Annual International Workshop

History of Mathematics in the Last 25 Years

New Departures, New Questions, New Ideas

May 14-17, 2001

Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem


The Workshop is intended, as its theme clearly indicates, to take stock of new developments in the history of mathematics in the last quarter century.

It is fair to point out that these developments mark the transformation of the history of mathematics into a truly historical discipline. From being traditionally the servant of mathematics, i.e., from seeing its object as digging retrospectively for THE sources of modern mathematical ideas, which serve as its semaphore for uncovering the past, the new history of mathematics favors the study of past mathematical ideas in their own right, avoiding anachronism and precursoritis.

Additionally, the discipline has opened its gates to historians who transcend in their work the internal history of mathematics, that is, the exclusive concentration on mathematical ideas, attempting to deal with the external factors (institutions, culture, and society) that affected its evolution and growth.

In short, from being an appendage to the study and, primarily, teaching of mathematics, the new history of mathematics has become an independent HISTORICAL discipline.

The planned workshop will bring together some of the prominent contributors to the changes the discipline has undergone in the past 25 years, who will present for discussion their last achievements in the field.