- 1972: The strategic content of island constraints. The Ohio State University Working Papers in Linguistics 13 (special issue; revised doctoral thesis).
- 1981: Approaches to Island Phenomena. North Holland Linguistic Series No. 45.
- 1994: Three Studies in Locality and Case. Routledge, General Linguistics Series.
- 1969: The isomorphism of semantic and syntactic categories as illustrated by a study of sex and gender, numerosity and number, in English and Hebrew. Hebrew Computational Linguistics No. 1.
- 1971a: On coreferentiality constraints and Equi-NP-Deletion in English. OSU WPL No. 7.
- 1971b: On grammatical and perceptual constraints. CLS No. 6.
- 1972a: Is the A-over-A Principle an A-over-A principle? CLS No. 7.
- 1972b (with Wolfgang Dressler): Generative Phonologie und Indogermanische Lautgeschichte; eine kritische Wuerdigung. Indogermanische Forschungen No. 77, 1.
- 1973a: On the nonunitary nature of the Coordinate Structure Constraint. Linguistic Inquiry No. 4.
- 1973b: Another remark on Dragging. Linguistic Inquiry No. 4.
- 1973c: A Note on Implicatures, Invited Inferences, and Syntactic Form. Die Sprache Vol 19, No. 1.
- 1973d: On the status of the so-called Right Roof Constraint. Language No. 49.
- 1974a: On the nature of the Left Branch Condition. Linguistic Inquiry No. 5.
- 1974b: On selfembedding and double function. Linguistic Inquiry No. 5.
- 1975a: On selfembedding constructions. Die Sprache No. 21.
- 1975b: A note on analogy. Linguistic Inquiry No. 6.
- 1975c: The position of fronted wh-phrases. Linguistic Inquiry No. 6.
- 1975d: A plea for greater caution in proposing functional explanations in linguistics. CLS Parassession Functionalism (invited contribution).
- 1975e: On the status of positionally-defined constraints in syntax. Theoretical Linguistics No. 2.
- 1975f: On the Inherent Difficulty of Multiply Center-Embedded Constructions. Die Sprache Vol. 21, No. 2.
- 1976a (with Ruth Berman): Aspects of the opula in Modern Hebrew. In Peter Cole, ed., Studies in Modern Hebrew Syntax and Semantics, North Holland.
- 1976b: A note on Subject Raising to Object and Right Node Raising. Linguistic Inquiry No. 8.
- 1976c: thatc ≠ thatr. Die Sprache No. 22.
- 1977a: Is make the claim a complex lexical item? Linguistic Inquiry No. 8.
- 1977b: The complexity of centerembedding. Talseminar No. 20.
- 1977c: Towards a realistic model of the human language faculty. Lingua 41 (Review-article of Chomsky's Reflections on Language, 1975)
- 1977d (with Sandra Thompson): Constraints on the distribution of NP clauses. Language No. 53.
- 1978a: On unbounded extraction phenomena and the so called Specified Subject Condition. CUNYForum No. 4.
- 1978b: Coordination Reduction versus Across-the-board Reordering within the Extended Standard Theory. Taalfasette No. 24.
- 1980: On the analogical extension of rule domains. Theoretical Linguistics No. 7.
- 1981: Should there be a (restricted) rule of Conjunction Reduction? Linguistic Inquiry No. 12.
- 1982: The extrammatical content of certain 'island constraints.' Theoretical Linguistics No. 9.
- 1984a (with Julia Horvath): The GB theory and Raising in Romanian. Linguistic Inquiry No. 15.
- 1984b: An analogical approach to noun clause distribution. Theoretical Linguistics No. 11.
- 1986: Subcategorization and parallelism. Theoretical Linguistics No. 13.
- 1987a: On acceptable violations of parallelism constraints. In R. Dirven ed., Functionalism, John Benjamins.
- 1987b (with Julia Horvath): On non-finiteness in extraction constructions. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory No. 5.
- 1987c (with Julia Horvath): On the notion 'pseudo-head'; evidence from Romanian free relative and interrogative constructions. Theoretical Linguistics 14.
- 1988a: On an asymmetry in the distribution of island constraints. Lingua No. 74.
- 1988b: On the distribution of genitive phrases in Romanian. Linguistics 26.
- 1989: Pied Piping and the Matching Parameter. The Linguistic Review No. 6.
- 1992: Une etude de celui et de cel dans le cadre de la Theorie de la Projection Etendue. Travaux de Linguistique.
- 1994: The structural diversity of restrictive and maximalizing relatives. In Buchalla & Mittwoch eds., Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics No. 1.
- 1995a: Free relatives with a 'missing' preposition. In Cinque & Giusti eds., Advances in Romanian Linguistics, John Benjamins.
- 1995b: Null and overt operators in French and Romanian. In Kupferman & Bat-Zeev eds., A Festschrift for David Gaatone, John Benjamins.
- 1995c: The grammar of irrealis free relatives in Romanian. In Paun ed., A Festschrift for Solomon Marcus, The Romanian Academy of Sciences Press.
- 1996a: The proper analysis of 'missing-P' free relative constructions. Linguistic Inquiry No. 27.
- 1996b (with Fred Landman): Carlson's last puzzle; will it go the way of Fermat's last theorem? In Doron and Wintner eds., Proceedings of the Annual Conference and Workshop of the Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics No. 3. [PDF]
- 1998 (with Fred Landman): Strange Relatives of the Third Kind. Natural Language Semantics.
- 1999: The multiple sources of maximality in degree relatives. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics No. 6.
- 2000a: Type resolution in relative constructions. Feature marking and dependency encoding. In Alexiadou & Wilder eds., The syntax of relative clauses, John Benjamins. [PDF]
- 2000b: Type resolution in relative constructions. Competing restrictive and maximalizing constructions. In Bennis, Everaert & Reuland eds., Interface Strategies, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. [PDF]
- 2000c: An unusual Romanian construction and its theoretical implications. In Coene, Dendale & D'Hulst eds., Studia Linguistics in honorem Lilianne Tasmowsky. Unipress: Padova.
- 2000d: The semantic diversity of internally-headed relative clauses. In Schaner-Wolles, Rennisson & Neubarth, eds., Linguistic Studies in honour of Wolfgang Ulrich Dressler presented on his 60th birthday. Rosenberg & Sellier: Torino.
- 2000e (with Josef Bayer): Feature-checking meets the criterion approach; three ways of saying 'only' in Romance and Germanic. In Motapanyane ed., Comparative Studies in Romanian Syntax. North Holland Linguistic Series 58: Amsterdam, Oxford & New York. [PDF]
- 2002: Strange relatives at the interface of two millennia. State-of-the-Article, GLOT International 6,6, 145-167. [PDF]
- 2003a: 'Transparent' free relatives as a special instance of 'standard' free relatives. The structure of DPs, Coene, D'Hulst & Tasmovski, eds.. Elsevier North-Holland: Amsterdam.
- 2003b: A unified theory of 'standard' and 'transparent' free relatives. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 21,2, 247-331. [PDF]
- 2004: Modal Existential wh-Constructions. In: The syntax-Semantics of Balkan Languages, O. Tomic, ed., John Benjamins. [PDF]
- 2005 (with Manfred Krifka): Relative clause constructions with a post-copular gap. In: On Space and Time in Language, M. Coene and L. Tasmovski eds., Cluj-Napoca, Romania. [PDF]
- 2006a (with Julia Horvath): Reply to Bhatt and Pancheva'sa "Late merger of degree clauses": The irrelevance of (non)conservativity. Linguistic Inquitry 37, 3, pp. 457-483. [PDF]
- 2006b: An amalgam and its puzzles. In: 40 to 60 puzzles for Manfred Krifka, ed. Hans-Martin Gaertner, website of the Zentrum fuer Alggemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin. [PDF]
- 2007a (with Julia Horvath and Helen Trugman): DegPs as adjuncts and the Head Final Filter. Bucharest Working Papers in Linguistics, vol. VIII, No. 1, A. Cornilescu ed., University of Bucharest Press. [PDF]
- 2007b: 'Direct' versus 'indirect' approaches to Transparent Free Relatives. In Pitar Moş: A Building with a View. Papers in Honour of Alexandra Cornilescu. Alboiu, A., A.A.Avram, L. Avram, D. Isac (eds.), University of Bucharest Press, ISBN 978-973-737-312-0. [PDF]
- 2007c (with Manfred Krifka): The gifted mathematician that you claim to be: Equational intensional 'reconstruction' relatives. Linguistics & Philosophy 30, 4, pp. 445-485. [PDF]
- 2009a: Head-internal relatives in Japanese/Korean. Proceedings of Incontro di Grammatica Generative XXXV, Siena, February 2009, published on the website [PDF]
- 2009b: Two kinds of degree-denoting relatives: Hebrew versus Romanian. Brill's Annual of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics, vol. 1 [PDF]
- 2009c: Romanian 'unexpected' relatives, in Revue Roumaine de Linguistique, vol. LIV, No 1, January-March 2009 [PDF]
- 2009d: A refined typology of internally-headed relatives, in Working Papers in Linguistics, vol. XI, 1, University of Bucharest Press [PDF]
- 2009e: The syntax-semantics of Japanese/Korean internally headed relative clause constructions. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Philologia, LII, 3/2009. [PDF]
- 2009f: (with Hadas Kotek). Degrees/Intervals as restricted entities. Handout of talk given at NELS 40, held at MIT, on November 13, 2009. [PDF]
- 2010a: The status of the internally-headed relatives of Japanese/Korean within the broader typology of 'definite' relatives. To appear in The Journal of East Asian Linguistics [PDF]
- 2010b: On the pre-theoretical notion ``phrasal head’’: Ignoring the left periphery is always at your own risk. In: Interface properties: edges, heads and projections, Anna-Maria di Sciullo and Virginia Hill (eds.), John Benjamins. [PDF]
- 2012a: (with Fred Landman). A quantificational-disclosure approach to Japanese and Korean internally-headed relatives. The Journal of East Asian Linguistics 21, 2. [PDF]
- 2012b: Towards a more articulated typology of internally-headed relative constructions: The semantic connection. Language and Linguistics Compass 6/7. [PDF]
- 2013a: (with Koji Hoshi and Daeyoung Sohn). The Japanese-Korean connection: a contrastive study of the inventory and properties of their IHRCs. Unpublished ms. [PDF]
- 2013c: Relative Clause Constructions and unbounded dependencies. In Sorin, C & I. Giurgea (eds.), A Reference Grammar of Romanian, volume 1: The Noun Phrase. John Benjamins. [PDF]
- 2014. Transparent free relatives: two challenges for the grafting approach. In Bondaruk, A., G. Dalmi and A. Grosu (eds.) Advances in the Syntax of DPs. Structure, Agreement, and Case. John Benjamins. [PDF]
- 2015a: (with Ion Giurgea).Entity-denoting amount relatives: The ‘smoking gun'. In Brandner, E., A. Czypionka, C. Freitag & A. Trotzke (eds.), Charting the Landscape of Linguistics: On the Scope of Josef Bayer’s Work, 67-71. [PDF]
- 2015b: (with Ion Giurgea). Selected aspects of amount relatives: The Romanian-English connection. To appear in Linguistics Beyond and Within 1. [PDF]
- 2016b: The semantics, syntax, and morphology of Transparent Free Relatives revisited; a comparison of two approaches. To appear in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory. [PDF]
- 2016 (with Koji Hoshi). Japanese Internally Headed Relatives. Their distinctness from potentially homophonous constructions. Glossa, special issue on internally-headed relatives. [PDF]
- 2017: (with Fred Landman). Amount Relatives. Chapter 7 of The Blackwell Companion to Syntax II (SynCom II). [PDF]
- 2018 (with Koji Hoshi). On the unified analysis of three types of relative clause construction in Japanese, and on the “salient reading” of the internally headed type. A reply to Erlewine & Gould (2016). Glossa: a journal of general linguistics [PDF]
- 2019 (with Koji Hoshi). Japanese internally-headed and doubly-headed relative constructions, and a comparison of two approaches. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics. [PDF]
- 2021a (with Chris Tancredi and Koji Hoshi). The syntax and semantics of Japanese internally- and doubly-headed relatives. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics. [PDF]
- 2021b (with Josef Bayer). Pre-nominal adjectival transparent free relatives. Proceedings of IATL 34-35, MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 92. [PDF]
- 2022a (with Manfred Krifka). A note on The gifted mathematician that you claim to be. Linguistics & Philosophy, DOI 10.1007/s10988-022-09348-z [PDF]
- 2023: A fresh look at the so-called ‘transparent free relatives’. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 8(1). pp. 1–23. DOI: [PDF]
- Yehiel Hayon, Relativization in Hebrew: A transformational approach (1973). In Foundations of Language 13, 1975.
- Noam Chomsky, Essays on Form and Interpretation (1977). In Journal of Linguistics 15, 1979.
- Brian Joseph, The loss of the infinitive in the Balkans (Cambridge University Press 1983). In The Mediterranean Language Review 1989.
- Graham Mallinson, Romanian (1986). In Linguistics 26, 1988.
- Dorit D. Ravid, Language change in child and adult Hebrew; a psycholinguistic perspective (Oxford University Press 1995). In Journal of Pragmatics 26, 1996.
- Asa Kasher ed., The Chomskyan Turn (Blackwell 1991). In Journal of Pragmatics 26, 1997.
- Virginia Motapanyane, ed., Comparative Studies in Romanian Syntax (North Holland Linguistic Series 58). In Lingua 112, 2002.