Professor Joshua Jortner Topical List of Publications
B. Excess Electrons in Fluids
B1. Model for Metal-Ammonia Solutions. J. Chem. Phys. 27, 832 (1957).
B2. Energy Levels of Bound Electrons in Liquid Ammonia. J. Chem. Phys. 30, 839 (1959).
B3. Cation Electron Interaction in Metal-Ammonia Solutions. J. Chem. Phys. 34, 678 (1961).
B4. Dielectric Medium Effects on Loosely Bound Electrons. Mol. Phys. 5, 257 (1962).
B5. Evidence for Electron Binding in Frozen Aqueous Solutions. With B. Sharf. J. Chem. Phys. 37, 2506 (1962).
B6. A Conjecture on Electron Binding in Aqueous Solutions. Radiation Research, Supplement 4, 24 (1964).
B7. Theories and Models of Electron Binding in Solution. With S.A. Rice and E.G. Wilson. In: Metal-Ammonia Solution. Eds. Sienko and Lepoutre.
Benjamin (1963), p.222.
B8. The Theory of Ionic and Electronic Mobility in Liquids. With S.A. Rice. In: Progress in Dielectrics. Ed. J.B. Birks, (1964) Vol. 6, p. 184.
B9. Low-Energy Elastic Scattering of Electrons and Positrons from Helium
Atoms. With N.R. Kestner, M.H. Cohen and S.A. Rice. Phys. Rev. A140, 56 (1965).
B10. The Electron-Helium Atom Pseudopotential. With N.R. Kestner, M.H. Cohen and S.A. Rice. In: Modern Quantum Chemistry, Part 2. Ed. O. Sinanoglu. Acad. Press, N.Y. (1965), p. 129.
B11. Electrons in Liquids. With S.A. Rice and N.R. Kestner. In: Modern Quantum Chemistry, Part 2. Ed. O. Sinanoglu. Acad. Press, N.Y. (1965), p.133.
B12. Study of the Properties of an Excess Electron in Liquid Helium. I. The Nature of the Electron-Helium Interactions. With N.R. Kestner, S.A. Rice and M.H. Cohen. J. Chem. Phys. 43, 2614 (1965).
B13. Study of the Properties of an Excess Electron in Liquid Helium.
II. A Refined Description of Configuration Changes in the Liquid. With K.
Hiroike, N.R. Kestner and S.A. Rice. J. Chem. Phys. 43, 2625 (1965).
B14. Theoretical Studies of Solvated Electrons. With S.A. Rice. In: Advances in Chemistry Series, No. 50, "Solvated Electron". Am. Chem. Soc. (1965), p. 7.
B15. Some Thermodynamic Properties of the Hydrated Electron. With R.M. Noyes. J. Phys. Chem. 70, 770 (1966).
B16. Properties of an Excess Electron in Liquid Helium: The Effect of
Pressure on the Properties of the Negative Ion. With B.E. Springett and M.H. Cohen. Phys. Rev. 159, 183 (1967).
B17. Stability Criterion for the Localization of an Excess Electron in a
Non-Polar Fluid. With B.E. Springett and M. H. Cohen. J. Chem. Phys. 48, 2720 (1968).
B18. Comments on the Structure and Spectra of Excess Electron States in
Liquids. Proceedings of the Farkas Memorial Symposium on the Radiation
Chemistry of Aqueous Systems. The Weizmann Press, and the Interscience
Publishers, John Wiley and Sons, 1968, p. 91.
B19. Electron Cavity Formation in Solid Helium. With M.H. Cohen. Phys. Rev. 180, 238 (1969).
B20. Energy of the Quasi-free Electron State in Liquid Rare Gases. With B. Raz. Chem. Phys. Letters 4, 155 (1969).
B21. Excess Electron States in Liquids. In: Chemical and Biological Actions of Radiation. Ed. M. Haissinsky (1970), Vol. XIV, p. 7.
B22. Elementary Electronic Excitations in Insulating Liquids. With
N.R. Kestner. In: Metal-Ammonia Solutions. Eds. J.J. Lagowski and M.J. Sienko. Butterworth, London (1970), p. 49.
B23. Excess Electrons in Polar Solvents. With D.A. Copeland and N.R. Kestner. J. Chem. Phys. 53, 1189 (1970).
B24. Energy of the Quasi-Free Electron State in Dense Neon. With B. Raz. Chem. Phys. Letters 9, 222 (1971).
B25. Theoretical Studies of Excess Electron States in Liquids. Ber.
Bunsengesell. Physik. Chemie 75, 7, 696 (1971).
B26. Density Dependence of the Absorption Spectrum of Solvated Electrons
in Supercritical Ammonia. With R. Olinger, U. Schindewolf and A. Gaathon.
Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für Physik. Chemie 75, 690 (1971).
B27. Thermodynamic Properties of Hydrated and Ammoniated Electrons. With G. Lepoutre. J. Phys. Chem. 76, 683 (1972).
B28. Relaxation of Excess Electrons in a Polar Solvent. With P.M. Rentzepis and R.P. Jones. Chem. Phys. Letters 15, 480 (1972).
B29. Medium Rearrangement Energy in the Theory of the Solvated Electron. J. Chem. Phys. 57, 587 (1972).
B30. Electron Localization in Dense He Gas. With I. Webman. In: Electrons in Fluids. Eds. J. Jortner and N.R. Kestner. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg (1973), p. 423.
B31. Excess Electron States in Dense Polar Vapors. With A. Gaathon. In: Electrons in Fluids. Eds. J. Jortner and N.R. Kestner. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg (1973), p. 429.
B32. Radiative Processes of the Solvated Electron in Polar Fluids. With N.R. Kestner. J. Phys. Chem. 77, 1040 (1973).
B33. Conjecture on Electron Mobility in Liquid Hydrocarbons. With N.R. Kestner. J. Chem. Phys. 59, 26 (1973).
B34. Temperature Dependence, Oscillator Strength and Line Shape of the
Allowed Transition of the Solvated Electron. With N.R. Kestner and A.
Gaathon. Chem. Phys. Letters 19, 328 (1973).
B35. Localized Excess Electrons in Water Vapor. With A. Gaathon and G. Czapski. J. Chem. Phys. 58, 2648 (1973).
B36. Dynamics of Solvation of an Excess Electron. With P.M. Rentzepis and R.P. Jones. J. Chem. Phys. 59, 766 (1973).
B37. Comments on a New Class of Ionic Materials. With M.H. Cohen and
J.C. Thompson. J. Chem. Phys. 63, 3741 (1975).
B38. Subpicosecond Relaxation of Localized Electrons in Liquid Ammonia. With D. Huppert, W.S. Struve and P.M. Rentzepis. J. Chem. Phys. 63, 1205 (1975).
B39. Effects of Phase Density on Ionization Processes and Electron
Localization in Fluids. With A. Gaathon. Canad. J. of Chem. 55, 1801 (1977).