As I suppose that I've admitted numerous times in the
past (and, fairly recently, rather extensively),
to a large extent I'm a technological conservative. That, of course, doesn't
mean that I'm fearful of new technological innovations, or that I think that
too much technology can be hazardous to our health. I simply think that we should
pick and choose our technologies, integrating into our lives only those that
actually enhance our ability to function as well-rounded, caring people. But
this conservative thread in my thinking finds expression in another manner as
well. Even though my computer is open throughout the day, allowing email and
RSS feeds to flow to me, and interrupt any other activities I might be involved
with, while also serving as a conduit to searches, attempts to verify something,
jumpstarts to still only half-baked ideas, and lots more, I see the computer
and the internet as something that I access while sitting at my desk, something
separate from other parts of my day to day activities. I don't merge with
the technology, I keep it at a distance, unleashing it only when I feel
the need.
It's probably primarily for this reason that I've been slow to react to what
might seem to be among the most promising developments on the internet scene
- something we might call connecting beyond the browser. Numerous users are
apparently graffiti-ing their environs with URLs that, if contacted, return
to us information - either visual or oral - about the spots where those URLs
are posted. Grafedia, perhaps the first
of these "experiments" has been around about a year. It sounds like
a wonderful idea:
Grafedia is hyperlinked text, written by hand onto physical surfaces and linking to rich media content - images, video, sound files, and so forth. It can be written anywhere - on walls, in the streets, or on sidewalks.In other words, there we are, walking down the street, and we realize that someone has embedded a message for us on a wall or on a sidewalk. Why wouldn't we want to click on it, and learn what hidden riches of information are waiting within? I definitely like the idea.
the city is full of stories, and some of them happen in parking lots and bungalows, diners and front lawns. The smallest, greyest or most nondescript building can be transformed by the stories that live in it. Once heard, these stories can change the way people think about that place and the city at large.Does making these historic plaques digital enhance our ability to access them? Probably, though true to my own form, I'd prefer to emphasize the asynchronous possibilities of a project of this sort, which may not be what the people at [murmur] really have in mind. Though I enjoy wandering through the streets of a city, more often than not I'm on a schedule, and have to get somewhere at an appointed time. If I was visiting a museum I might want to rent earphones and leisurely listen to a lecture on the various art objects I'm viewing, but pacing on the street is different. I'm pressed for time, and that's probably true of many others who might find landmarks that offer information about a place. Like me, it's a good guess that they'd prefer to be able to access the place-specific information they've encountered during the day when they get home in the evening, from their homes. While hurrying on the street it's hard to really listen. So while I'm all for projects like this, I'd benefit from being able to access whatever stories are connected to various geographical locations from my own computer. And come to think of it, an online map that lets me click on it to get to an interesting story would be a good idea.
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