Alexander Grosu

  • Department of Linguistics
  • Tel Aviv University



  1. 1972: The strategic content of island constraints. The Ohio State University Working Papers in Linguistics 13 (special issue; revised doctoral thesis).
  2. 1981: Approaches to Island Phenomena. North Holland Linguistic Series No. 45.
  3. 1994: Three Studies in Locality and Case. Routledge, General Linguistics Series.


  1. 1969: The isomorphism of semantic and syntactic categories as illustrated by a study of sex and gender, numerosity and number, in English and Hebrew. Hebrew Computational Linguistics No. 1.
  2. 1971a: On coreferentiality constraints and Equi-NP-Deletion in English. OSU WPL No. 7.
  3. 1971b: On grammatical and perceptual constraints. CLS No. 6.
  4. 1972a: Is the A-over-A Principle an A-over-A principle? CLS No. 7.
  5. 1972b (with Wolfgang Dressler): Generative Phonologie und Indogermanische Lautgeschichte; eine kritische Wuerdigung. Indogermanische Forschungen No. 77, 1.
  6. 1973a: On the nonunitary nature of the Coordinate Structure Constraint. Linguistic Inquiry No. 4.
  7. 1973b: Another remark on Dragging. Linguistic Inquiry No. 4.
  8. 1973c: A Note on Implicatures, Invited Inferences, and Syntactic Form. Die Sprache Vol 19, No. 1.
  9. 1973d: On the status of the so-called Right Roof Constraint. Language No. 49.
  10. 1974a: On the nature of the Left Branch Condition. Linguistic Inquiry No. 5.
  11. 1974b: On selfembedding and double function. Linguistic Inquiry No. 5.
  12. 1975a: On selfembedding constructions. Die Sprache No. 21.
  13. 1975b: A note on analogy. Linguistic Inquiry No. 6.
  14. 1975c: The position of fronted wh-phrases. Linguistic Inquiry No. 6.
  15. 1975d: A plea for greater caution in proposing functional explanations in linguistics. CLS Parassession Functionalism (invited contribution).
  16. 1975e: On the status of positionally-defined constraints in syntax. Theoretical Linguistics No. 2.
  17. 1975f: On the Inherent Difficulty of Multiply Center-Embedded Constructions. Die Sprache Vol. 21, No. 2.
  18. 1976a (with Ruth Berman): Aspects of the opula in Modern Hebrew. In Peter Cole, ed., Studies in Modern Hebrew Syntax and Semantics, North Holland.
  19. 1976b: A note on Subject Raising to Object and Right Node Raising. Linguistic Inquiry No. 8.
  20. 1976c: thatcthatr. Die Sprache No. 22.
  21. 1977a: Is make the claim a complex lexical item? Linguistic Inquiry No. 8.
  22. 1977b: The complexity of centerembedding. Talseminar No. 20.
  23. 1977c: Towards a realistic model of the human language faculty. Lingua 41 (Review-article of Chomsky's Reflections on Language, 1975)
  24. 1977d (with Sandra Thompson): Constraints on the distribution of NP clauses. Language No. 53.
  25. 1978a: On unbounded extraction phenomena and the so called Specified Subject Condition. CUNYForum No. 4.
  26. 1978b: Coordination Reduction versus Across-the-board Reordering within the Extended Standard Theory. Taalfasette No. 24.
  27. 1980: On the analogical extension of rule domains. Theoretical Linguistics No. 7.
  28. 1981: Should there be a (restricted) rule of Conjunction Reduction? Linguistic Inquiry No. 12.
  29. 1982: The extrammatical content of certain 'island constraints.' Theoretical Linguistics No. 9.
  30. 1984a (with Julia Horvath): The GB theory and Raising in Romanian. Linguistic Inquiry No. 15.
  31. 1984b: An analogical approach to noun clause distribution. Theoretical Linguistics No. 11.
  32. 1986: Subcategorization and parallelism. Theoretical Linguistics No. 13.
  33. 1987a: On acceptable violations of parallelism constraints. In R. Dirven ed., Functionalism, John Benjamins.
  34. 1987b (with Julia Horvath): On non-finiteness in extraction constructions. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory No. 5.
  35. 1987c (with Julia Horvath): On the notion 'pseudo-head'; evidence from Romanian free relative and interrogative constructions. Theoretical Linguistics 14.
  36. 1988a: On an asymmetry in the distribution of island constraints. Lingua No. 74.
  37. 1988b: On the distribution of genitive phrases in Romanian. Linguistics 26.
  38. 1989: Pied Piping and the Matching Parameter. The Linguistic Review No. 6.
  39. 1992: Une etude de celui et de cel dans le cadre de la Theorie de la Projection Etendue. Travaux de Linguistique.
  40. 1994: The structural diversity of restrictive and maximalizing relatives. In Buchalla & Mittwoch eds., Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics No. 1.
  41. 1995a: Free relatives with a 'missing' preposition. In Cinque & Giusti eds., Advances in Romanian Linguistics, John Benjamins.
  42. 1995b: Null and overt operators in French and Romanian. In Kupferman & Bat-Zeev eds., A Festschrift for David Gaatone, John Benjamins.
  43. 1995c: The grammar of irrealis free relatives in Romanian. In Paun ed., A Festschrift for Solomon Marcus, The Romanian Academy of Sciences Press.
  44. 1996a: The proper analysis of 'missing-P' free relative constructions. Linguistic Inquiry No. 27.
  45. 1996b (with Fred Landman): Carlson's last puzzle; will it go the way of Fermat's last theorem? In Doron and Wintner eds., Proceedings of the Annual Conference and Workshop of the Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics No. 3. [PDF]
  46. 1998 (with Fred Landman): Strange Relatives of the Third Kind. Natural Language Semantics.
  47. 1999: The multiple sources of maximality in degree relatives. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics No. 6.
  48. 2000a: Type resolution in relative constructions. Feature marking and dependency encoding. In Alexiadou & Wilder eds., The syntax of relative clauses, John Benjamins. [PDF]
  49. 2000b: Type resolution in relative constructions. Competing restrictive and maximalizing constructions. In Bennis, Everaert & Reuland eds., Interface Strategies, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. [PDF]
  50. 2000c: An unusual Romanian construction and its theoretical implications. In Coene, Dendale & D'Hulst eds., Studia Linguistics in honorem Lilianne Tasmowsky. Unipress: Padova.
  51. 2000d: The semantic diversity of internally-headed relative clauses. In Schaner-Wolles, Rennisson & Neubarth, eds., Linguistic Studies in honour of Wolfgang Ulrich Dressler presented on his 60th birthday. Rosenberg & Sellier: Torino.
  52. 2000e (with Josef Bayer): Feature-checking meets the criterion approach; three ways of saying 'only' in Romance and Germanic. In Motapanyane ed., Comparative Studies in Romanian Syntax. North Holland Linguistic Series 58: Amsterdam, Oxford & New York. [PDF]
  53. 2002: Strange relatives at the interface of two millennia. State-of-the-Article, GLOT International 6,6, 145-167. [PDF]
  54. 2003a: 'Transparent' free relatives as a special instance of 'standard' free relatives. The structure of DPs, Coene, D'Hulst & Tasmovski, eds.. Elsevier North-Holland: Amsterdam.
  55. 2003b: A unified theory of 'standard' and 'transparent' free relatives. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 21,2, 247-331. [PDF]
  56. 2004: Modal Existential wh-Constructions. In: The syntax-Semantics of Balkan Languages, O. Tomic, ed., John Benjamins. [PDF]
  57. 2005 (with Manfred Krifka): Relative clause constructions with a post-copular gap. In: On Space and Time in Language, M. Coene and L. Tasmovski eds., Cluj-Napoca, Romania. [PDF]
  58. 2006a (with Julia Horvath): Reply to Bhatt and Pancheva'sa "Late merger of degree clauses": The irrelevance of (non)conservativity. Linguistic Inquitry 37, 3, pp. 457-483. [PDF]
  59. 2006b: An amalgam and its puzzles. In: 40 to 60 puzzles for Manfred Krifka, ed. Hans-Martin Gaertner, website of the Zentrum fuer Alggemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin. [PDF]
  60. 2007a (with Julia Horvath and Helen Trugman): DegPs as adjuncts and the Head Final Filter. Bucharest Working Papers in Linguistics, vol. VIII, No. 1, A. Cornilescu ed., University of Bucharest Press. [PDF]
  61. 2007b: 'Direct' versus 'indirect' approaches to Transparent Free Relatives. In Pitar Moş: A Building with a View. Papers in Honour of Alexandra Cornilescu. Alboiu, A., A.A.Avram, L. Avram, D. Isac (eds.), University of Bucharest Press, ISBN 978-973-737-312-0. [PDF]
  62. 2007c (with Manfred Krifka): The gifted mathematician that you claim to be: Equational intensional 'reconstruction' relatives. Linguistics & Philosophy 30, 4, pp. 445-485. [PDF]
  63. 2009a: Head-internal relatives in Japanese/Korean. Proceedings of Incontro di Grammatica Generative XXXV, Siena, February 2009, published on the website [PDF]
  64. 2009b: Two kinds of degree-denoting relatives: Hebrew versus Romanian. Brill's Annual of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics, vol. 1 [PDF]
  65. 2009c: Romanian 'unexpected' relatives, in Revue Roumaine de Linguistique, vol. LIV, No 1, January-March 2009 [PDF]
  66. 2009d: A refined typology of internally-headed relatives, in Working Papers in Linguistics, vol. XI, 1, University of Bucharest Press [PDF]
  67. 2009e: The syntax-semantics of Japanese/Korean internally headed relative clause constructions. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Philologia, LII, 3/2009. [PDF]
  68. 2009f: (with Hadas Kotek). Degrees/Intervals as restricted entities. Handout of talk given at NELS 40, held at MIT, on November 13, 2009. [PDF]
  69. 2010a: The status of the internally-headed relatives of Japanese/Korean within the broader typology of 'definite' relatives. To appear in The Journal of East Asian Linguistics [PDF]
  70. 2010b: On the pre-theoretical notion ``phrasal head’’: Ignoring the left periphery is always at your own risk. In: Interface properties: edges, heads and projections, Anna-Maria di Sciullo and Virginia Hill (eds.), John Benjamins. [PDF]
  71. 2012a: (with Fred Landman). A quantificational-disclosure approach to Japanese and Korean internally-headed relatives. The Journal of East Asian Linguistics 21, 2. [PDF]
  72. 2012b: Towards a more articulated typology of internally-headed relative constructions: The semantic connection. Language and Linguistics Compass 6/7. [PDF]
  73. 2013a: (with Koji Hoshi and Daeyoung Sohn). The Japanese-Korean connection: a contrastive study of the inventory and properties of their IHRCs. Unpublished ms. [PDF]
  74. 2013c: Relative Clause Constructions and unbounded dependencies. In Sorin, C & I. Giurgea (eds.), A Reference Grammar of Romanian, volume 1: The Noun Phrase. John Benjamins. [PDF]
  75. 2014. Transparent free relatives: two challenges for the grafting approach. In Bondaruk, A., G. Dalmi and A. Grosu (eds.) Advances in the Syntax of DPs. Structure, Agreement, and Case. John Benjamins. [PDF]
  76. 2015a: (with Ion Giurgea).Entity-denoting amount relatives: The ‘smoking gun'. In Brandner, E., A. Czypionka, C. Freitag & A. Trotzke (eds.), Charting the Landscape of Linguistics: On the Scope of Josef Bayer’s Work, 67-71. [PDF]
  77. 2015b: (with Ion Giurgea). Selected aspects of amount relatives: The Romanian-English connection. To appear in Linguistics Beyond and Within 1. [PDF]
  78. 2016b: The semantics, syntax, and morphology of Transparent Free Relatives revisited; a comparison of two approaches. To appear in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory. [PDF]
  79. 2016 (with Koji Hoshi). Japanese Internally Headed Relatives. Their distinctness from potentially homophonous constructions. Glossa, special issue on internally-headed relatives. [PDF]
  80. 2017: (with Fred Landman). Amount Relatives. Chapter 7 of The Blackwell Companion to Syntax II (SynCom II). [PDF]
  81. 2018 (with Koji Hoshi). On the unified analysis of three types of relative clause construction in Japanese, and on the “salient reading” of the internally headed type. A reply to Erlewine & Gould (2016). Glossa: a journal of general linguistics [PDF]
  82. 2019 (with Koji Hoshi). Japanese internally-headed and doubly-headed relative constructions, and a comparison of two approaches. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics. [PDF]
  83. 2021a (with Chris Tancredi and Koji Hoshi). The syntax and semantics of Japanese internally- and doubly-headed relatives. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics. [PDF]
  84. 2021b (with Josef Bayer). Pre-nominal adjectival transparent free relatives. Proceedings of IATL 34-35, MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 92. [PDF]
  85. 2022a (with Manfred Krifka). A note on The gifted mathematician that you claim to be. Linguistics & Philosophy, DOI 10.1007/s10988-022-09348-z [PDF]
  86. 2023: A fresh look at the so-called ‘transparent free relatives’. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 8(1). pp. 1–23. DOI: [PDF]


  1. Yehiel Hayon, Relativization in Hebrew: A transformational approach (1973). In Foundations of Language 13, 1975.
  2. Noam Chomsky, Essays on Form and Interpretation (1977). In Journal of Linguistics 15, 1979.
  3. Brian Joseph, The loss of the infinitive in the Balkans (Cambridge University Press 1983). In The Mediterranean Language Review 1989.
  4. Graham Mallinson, Romanian (1986). In Linguistics 26, 1988.
  5. Dorit D. Ravid, Language change in child and adult Hebrew; a psycholinguistic perspective (Oxford University Press 1995). In Journal of Pragmatics 26, 1996.
  6. Asa Kasher ed., The Chomskyan Turn (Blackwell 1991). In Journal of Pragmatics 26, 1997.
  7. Virginia Motapanyane, ed., Comparative Studies in Romanian Syntax (North Holland Linguistic Series 58). In Lingua 112, 2002.