The history of being unfinished.
I'm not sure what additional associations are expected to come to mind when dealing
with being "unfinished", but symphonies (and not
only Schubert's) are probably high up on the list (and not only in music,
but as
a general metaphor as well).
Numerous examinations of "under construction" signs are available on
the web. One
of the more interesting is part of an extensive, and sympathetic, examination
of what are now outdated "personal web page" practices. Another collection
of these signs (together with a plea not to use them) can be found on
an unlinked page. Sometimes it becomes too easy to poke
fun at the entire "under construction" phenomenon, though I suppose
that if someone has the time, it certainly deserves being poked at. There's even
a "Construction Sign Museum"
which houses pretty much most of the items that can be found on other sites (who
cares who was first), as well as another rant against
these signs.
A blog administered by a web designer has a more reasoned (and more recent) argument,
about the damage
these signs do. As a minimalist myself, I was pleased to continue to delve
into this blog, finding numerous interesting insights
that I was able to read, and in that way keep myself from writing this.
And I suppose that it's only fair that I also note that (isn't it always?) in
a slightly different context I've written about this
Go to: On completing a web site