Therefore you may understand like this: if that you stay in a place can be seen as a result of the action, then you can use 在+ place word after the verb. For example, 降落在特拉維夫, as the result of landing, you are now in Tel Aviv; or 坐在椅子上, as a result of sitting, you are now staying on the chair, etc. Therefore there is also a slight difference between the the case that 在 + place word appears before the verb and the case after it, While the former stresses in what place the action happens, the latter stresses where the subject is staying. As now you may understand that 工作 can not have the 在+ place word after it, because the meaning should be where you are working, not where you are staying.
In a higher level of the language, however, you may see the usage of 在+ place word after the verb. For example, in the past, Chinese communists encouraged people to go to work in Tibet, then you can see in newspaper titles like "工作 在 xi1zang4(Tibet)", stressing that he is living in Tibet now.