Prof. Manfred Joswig
(University Stuttgart):
initiated the development of nanoseismic monitoring techniques within
the MDSRC, while he was a Visiting Professor at TAU. The cooperative
research carried out in this field with Dr. H. Wust-Bloch of the MDSRC
is very intense (several publications in review or in preparation) and
their nanoseismic expertise has been integrated in numerous
German-Israel research projects that have recently been submitted.
Dr. Lev Eppelbaum (TAU): has a broad expertise in modeling magnetic anomalies, designing maps and application these techniques to identify archeological sites. His research activities within the MDSRC framework include a detailed analysis of magnetic anomalies in Lake Kinneret and surrounding areas as well as in the Dead Sea basin. Dr. L. Eppelbaum also analyzed the Hebron magnetic anomaly and its relationship to the Dead Sea fault system. He conducted pioneering work in the designing of maps of the Moho and Curie discontinuities for the eastern Mediterranean region, which can now be used to enhance our understanding of the Dead Sea fault system. Dr. Shmulik Marco (TAU): is associated in several research endeavors of the MDSRC including paleoseismic investigations as well as processes related to Lake Kinneret and the Dead Sea basin. This involves the correlation of subsurface structures with geomorphologic features. Together with Prof. Z. Ben-Avraham and other research associates of the MDSRC, he has developed a method to identify and characterize lake sediments which were mapped by seismic surveys carried out within the southern section of Lake Kinneret. He supervises M.Sc. students together with Prof. Z. Ben-Avraham. Dr. Moshe Reshef (TAU): is an expert in seismic processing and interpretation. He has set up the facilities to allow students access to otherwise unavailable computer programs for the manipulation of seismic reflection profiles. The MDSRC uses his expertise for all analysis of sub-surface imaging along the entire Dead Sea fault system as well as associated secondary features. Together with Prof. Z. Ben-Avraham, he is involved in the joint supervision of several M.Sc and Ph.D. students. Dr. Gideon Tibor (TAU, ILOR): is collaborating with Prof. Z. Ben-Avraham on studies of the distribution and mechanism of salt springs in Lake Kinneret. Within the framework of the MDSRC, he is responsible for the collection of high-resolution shallow seismic data and side scan sonar images for the lake. He jointly supervises M.Sc. students together with Prof. Z. Ben-Avraham. Dr. Yitzak Makowski (TAU): is an expert in shallow seismic imaging. He is involved in studies of the shallow structure and neotectonic activity of the Dead Sea fault system, in particular along the northern edge of the Gulf of Elat. He is involved in the joint supervision of M.Sc. students within the MDSRC. Dr. Moti Stein (Hebrew University): heads a research group dedicated to paleoseismic and paleoclimatic investigations of the Dead Sea basin within the framework of the MDSRC. His research focuses on the following themes: (1) Paleoseismic investigations of Holocene cores and the construction of a paleoseismic record for the entire Holocene record. (2) The establishment of a lake level curve for the entire Holocene period, based on data from the drilled cores and exposures. (3) The behavior of radiocarbon in the Dead Sea system is investigated, using the radiocarbon “reservoir ages” as monitors of the hydrological and limnological system. Dr. Emanuele Lodolo (Triste, Italy): studies the tectonic processes and architecture of the Magallanes-Fagnano continental transform, Tierra del Fuego, in comparison with the Dead Sea fault. In particular the asymmetry of sedimentary basins along the two systems was analyzed and compared. In a new research project with Prof. Z. Ben-Avraham and Dr. H. Wust-Bloch, he plans to utilize monitoring and analysis techniques that were developed by the MDSRC for the Dead Sea fault system and apply them to assess seismic hazards caused by a similar structure - the Polochic-Motagua continental transform in Guatemala. Haim Shulman, (TAU): is one of the initial research associates of the MDSRC. He specializes in the analysis and interpretation of seismic profiles. He was extremely instrumental in deciphering the substructure of the southern Dead Sea basin and pioneered cross-rift reconstructions, together with Prof. Z. Ben-Avraham and Dr. A. Al-Zoubi. His latest research focuses on Lake Kinneret as well as the northern extension of the Dead Sea fault system. He is presently imaging auxiliary faults of the Dead Sea fault system which can be mapped under the basalts of the Golan Heights. |