Selected Chapters in Books
Yosef, Raz, "The Queer Body and Voice in Israeli Cinema: American Citizen and Time-Off" [in Hebrew], in: Nurith Gertz, Judd Ne'eman, and Orly Lubin (eds.) Fictive Looks: On Israeli Cinema (Tel Aviv: The Open University of Israel, 1998), 261-280.
Yosef, Raz, "Marked: The Construction of Ashkenazi Whiteness in Zionist Cinema" [in Hebrew], in: Yigal Nizri (ed.) Eastern Appearance / Mother Tongue: A Present that Stirs in the Thickets of its Arab Past (Tel Aviv: Bavel Publishing), 2005, 132-152.
Yosef, Raz, "Introduction to Beyond Flesh: Queer Masculinities and Nationalism in Israeli Cinema," in: Laurence J. Silberstein (ed.) Postzionism: A Reader (New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 2008), 294-307.
Yosef, Raz, "Fantasies of Loss: Melancholia and Ethnicity in Israeli Cinema," in: Jonathan C. Friedman (ed.) Performing Difference: Representations of "The Other" in Film and Theater, (Lanham, Maryland: The University of America Press, 2009), 89-112.
Yosef, Raz, "Il cinema gay israeliano," in: Maurizio G. De Bonis, Ariel Schweitzer and Giovanni Spagnoletti (eds.) Il cinema israelian ocontemporaneo (Venezia: Marsilio Editori, 2009),135-146.
Yosef, Raz, "National Troubles: Male Matters in Israeli Gay Cinema," in: Harry Brod and Rabbi Shawn Israel Zevit (eds.) Brother Keepers: New Perspectives on Jewish Masculinity (Harriman, Tennessee: Men's Studies Press, 2010), 113-132.
Yosef, Raz, "Homonational Desires: Masculinity, Sexuality, and Trauma in the Cinema of Eytan Fox," in: Miri Talmon and Yaron Peleg (eds.), Israeli Cinema: Identities in Motion (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2011), 181-200.
Yosef, Raz, "War Fantasies: Memory, Trauma and Ethics in Ari Folman's Waltz with Bashir," in: Boaz Hagin, Sandra Meiri, Raz Yosef, and Anat Zanger (eds.) Just Images: Ethics and the Cinematic (Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011), 73-93.
Yosef, Raz, "The Ethics of Trauma: Moral Responsibility and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in Current Israeli Cinema (Forgiveness 2006 and Waltz with Bashir 2008)," in: Julia Barbara Köhne (Hg.), Trauma und Film: Inszenierungen eines Nicht-Repräsentierbaren (Berlin: Kulturvelag Kadmos, 2013), 155-172.
Hagin, Boaz and Raz Yosef, "Sweet on the Inside: Trauma, Memory, and Israeli Cinema," in: Raz Yosef and Boaz Hagin (eds.), Deeper Than Oblivion: Trauma and Memory in Israeli Cinema (New York and London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2013), 1-20.
Yosef, Raz, “Traces of War: Trauma, Memory and the Archive in Beaufort” [in Hebrew], in: Identities in Transition in Israeli Culture, Sandra Meiri, Yael Munk, Adia Mendelson-Maoz and Liat Steir-Livny (eds.), Raanana: The Open University of Israel, 2013, pp. 360-380.
Yosef, Raz, “Imaginary Memories: Trauma, Phantasy and Masculinity in Ethan Fox’s Film Walk on Water” [in Hebrew], in: Trauma’s Omen: Israeli Studies, Memory and Representation, Michal Alberstein, Nadav Davidovich, Rakefet Zalashik (eds.), Tel Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 2016, pp. 125-142.
Gross, Aeyal, Amalia Ziv and Raz Yosef, “’If there is another sex bring it here and we will know it’”: LGBT and Queer Studies in Israel” [in Hebrew], in: Another Sex: Selected Essyes in Israeli Queer and LGBT Studies, Aeyal Gross, Amalia Ziv and Raz Yosef (eds.), Tel Aviv: Resling, 2016, pp. 11-50.
Yosef, Raz, “Or” and “Beaufort” [in Hebrew], in: The Israeli Cinema Online EBook, Duvdevani Shmulik and Raya Morag (eds.), 2016. http://www.cinemaofisrael.co.il
Yosef, Raz and Yaara Ozery, “Ghostly Testimonies: Re-enactment and Ethical Responsibility in Contemporary Israeli Documentary Cinema,” in: Artistic Citizenship: Artistry, Social Responsibility, and Ethical Praxis, David Elliott, Marissa Silverman, and Wayne Bowman (eds.), New York: Oxford University Press, 2016, pp. 272-296.
Yosef, Raz and Yaara Ozery, “The Image, the Voice and the Witness: The Aesthetics and Ethics of Reenactment in Contemporary Israeli Documentary Cinema” [in Hebrew], Visual Culture in Israel, Noa Hazan and Sivan Rajoan Stang (eds.), Tel Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuchad, (forthcoming, 2017, pp. 380-412).
Gertz, Nurith and Raz Yosef, “Television in a Time of Terror: Trauma and Singular Plurality in the Series Fauda,” in: Miri Talmon and Yael Levy (eds.),Israeli Television: Global Contexts, Local Visions (New York and London: Routledge, 2020): 69-83.
Hagin, Boaz and Raz Yosef, “Fantasies of Other Desires: Homonationalism and Self-Othering in Contemporary Israeli Queer Film and Video,” in: Rachel S. Harris and Dan Chyutin (eds.),Casing a Giant Shadow: The Transnational Shaping of Israeli Cinema(Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2021): 292-315.