Computer programs

Panoramic: A package for constructing eukaryotic pan-genomes.

Rate4Site: A program for detecting conserved amino-acid sites by computing the relative evolutionary rate for each site in a multiple sequence alignment.

TraitRate: A program for the detection of trait-dependent shifts in the rate of sequence evolution.

TraitRelax: A program for the detection of associations between phenotypic traits and altered selective patterns at the codon level.

ChromEvol: A program for analyzing changes in chromosome-number along a phylogeny and for the inference of polyploidy.

Web servers

Pepitope: A server for epitope mapping using affinity-selected peptides.

Epitopia: A server for detection of immunogenic regions in protein structures or sequences.

ConSurf: A server for the identification of functional regions in proteins.

CCDB: The Chromosome Counts Database.

PloiDB: The plant ploidy database.

CLUMPAK: Clustering Markov Packager Across K. A webserver that aids users in automating the process of analyzing the results of genotype clustering programs such as STRUCTURE.

OneTwoTree: A webserver for automatic phylogeny reconstruction for a list of taxa based on all sequence data available in NCBI GenBank.

CRISTA: CRISPR Target Assessment. A webserver that determines the propensity of a genomic site to be cleaved by a given sgRNA.

CRISPys: A webserver for the optimal design of sgRNAs for simultaneous cleavage of multiple genes using the CRSPR system.

ModelTeller: A webserver for predicting the best substitution model for phylogenetic reconstructionthe based on a machine-learning approach.

ChromEvol: The online version of chromEvol: A program for analyzing changes in chromosome-number along a phylogeny and for the inference of polyploidy. The web server has the option to apply a model adequacy test.

TraitRate: A webserver for the detection of trait-dependent shifts in the rate of sequence evolution.