Not a chance!
Frankly, the truth is that the reader probably has more control in painting by the numbers than in reading one of these columns. The lip service I pay to the idea of freedom, of contructing your own path is nothing more than lip service. About the only freedom the reader has over how to read a particular column is simply when to stop reading, or to choose not to click on a link. I'm not sure that I should be considered a control freak, but when I'm writing/constructing a column I don't see myself as in some sort of symbiotic relationship with the reader. I know (or at least I hope I know) what I want to get across, and I try to choose my words, and links, carefully so that I succeed in doing so. More often than not the links I create are my associations to the main text, and as such they tend to be rather free-flowing, but they're most certainly my own.
Go to: But isn't that the whole point?, or
Go to: Where's the Beef?