About The Tel-Aviv University Junior Academic Staff Association: What Is the Tel-Aviv University Junior Academic Staff Association? The Tel-Aviv University Junior Academic Staff Association represents approximately 2,500 persons at the University including: Ozrey Horah, Morim Min Hachutz, Morim Ozrim, Morey Mishne (Hamaslul Hamakbil) and Madrichim, Asistentim. The association also serves as Vaad Milgaim and represents all the Milgaim in the University. What Is the purpose of the Association? The purpose of the Association is to promote the interests of Tell-Aviv University Junior faculty members, especially; to represents all junior tenure-track and tenured faculty in collective bargaining with the university; to study, safeguard and promote the economic and social interests of the members and to cooperate with other organizations having similar aims. The Association was founded in 1976 and is affiliated with The Coordinating Forum of Junior Academic Staff Associations in Israel. What Does the Association Do? Most importantly, the Association is responsible for negotiating a collective agreement with the University over wages and all other conditions of employment for all its members. When an agreement has been reached, the Association is responsible for overseeing its employment as far and making sure that all provisions of the contract are properly carried out. It is also the job of the Association to represent any faculty member who has a grievance against the university about a contract violation. Has the Association Made a Difference? The last agreement negotiated with the university provided substantial wage increase and a complete change of employment conditions for most of its members. For instance, Ozrei-Horah were employed (before 1997) 8 months a year with no social benefits. Now they earn 10 month pay and have 20% on top as social benefits (total of 50% increase). Phd's were employed (before 1997) 8-9 months a year with no social benefits. Now they are employed as Morim Ozrim or Madrichim Asistentim with 12 month pay, 20% worth of social benefits and academic benefits (total of 35%-80% increase). These agreements opened the door for further improvements in the future. Who Runs the Faculty Association? The members elect a roster of representatives who serve as an Executive Committee and oversee the enforcement of existing contracts and makes decisions about the internal business of the Association. These representatives are elected in a general assembly. The same assembly makes policy decisions on all matters dealing with the bargaining of contracts with the University. The chief executive of the Association is the chair, who is currently Igor Derzy of the chemistry Department. The Association Activities: - Maintaining and promoting the professional and material status of the members of the Association, including the improvement of salaries, benefits, and conditions of employment in the University on behalf of all members. - Representing the interests of junior faculty in discussions with the administration as Collective Bargaining Agent. - Representing the collective view of Junior faculty to the University administration, the Board of Trustees, the Senate and its committees, the Parking Committee, the Scholarships Committee and such other groups as may affect our members' interests. - Transmitting the collective view of our Association to parliamentarians and to appointed bodies concerned with the development of policy on university education. - Participating in the Coordinating Forum of Junior Academic Staff Associations in Israel. - The holding of at least one general membership meetings each year to exchange information and views on any of the activities listed above. The annual General meeting of the Association is called in May. Other General Meetings are called from time to time at the discretion of the Executive Committee. The Association produces newsletters, which keeps members up to date on issues of their rights, benefits and work conditions. The Association provides counseling and assistance in the initiation and pursuit of grievances. Detailed information about these services is available at the Association office. The Association provides information, advice and support to members who have questions or problems concerning their employment with the University.For more information on the functions and operations of the Association, consult the Association bylaws and the Association Executive committee.