Dr. Uri Schattner

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Professional Reports


  1. Schattner U., Ben-Avraham Z., Reshef M., Bar-Am G. and Lazar M. 2005. Development of parallel rifts across the northeastern Afro-Arabian plate, MDSRC-2005/5, Minerva Dead Sea Research Center, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, 11 p.
  2. Schattner U., Ben-Avraham Z., Lazar M. and Hüebscher, C., 2005. Tectonic isolation of the Levant basin offshore Galilee-Lebanon - Effects of the Dead Sea fault plate boundary on the Levant continental margin, eastern Mediterranean, MDSRC-2005/3, Minerva Dead Sea Research Center, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, 26 p.
  3. Schattner, U., 2003. Geodetic monitoring of surface deformation along the western shores of the Dead Sea using GPS and InSAR observations: Jerusalem, Geological Survey of Israel Report No. GSI/28/03
  4. Wachs, D., Yechieli, Y., Shtivelman, V., Baer, G., Raz, E., Rybakov, M., and Schattner, U., 2000. Formation of sinkholes along the Dead Sea shores, Summary of findings from the first stage of research: Jerusalem, Geological Survey of Israel Report No. GSI/41/2000
  5. Baer, G., Schattner, U., Wachs, D., Sandwell, D., Wdowinski, S., Friedman, S., 2000. The lowest place on Earth is subsiding – INSAR perspective: Jerusalem, Geological Survey of Israel Report No. GSI/36/2000