David Rowe, Universität Mainz (currently
at the Dibner Institute) (drowe@dibinst.mit.edu):
"Mathematical Productivity as an Expression
of Oral and Written Culture: the Case of Göttingen"
Ivo Schneider,
Universität der Bundeswehr, Munchen (Ivo.Schneider@UniBw-Muenchen.de):
"A question of style: The background
of Descartes'claim to the creation of a new mathematics."
Ian Mueller, University of Chicago (i-mueller@uchicago.edu):
"A minimalist
Interpretation of Plato's Account of Arithmetic and Geometry in the
Marinus Taisback,
Denmark (marinus@private.dk):
"If Euclid ever wrote the Data, he neither invented it nor
finished it. Must we?"
Eric Brian, EHESS - Paris (brian@ehess.fr):
"Mathematics and all that. Integrals, Series, Approximations around
Orna Harari-Eshel, Tel Aviv University
"Syllogistic logic and greek mathematical
reasoning: a reassessment of the relationship between Aristotle's posterior
analytics and Euclid's Elements"
José Ferreirós,
Universidad de Sevilla (jmferre@cica.es ):
"The emergence of the set-theoretical
approach in mathematics"
Karasmanis, National Technological University, Athens (vasmar@hol.gr):
"The method of Hippocrates of
Alain Bernard,
Paris ( alainguy.bernard@wanadoo.fr):
"Analysis and sophistics in Pappus's
'Collectio Mathematica’"
Jeremy Gray,
Open University - Milton Meynes (j.j.gray@open.ac.uk):
"Anxiety and Abstraction in 19th Century
Annette Imhausen,
Universität Mainz (currently at the Dibner Institute) (aimhausen@dibinst.mit.edu):
"Egyptian Mathematical texts in
their Contexts"
Ruth Glasner,
Hebrew University (ruthg@math.huji.ac.il):
"From Physics VI to VII: A turning
point in the application of mathematics to physics"
Erhard Scholz, Universität Wuppertal
"H. Weyl's treatment of the problem
of space and the origin of gauge structures"
Moritz Epple,
Universität Bonn (Epple@math.uni-bonn.de):
"The importance of local traditions:
The making of modern knot theory in Vienna and Princeton during the
1920's. "
Hans-Joachim Waschkies,
Universität Kiel (gz@philsem.uni-kiel.de):
"Operative foundations and deductive
proofs in Greek arithmetic"
Tzvi Langermann, Bar Ilan University ( ytl@mail.biu.ac.il):
"Pythagorean Texts and Traditions in Hebrew and Arabic. "
Karine Chemla, CNRS (chemla@paris7.jussieu.fr):
"The practice of mathematics in
ancient China: problems and algorithms, computing devices and figures,
proofs and related philosophical interests"
Michael Fried
"The Use of Analogy in Book VII of
Shaul Katz,
the Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem:
"A Pinch of Goettingen in Jerusalem: Landau, Fraenkel,
and the Einstein Institute of Mathematics
Ido Yavetz,
Tel Aviv University (yavetz@post.tau.ac.il):
" On Euduxus and Greek Astronomy"