Professor Joshua Jortner Topical List of Publications
G. Radiationless Transitions
G1. Intramolecular Radiationless Transitions. With M. Bixon. J. Chem. Phys. 48, 715 (1968).
G2. Radiationless Transitions and Molecular Quantum Beats. With R.S. Berry. J. Chem. Phys. 48, 2757 (1968).
G3. Theory of Radiationless Transitions in an Isolated Molecule. With D.P. Chock and S.A. Rice. J. Chem. Phys. 49, 610 (1968).
G4. Some Comments on a Formal Theory of Photochemical Dissociation
Reactions. With S.A. Rice and I.J. McLaughlin. J. Chem. Phys. 49, 2756 (1968).
G5. Comments on Electronic Relaxation Processes in Molecular Crystals.
With M. Bixon. Mol. Crystals 213, 237 (1969).
G6. Interference Effects in the Radiative Decay of Closely Spaced Levels. With M. Bixon and Y. Dothan. Mol. Phys. 17, 109 (1969).
G7. Electronic Relaxation in Large Molecules. With M. Bixon. J. Chem. Phys. 50, 4061 (1969).
G8. Long Radiative Lifetimes of Small Molecules. With M. Bixon. J. Chem. Phys. 50, 3284 (1969).
G9. Radiationless Transitions and Photochemistry. With S.A. Rice and G. Hammond. John Wiley Inc. (1969).
G10. Radiative Decay of Polyatomic Molecules. With K.F. Freed. J. Chem. Phys. 50, 2916 (1969).
G11. Interference Effects in the Optical Spectrum of Large Molecules.
With G.C. Morris. J. Chem. Phys. 51, 3689 (1969).
G12. Radiationless Transitions in Polyatomic Molecules. With M. Bixon. Isr. J. Chem. 7, 189 (1969).
G13. The Energy Gap Law for Radiationless Transitions in Large Molecules. With R. Englman. Mol. Phys. 18, 145 (1970).
G14. Theoretical Studies of Radiationless Transitions in Polyatomic
Molecules. J. Chim. Phys. Special Issue "Transitions Non-Radiatives dans
les Molecules" (1970), p. 9.
G15. Electronic Relaxation Processes in Large Molecules. Pure & Applied Chem. 24, 1675 (1970).
G16. The Energy Gap Law for Non-Radiative Decay in Large Molecules. With R. Englman. J. of Luminescence 1, 134 (1970).
G17. Observation of Fluorescence Originating from Transitions between
Excited Electronic States in a Large Molecule. With P.M. Rentzepis and R.P. Jones. Chem. Phys. Letters 4, 599 (1970).
G18. Multiphonon Processes in the Non-Radiative Decay of Large Molecules. With K.F. Freed. J. Chem. Phys. 52, 6272 (1970).
G19. Boltzmann Statistics and Radiationless Decay in Large Molecules.
Optical Selection Studies. With W.M. Gelbert, K.G. Spears, K.F. Freed and
S.A. Rice. Chem. Phys. Letters 6, 345 (1970).
G20. Picosecond Emission Spectroscopy of Homogeneously Broadened
Electronically Excited Molecular States. With P.M. Rentzepis, M.R. Topp and
R.P. Jones. Phys. Rev. Letters 25, 1742 (1970).
G21. On Observing "New" States in Small Molecules. With W.M. Gelbert. J. Chem. Phys. 54, 2070 (1971).
G22. Small Molecule Characteristics of the Radiative Decay of Highly
Excited States of Some Large Molecules. With P. Wannier and P.M. Rentzepis.
Chem. Phys. Letters 10, 102 (1971).
G23. Optical Selection Studies of Radiationless Decay in an Isolated Large Molecule. With A. Nitzan. J. Chem. Phys. 55, 1355 (1971).
G24. Radiationless Transitions. In: Organic Solid State Chemistry. Ed. M.H. Cohen. Butterworth (London) 1971. Vol. II, p. 389. Pure and Applied
Chemistry 27, 389 (1971).
G25. Peculiarities of the Non Radiative Decay of a Single Vibronic Level
in Polyatomic Molecules. With A. Nitzan and P.M. Rentzepis. Chem. Phys. Letters 8, 445 (1971).
G26. A Quantum Mechanical Analogue of the Stern-Volmer Equation. With A. Nitzan, J. Kommandeur and E. Drent. Chem. Phys. Letters 9, 273 (1971).
G27. Resonance Fluorescence from the Second Excited Singlet State of
Naphthalene. With P. Wannier and P.M. Rentzepis. Chem. Phys. Letters 10, 193 (1971).
G28. Internal Conversion in Large Molecules. With A. Nitzan and P.M.
Rentzepis. Mol. Phys. 22, 585 (1971).
G29. What is the Nature of Intramolecular Coupling Responsible for
Internal Conversion in Large Molecules? With A. Nitzan. Chem. Phys. Letters 11, 458 (1971).
G30. Long Radiative Decay Times of the Excited Singlet State of the
Isolated Benzophenone Molecule. With G.E. Busch and P.M. Rentzepis. Chem. Phys. Letters 11, 437 (1971).
G31. Intermediate Level Structure in Highly Excited Electronic States of
Large Molecules. With A. Nitzan and P.M. Rentzepis. Proc. Royal Soc.
(London), A327, 367 (1972).
G32. Intramolecular Non-radiative Transitions in the "Non-Condon" Scheme. With A. Nitzan. J. Chem. Phys. 56, 3360 (1972).
G33. Optical Selection Studies of Radiationless Decay in an Isolated Large Molecule. II. Role of Frequency Changes. With A. Nitzan. J. Chem. Phys. 56, 2079 (1972).
G34. Energy Decay Characteristics of Benzophenone. With G.E. Busch and P.M. Rentzepis. J. Chem. Phys. 56, 361 (1972).
G35. Radiationless Decay and Intrastate Energy Equilibration in an
Isolated Large Molecule. With A. Nitzan. J. Chem. Phys. 56, 5200 (1972).
G36. Comments on Molecular Non-radiative Transition Probabilities in the
Statistical Limit. J. Chem. Phys. 56, 5742 (1972).
G37. On the Relation between Non-adiabatic Unimolecular Reactions and
Radiationless Processes. With H. Gebelein. Theoret. Chim. Acta 25, 143(1972).
G38. Sequence Congestion Effects in Optical Selection Studies of
Electronic Relaxation. With A. Nitzan. Chem. Phys. Letters 13, 466 (1972).
G39. S2 -> S1 Emission of Azulene in Solution. With D. Huppert and P.M. Rentzepis. Chem. Phys. Letters 13, 225 (1972).
G40. Lineshape of a Molecular Resonance. With A. Nitzan. Mol. Phys. 24, 109 (1972).
G41. A Powerful Broad Band Tunable Dye Laser. With A. Bergman and
R. David. Optics Comm. 4, 431 (1972).
G42. Laser Excited Emission Spectroscopy of Azulene in the Gas Phase.
With D. Huppert and P.M. Rentzepis. J. Chem. Phys. 56, 4826 (1972).
G43. Preparation of Metastable Molecular States by Optical Excitation.
With A. Nitzan. Chem. Phys. Letters 14, 177 (1972).
G44. Effects of Vibrational Relaxation on the Optical Lineshapes in
Molecular Spectra. With A. Nitzan. Chem. Phys. Letters 15, 350 (1972).
G45. Resonance Fluorescence from Large Molecules. With A. Nitzan. J. Chem. Phys. 57, 2870 (1972).
G46. Effects of Vibrational Relaxation on Molecular Electronic
Transitions. With A. Nitzan. J. Chem. Phys. 58, 2412 (1973).
G47. Non-Radiative Transition Probabilities in the Statistical Limit.
With A. Nitzan. Theoretical Chim. Acta 30, 217 (1973).
G48. Comments on Optical Selection Studies. With A. Nitzan. J. Chem. Phys. 58, 2669 (1973).
G49. Interference Effects in Sequential Decay. With A. Nitzan and B.
Berne. Mol. Phys. 29, 281 (1974).
G50. Resonance Fluorescence Involving Optically Active Continua. With S. Mukamel. J. Chem. Phys. 61, 227 (1974).
G51. Sequential Decay Involving Multiple Continua. With S. Mukamel. Mol. Phys. 27, 1543 (1974).
G52. Preparation and Decay of Excited Molecular States. With S. Mukamel. In: The World of Quantum Chemistry. Eds. R. Daudel and B. Pullman. Reidel Publ. Co., (1974), p. 145.
G53. On the Application of Separable Potentials in the Description of
Resonance Fluorescence. With S. Mukamel. J. Chem. Phys. 61, 436 (1974).
G54. Radiationless Transitions in Molecules. Proceedings of Round Table UCLAF Conference on Paths of Chemical Reactions, Paris (1974).
G55. Lifetimes for Resonance Fluorescence and Near Resonance Raman
Scattering. With S. Mukamel. J. Chem. Phys. 62, 3609 (1975).
G56. Collisional Perturbations of Time-Resolved Photon Scattering from
Molecular Levels. With S. Mukamel and A. Ben-Reuven. Phys. Rev. A12, 947 (1975).
G57. Molecular Energy Transfer. With R.D. Levine. In: Molecular Energy Transfer. Eds. R.D. Levine and J. Jortner. Wiley, New York, (1975), p. 1.
G58. Molecular Radiationless Processes. With S. Mukamel. In: Molecular Energy Transfer. Eds. R.D. Levine and J. Jortner. Wiley, New York, (1975), p. 178.
G59. Radiationless Transitions. With S. Mukamel. In: MTP International Review of Science. Eds. A.D. Buckingham and C.A. Coulson. Butterworth, London (1976), Vol. 13, p. 327.
G60. Time-Resolved Light Scattering from a Collisionally Perturbed
Molecular Resonance. With S. Mukamel and A. Ben-Reuven. J. Chem. Phys. 64, 3971 (1976).
G61. Application of the Bloch Equations to Time-Resolved Near-Resonance
Light Scattering in a Gas. With S. Mukamel and A. Ben-Reuven. Chem. Phys. Letters 38, 394 (1976).
G62. Time Evolution of Excited Molecular States. With S. Mukamel. In: Excited States. Ed. E.C. Lim. Academic Press, (1977), Vol. III, p. 57.
G63. Theory of Delayed Molecular Fluorescence. With R. van der Werf and D. Zevenhuijzen. Chem. Phys. 27, 319 (1978).
G64. Some Features of Coherent Optical Effects in Large Molecules. With J. Kommandeur. Chem. Phys. 28, 273 (1978).
G65. Azulene Revisited: Picosecond Decay of the S1 State in the Gas Phase and in Solution. With D. Huppert and P.M. Rentzepis. Isr. J. of Chem. 16, 277 (1978).
G66. Inverse Electronic Relaxation. With A. Nitzan. Chem. Phys. Letters 60, 1 (1978).
G67. Resonance Structure and Background Absorption in High Overtone
Molecular Spectra. With M.L. Sage. Chem. Phys. Letters 62, 451 (1979).
G68. A Semiclassical Approximation to Quantum Dynamics. With Y. Weissman. J. Chem. Phys. 71, 3880 (1979).
G69. The Isotonic Oscillator. With Y. Weissman. Phys. Letters A70, 177 (1979).
(a) Comment on the Isotonic Oscillator. With Y. Weissman. Phys. Letters A81, 202 (1981).
G70. Intensities of High-Energy Molecular C-H Vibrational Overtones. With I. Schek and M.L. Sage. Chem. Phys. Letters 64, 209 (1979).
G71. Intramolecular Dynamics of an Isolated Ultracold Large Molecule.
With A. Amirav and U. Even. J. Chem. Phys. 71, 2319 (1979).
G72. External Heavy Atom Effect on Intramolecular Intersystem Crossing in Supersonic Beam. With A. Amirav and U. Even. Chem. Phys. Letters 67, 9 (1979).
G73. Intermediate Level Structure in the S2 State of the Isolated
Ultracold Ovalene Molecule. With A. Amirav and U. Even. Chem. Phys. Letters 69, 14 (1979).
G74. Perspectives of Synchrotron Radiation Applications to Molecular
Dynamics and Photochemistry. With S. Leach. J. Chim. Phys. 77, 7 (1980).
G75. Spectroscopic Identification of the Onset of the Vibrational Quasi
continuum in Large Molecules. With A. Amirav and U. Even. Optic Commun. 32, 266 (1980).
G76. Intrastate Scrambling in a Bound Level Structure of Large Molecules. With A. Amirav and U. Even. Chem. Phys. Letters 71, 12 (1980).
G77. Butterfly Motion of the Isolated Pentacene Molecule in its First
Excited Singlet State. With A. Amirav and U. Even. Chem. Phys. Letters
72, 21 (1980).
G78. Cooling of Large and Heavy Molecules in Seeded Supersonic Beams.
With A. Amirav and U. Even. Chem. Phys. 51, 31 (1980).
G79. Electronic Relaxation in Large Molecules. NATO ASI Series, Advanced Study Institute on Radiationless Processes, Erice, Italy (1979). Plenum Publishing Corporation, New York (1980).
G80. Photoselective Chemistry. With R.D. Levine. In: Advances in
Chemical Physics. Eds. J. Jortner, R.D. Levine and S.A. Rice. Wiley
Interscience, New York (1981), vol. 47, p. 1.
G81. Bond Modes. With M.L. Sage. In: Advances in Chemical Physics, Part 1. Eds. J. Jortner, R.D. Levine and S.A. Rice. Wiley Interscience, New York (1981), vol. 47, p. 293.
G82. Excited-State Dynamics of the Isolated Ultracold Ovalene Molecule.
With A. Amirav and U. Even. J. Chem. Phys. 74, 3745 (1981).
G83. A Semiclassical Study of Forced Anharmonic Oscillators. With Y. Weissman. Chem. Phys. 59, 1 (1981).
G84. Energetics and Intramolecular Dynamics of the Isolated Ultracold
Tetracene Molecule in its First Excited Singlet State. With A. Amirav and U. Even. J. Chem. Phys. 75, 3770 (1981).
G85. What are the Quantum Manifestations of Classical Stochasticity in a
Discrete Level Structure? With Y. Weissman. Chem. Phys. Letters 78, 224 (1981).
G86. Cooperative Excitations of Bond Modes. With M.L. Sage. Chem. Phys. Letters 79, 9 (1981).
G87. Dephasing Maps for Quantum Stochastic Systems. With Y. Weissman. Phys. Letters A83, 55 (1981).
G88. Excited-State Energetics and Dynamics of Magnesium Tetra
phenylporphyrin Cooled in Supersonic Expansions. With U. Even, Y. Magen and H. Levanon. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. (Communication) 103, 4583 (1981).
G89. Radiationless Transitions in Large Positive Ions. With A. Amirav, S. Leutwyler and U. Even. Annals of Israeli Physical Society 4, 3 (1981).
G90. Absorption Spectroscopy of Ultracold Large Molecules in Planar
Supersonic Expansions. With A. Amirav and U. Even. Chem. Phys. Letters 83, 1 (1981).
G91. Two-Photon Spectroscopy of Ultracold Large Molecules in Planar
Supersonic Expansions. With A. Amirav and U. Even. J. Chem. Phys. 75, 3151 (1981).
G92. Some Applications of Supersonic Expansions to Molecular Dynamics and Photochemistry. With A. Amirav and U. Even. Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 85, 166 (1981).
G93. Quantum Manifestations of Classical Stochasticity: I. Energetics of Some Nonlinear Systems. With Y. Weissman. J. Chem. Phys. 77, 1469 (1982).
G94. Quantum Manifestations of Classical Stochasticity: II. Dynamics of
Wavepackets of Bound States. With Y. Weissman. J. Chem. Phys. 77, 1486 (1982).
G95. Electronic Excitations of Magnesium Tetraphenylporphyrin in
Supersonic Expansions. With U. Even, Y. Magen and H. Levanon. J. Chem.
Phys. 76, 5684 (1982).
G96. Quantum Dynamics of the Henon-Heiles System. With M. Bixon. J. Chem. Phys. 77, 4175 (1982).
G97. Spectroscopy of the Fluorene Molecule in Planar Supersonic
Expansions. With A. Amirav and U. Even. Chem. Phys. 67, 1 (1982).
G98. Analytical Applications of Supersonic Jet Spectroscopy. With
A. Amirav and U. Even. Anal. Chem. 54, 1666 (1982).
G99. Excited-State Energetics and Dynamics of Zinc Tetrabenzoporphin in
Supersonic Expansions. With U. Even and J. Friedman. J. Phys. Chem. 86, 2273 (1982).
G100. Laser Spectroscopy of the Isolated Ultracold Free-Base Porphine.
With U. Even and J. Magen. Chem. Phys. Letters 88, 131 (1982).
G101. Spectroscopy of Large Molecules in Supersonic Expansions: Isolated
Ultracold Porphyrins. With U. Even. In: Intramolecular Dynamics. Eds. B. Pullman and J. Jortner. D. Reidel Publishing Co., Holland (1982), p. 227.
G102. Isolated Ultracold Porphyrins in Supersonic Expansions. I. Free-Base Tetraphenylporphine and Zn-Tetraphenylporphine. With U. Even, J. Magen, J. Friedman and H. Levanon. J. Chem. Phys. 77, 4374 (1982).
G103. Isolated Ultracold Porphyrins in Supersonic Expansions: II. Zn
Tetrabenzoporphine. With U. Even, J. Magen and J. Friedman. J. Chem. Phys. 77, 4384 (1982).
G104. Isolated Ultracold Porphyrins in Supersonic Expansions: III. Free
Base Porphine. With U. Even. J. Chem. Phys. 77, 4391 (1982).
G105. Electronic-Vibrational Excitations of a Hydrogen-Bonded Molecule in
Supersonic Expansions: 1,4-Dihydroxyanthraquinone and its Deuterated
Derivatives. With G. Smulevich, A. Amirav and U. Even. Chem. Phys. 73, 1 (1982).
G106. Rotational Cooling of Aniline in Axisymmetric and Planar Pulsed
Expansions. With A. Amirav, U. Even, F.W. Birss and D.A. Ramsay. Canad. J. Phys. 61, 278 (1983).
G107. Laser-Free Absorption and Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Large
Molecules in Planar Supersonic Expansions. With A. Amirav. Chem. Phys. Letters 94, 545 (1983).
G108. Dynamics of Trans-Cis Isomerization of Stilbene in Supersonic Jets. With A. Amirav. Chem. Phys. Letters 95, 295 (1983).
G109. Fluorescence Excitation Spectrum of Triptycene in a Supersonic Jet. With R. Bersohn and U. Even. J. Chem. Phys. 79, 2163 (1983).
G110. Inverse Deuterium Isotope Effect on Radiationless Electronic
Transitions. With A. Amirav and M. Sonnenschein. Chem. Phys. Letters 100, 488 (1983).
G111. Absolute Fluorescence Quantum Yields of Large Molecules in Supersonic Expansions. With M. Sonnenschein and A. Amirav. J. Phys. Chem. 88, 4214(1984).
G112. Fluorescence Excitation Spectra of Indole, 3-Methyl Indole and
3-Indole Acetic Acid in Supersonic Jets. With R. Bersohn and U. Even. J. Phys. Chem. 80, 1050 (1984).
G113. Dynamics of Trans-Cis Photo-Isomerization of Large Molecules in
Supersonic Jets. With T.J. Majors and Uzi Even. J. Chem. Phys. 81, 2330 (1984).
G114. Spectroscopic Manifestation of Intramolecular Relaxation of Azulene
in Supersonic Jets. With A. Amirav. J. Chem. Phys. 81, 4200 (1984).
G115. Statistical-Limit Line Broadening in the S2 State of Phenantrene in
Supersonic Jets. With A. Amirav and M. Sonnenschein. J. Phys. Chem. 88, 5593 (1984).
G116. Vacuum Ultraviolet Absorption Spectroscopy in Supersonic Expansions. With A. Amirav. J. Chem. Phys. 82, 4378 (1985).
G117. Energy-Resolved and Thermalized Photoisomerization Rates of DiphenylButadiene. With J. Troe and A. Amirav. Chem. Phys. Letters 115, 245 (1985).
G118. Interstate Coupling and Dynamics of Excited Singlet States of
Isolated Diphenylbutadiene. With A. Amirav and M. Sonnenschein. Chem. Phys. 102, 305 (1986).
G119. Rotational and Vibrational State Dependence on Intramolecular
Coupling and Dynamics in the S1 State of Pyrazine. With A. Amirav. J. Chem. Phys. 84, 1500 (1986).
G120. Photoisomerization Dynamics of Alkyl Substituted Stilbenes in
Supersonic Jets. With K. Rademann, U. Even and S. Rozen. Chem. Phys.
Letters 125, 5 (1986).
G121. Manifestations of Intramolecular Vibrational Energy Redistribution on Electronic Relaxation in Large Molecules. With A. Amirav, S. Okajima and
E.C. Lim. Chem. Phys. Letters 126, 487 (1986).
G122. Rotation, Vibration and Electronic Relaxation. With A. Amirav. In: Rotation, Vibration and Electronic Relaxation, Stochasticity and
Intramolecular Redistribution of Energy. Eds. R. Lefebvre and S. Mukamel.
D. Reidel Publishing Co., Holland (1987), p. 171.
G123. Resonances in Mediated Intersystem Crossing of Jet-Cooled Anthracene
Derivatives. With A. Amirav. Chem. Phys. Letters 132, 335 (1986).
G124. Rotational Effects on Intramolecular Radiationless Transitions in a
Large Molecule. With A. Amirav, M. Terazima and E.C. Lim. Chem. Phys.
Letters 133, 179 (1987).
G125. Optical Selection Studies of Electronic Relaxation from the S1 State
of Jet-Cooled Anthracene Derivatives. With A. Amirav and C. Horowitz. J. Chem. Phys. 88, 3092 (1988).
G126. Selective Chemistry. With R.D. Levine. Isr. J. Chem. 30, 207 (1990).
G127. Mode Selective Chemistry. With R.D. Levine. In: Mode Selective Chemistry. Eds. J. Jortner, R.D. Levine and B. Pullman. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (1991), p. 535.