdam Colloquium on formal semantics and computational Linguistics (January 1996).
- January 1996. Carlson’s last puzzle; will it go the way of Fermat’s last theorem? (with Fred Landman) Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics Annual Workshop. Also given at The First International Conference on (preferably) non-lexical semantics, University of Paris 7 (May 1996).
- February 1997. An augmented typology of relative clause constructions, The International Colloquium on Determiner Phrases, Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin (invited presentation).
- February 1997. Antisymmetry and the tripartite typology of relative clause constructions, Incontro di Grammatica Generativa 23, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa.
- September 1997. The syntactic underpinnings of the tripartite typology of relatives, The Colloquium on Interface Strategies, Amsterdam (invited presentation).
- February 1998. Competing restrictive and maximalizing readings in English headed relatives, Incontro di Grammatica Generativa 24, University of Verona.
- February 1998. Agreement and lack of agreement in operator phrases (with Josef Bayer), Incontro di Grammatica Generativa 24, University of Verona.
- May 1998. Kongruenz und Nichtkongruenz bei Operatoren (with Josef Bayer), Generative Grammatik im Sueden, Universitaet Salzburg.
- May 1998. Carlson's contexts are 'filters' not 'plugs', The Second International Conference on (preferably) non-lexical semantics, University of Paris 7. Also given at the Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics Annual Meeting (June 1998), the colloquium on relative clauses at the Holland Institute of Linguistics, Leiden (June 1998; invited presentation), and Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin (June 1998; invited presentation).
- October 1998. Restrictive and maximalizing options in internally- and externally-headed relatives, The International Colloquium on Comparatives and Relatives, Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin. Also given at Incontro di Grammatica Generative 25, Siena (February 1999).
- March 2000. Transparent Free Relatives are internally headed. Incontro di Grammatica Generativa 26, University of Rome. Also given at the International Colloquium on Relatives, Tel Aviv University (June 2000).
- January 2000. Transparent Free Relatives as a special subcase of standard free relatives. The conference On the structure of DPs/NPs, University of Antwerp. Also given at the Incontro di Grammatica Generativa 27, University of Trieste, and the ACME Balcanica Conference, Concordia University, Montreal (April 2001).
- June 2001. Another look at the distribution of genitive nominals in Romanian, International Conference On the Balkan Sprachbund, Leiden (invited presentation).
- June 2002: Modal Existential wh-Constructions. Annual Meeting of the Israel Society for Theoretical Linguistics (June 2002). Also given at the Colloquium on Comparative Romance Linguistics, Antwerp (September 2002), the Colloque Indéfinis et Prédications, La Sorbonne (October 2002), and the Incontro di Grammatica Generativa IGG 29, University of Urbino (February 2003).
- February 2004: Argumental relative constructions with post-copular gaps; the licensing role of temporal and modal operators (joint work with Manfred Krifka). IGG 30, Univ. of Venice. Also given at the Colloque sur les arguments et la predication (in French; Tel Aviv Univ., June 2004), the Annual Meeting of the Israel Society for Theoretical Linguistics (June 2004), the International Conference on Time and Space, Antwerp, September 2004 (keynote speaker), the conference Sinn und Bedeutung, Nijmegen, November 2004 (presented by Krifka), and the international conference Le discourse francais: perspectives linguistiques et litteraires, Craiova, Romania, May 2006 (keynote speaker).
- January 2005: Reply to Bhatt & Pancheva's "Late merger of degree clauses": The irrelevance of (non-) Conservativity, The Conference on Indefinites and Weak Nominals, Brussels. Also given at the Annual Conference of Theoretical Linguistics, University of Bucharest, June 2006 (keynote speaker).
- May 2006: An amalgam and its puzzles, Colloque sur les concepts trans- et inter-culturels, University of Bucharest (keynote speaker).
- May 2006: Les relatives intensionnelles a lacune post-copulaire. Conference internationale sur la culture et linguistique francaises, University of Craiova, Romania (keynote speaker).
- June 2006: On the pre-theoretical notion 'phrasal head': Ignoring the left periphery is always at your own risk, International Conference on Interface Legibility at the Edge, Bucharest (keynote speaker).
- February 2007: 'Grafting' and its problems. University of Venice.
- February 2007: Complements of Adj and Deg, and the Head Final Filter. University of Venice. [ Handout PDF ]
- September 2007: Multi- vs. bi-dimensional trees for capturing the pre-theoretical notion 'pivot': The (dis)preferred status of 'Grafting.' University Paris 7. [ Handout PDF ]
- September 2007: The great mathematician Bill claims to be: Potential theoretical interest and implications. University Paris 7. [ Handout PDF ]
- May 2008: On the analysis of constructions with prima facie non-standard 'pivots': free and transparent relatives, amalgams, and (other) 'far from simple' things.GGS-Tagung, ZAS, Berlin.
- June 2008: Two very different types of internally-headed relatives. Yearly international conference of the Faculty of Humanities, University of Bucharest. Also given (in Romanian) at the Institute of the Romanian Academy of Sciences.
- October 2008: A Hybrid construction in Romanian? International conference on grammatization and pragmatization, University of Bucharest.
- June 2010: Typological properties of internally-headed relative constructions in the languages of the world. The workshop on adjectives and relative clauses, University of Venice (Keynote speaker)
- July 2011: A semantic classification of internally-headed relatives. International workshop on ‘reconstruction’, Zentrum fuer Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin.
- October 2012 (with Koji Hoshi from Keio University): Japanese IHRCs: Quantificational disclosure, e-type anaphora, and the pitfalls of homophony. International workshop on internally-headed relatives, Zentrum fuer Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin.
- December 2012: Amount relatives revisited. International conference on ‘specificity’, University of Bucharest.
- April 2013: The syntax-semantics of Japanese internally headed relatives. Keio University, Japan.
- May 2013: Transparent Free relatives: Two challenges for the Grafting approach. GGS-Tagung, University of Frankfurt, Germany
(also given in June 2013 at the Annual Conference on Theoretical Linguistics, University of Bucharest).