About that title.

Considering that the television commercial in question aired in the States in 1984, and that by that time I was well established, but without a television, in Israel, I doubt that I actually saw the commerical, unless on one of the occasional television programs devoted to the best commercials. As an article on the commerical from Adweek tells it:
a little old lady with a loud, obnoxious voice, asked the now famous question, "Where's the beef?"
It became a hit, and part of folklore (including 31,000 Google hits on the phrase), though being a vegetarian, it's perhaps more than a bit strange that I should use it. What's more, I don't use it in the most obvious sense - to suggest that something is missing in these columns - but as a hint to the somewhat hide and seek nature of these columns, where the gist of the column often (or at least sometimes) gets hidden away in the distantly clicked pages of those columns.

Go to: If you've already clicked this far ..., or
Go to: Not a chance!, or
Go to: But isn't that the whole point?, or
Go to: Where's the Beef?