OR Research
Curriculum Vitae

Publications - Reuven Chen

Publications in Physics

[ 1 ] Reuven Chen, John L. Lawless, and Ritika Arora
Non-monotonic dose dependence of thermoluminescence (TL) revisited
Radiation Measurements 177, Article 107235 (2024)
[ 2 ] John L. Lawless, Reuven Chen, and Vasilis Pagonis
A model explaining the anomalous fading effect in thermoluminescence (TL)
Radiation Measurements 160, Article 106881 (2023)
[ 3 ] John L. Lawless, Reuven Chen, and Vasilis Pagonis
Effect of radiation physics on inherent statistics of glow curves from small samples or low doses
Radiation Measurements 151, Article 106698 (2022)
[ 4 ] Reuven Chen, John L. Lawless, and Vasilis Pagonis
On the various-heating-rates method for evaluating the activation energies of thermoluminescence peaks
Radiation Measurements 150, Article 106692 (2022)
[ 5 ] John L. Lawless, Reuven Chen, and Vasilis Pagonis
A model explaining the inability of exciting thermoluminescence (TL) peaks in certain low temperature ranges
Radiation Measurements 145, Article 106610 (2021)
[ 6 ] Reuven Chen, John L. Lawless, and Vasilis Pagonis
Thermoluminescence due to simultaneous recombination of two electrons into two-hole centers
Radiation Measurements 141, Article 106521 (2021)
[ 7 ] Reuven Chen
Conduction Band-Valence Band Theory of TL and OSL: Emphasis on Delocalized Transitions and Explanation on some Unusual Effects
Radiation Protection Dosimetry Vol. 192, No. 2, 178-195 (2020)
[ 8 ] Vasilis Pagonis, George Kitis, and Reuven Chen
Superlinearity revisited: A new analytical equation for the dose response of defects in solids, using the Lambert W function
Journal of Luminescence 227, Article 117553 (2020)
[ 9 ] John L. Lawless, Reuven Chen, and Vasilis Pagonis
Inherent statistics of glow curves from small samples and single grains
Journal of Luminescence 226, Article 117389 (2020)
[ 10 ] Reuven Chen, John L. Lawless, and Vasilis Pagonis
Competition between long time excitation and fading of thermoluminescence (TL) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL)
Radiation Measurements 136, Article 106422 (2020)
[ 11 ] Vasilis Pagonis, George Kitis, and Reuven Chen
A new analytical equation for the dose response of dosimetric materials, based on the Lambert W function
Journal of Luminescence 225, Article 117333 (2020)
[ 12 ] Reuven Chen and Vasilis Pagonis
A Monte-Carlo study of the fading of TL and OSL signals in the presence of deep-level competitors
Radiation Measurements 132, Article 106257 (2020)
[ 13 ] Vasilis Pagonis, Johannes Friedrich, Michael Discher, Anna Müller-Kirschbaum, Veronika Schlosser, Sebastian Kreutzer, Reuven Chen, and Christoph Schmidt
Excited state luminescence signals from a random distribution of defects: A new Monte Carlo simulation approach for feldspar
Journal of Luminescence 207, 266-272 (2019)
[ 14 ] John L. Lawless, Reuven Chen, and Vasilis Pagonis
Thermoluminescence governed by the Auger-recombination process
Radiation Measurements 124, 40-47 (2019)
[ 15 ] Reuven Chen, John L. Lawless, and Vasilis Pagonis
Thermoluminescence associated with two-hole recombination centers
Radiation Measurements 115, 1-6 (2018)
[ 16 ] Reuven Chen and Vasilis Pagonis
A model explaining the anomalous heating-rate effect in thermoluminescence as an inverse thermal quenching based on simultaneous thermal release of electrons and holes
Radiation Measurements 106, 20-25 (2017)
[ 17 ] Vasilis Pagonis, Reuven Chen, Christopher Kulp, and George Kitis
An overview of recent developments in luminescence models with a focus on localized transitions
Radiation Measurements 106, 3-12 (2017)
[ 18 ] Johannes Friedrich, Vasilis Pagonis, Reuven Chen, Sebastian Kreutzer, and Christoph Schmidt
Quartz radiofluorescence: a modelling approach
Journal of Luminescence 186, 318-325 (2017)
[ 19 ] Reuven Chen, John .L. Lawless, and Vasilis Pagonis
Thermoluminescence associated with two-electron traps
Radiation Measurements 99, 10-17 (2017)
[ 20 ] Y. Horowitz, R. Chen, L. Oster and I. Eliyahu
Thermoluminescence Theory and Analysis: Advances and Impact on Applications
The Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy and Spectrometry , Eds.: J.C. Lindon, G.E. Tranter and D.W. Koppenaal, 3rd edition, 4, 444-451, Elsevier, Oxford: Academic Press (2017)
[ 21 ] Reuven Chen, Vasilis Pagonis, and John L. Lawless
Evaluated thermoluminescence trapping parameters -- What do they really mean?
Radiation Measurements 91, 21-27 (2016)
[ 22 ] Benny Guralnik, Bo Li, Mayank Jain, Reuven Chen, Richard B. Paris, Andrew S. Murray, Sheng-Hua Li, Vasilis Pagonis, Pierre G. Valla, and Frédéric Herman
Radiation-induced growth and isothermal decay of infrared-stimulated luminescence from feldspar
Radiation Measurements 81, 224-231 (2015)
[ 23 ] R. Chen and V. Pagonis
Study of the stability of the TL and OSL signals
Radiation Measurements 81, 192-197 (2015)
[ 24 ] Vasilis Pagonis and Reuven Chen
Monte Carlo simulations of TL and OSL in nanodosimetric materials and feldspars
Radiation Measurements 81, 262-269 (2015)
[ 25 ] R. Chen, V. Pagonis, and J. L. Lawless
Time and dose-rate dependence of TL and OSL due to competition between excitation and fading
Radiation Measurements 82, 115-121 (2015)
[ 26 ] Benny Guralnik, Mayank Jain, Frédéric Herman, Christina Ankjærgaard, Andrew S. Murray, Pierre G. Valla, Frank Preusser, Georgina E. King, Reuven Chen, Sally E. Lowick, Myungho Kook, Edward J. Rhodes
OSL-thermochronometry of feldspar from the KTB borehole, Germany
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 423, 232-243 (2015)
[ 27 ] Reuven Chen and Vasilis Pagonis
The role of simulations in the study of thermoluminescence (TL)
Radiation Measurements 71, 8-14 (2014)
[ 28 ] R. Chen, V. Pagonis, and J. L. Lawless
Intrinsic superlinear dose dependence of thermoluminescence and optically stimulated luminescence at high excitation dose rates
Radiation Measurements 71, 220-225 (2014)
[ 29 ] V. Pagonis, M. L. Chithambo, R. Chen, A. Chruścińska, M. Fasoli, S. H. Li, M. Martini, and K. Ramseyer
Thermal dependence of luminescence lifetimes and radioluminescence in quartz
Journal of Luminescence 145, 38-48 (2014)
[ 30 ] Reuven Chen and Vasilis Pagonis
Modeling TL-like thermally assisted optically stimulated luminescence (TA-OSL)
Radiation Measurements 56, 6-12 (2013)
[ 31 ] Reuven Chen and Vasilis Pagonis
On the expected order of kinetics in a series of thermoluminescence (TL) and thermally stimulated conductivity (TSC) peaks
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 312, 60-69 (2013)
[ 32 ] Reuven Chen and Vasilis Pagonis
On the quasi-equilibrium assumptions in the theory of thermoluminescence (TL)
Journal of Luminescence 143, 734-740 (2013)
[ 33 ] Vasilis Pagonis, Christina Ankjærgaard, Mayank Jain, and Reuven Chen
Thermal dependence of time-resolved blue light stimulated luminescence in α-Al2O3:C
Journal of Luminescence 136, 270-277 (2013)
[ 34 ] Vasilis Pagonis, Mayank Jain, Andrew S. Murray, Christina Ankjærgaard, and Reuven Chen
Modeling of the shape of infrared stimulated luminescence signals in feldspars
Radiation Measurements 47, 870-876 (2012)
[ 35 ] Reuven Chen, John L. Lawless, and Vasilis Pagonis
Two-stage thermal stimulation of thermoluminescence
Radiation Measurements 47, 809-813 (2012)
[ 36 ] V. Pagonis, P. Morthekai, A.K. Singhvi, J. Thomas, V. Balaram, G. Kitis, and R. Chen
Time-resolved infrared stimulated luminescence signals in feldspars: Analysis based on exponential and stretched exponential functions
Journal of Luminescence 132, 2330-2340 (2012)
[ 37 ] Vasilis Pagonis, Reuven Chen, and John L. Lawless
Superlinear dose response of thermoluminescence (TL) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) signals in luminescence materials: An analytical approach
Journal of Luminescence 132, 1446-1455 (2012)
[ 38 ] Vasilis Pagonis, Grzegorz Adamiec, C. Athanassas, Reuven Chen, Atlee Baker, Meredith Larsen, and Zachary Thompson
Simulations of thermally transferred OSL signals in quartz: Accuracy and precision of the protocols for equivalent dose evaluation
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 269, 1431-1443 (2011)
[ 39 ] G.W. Berger and R. Chen
Error analysis and modelling of double saturating exponential dose response curves from SAR OSL dating
Ancient TL 29 (1), 9-14 (2011)
[ 40 ] V. Pagonis, J. Lawless, R. Chen, and M.L. Chithambo
Analytical expressions for time-resolved optically stimulated luminescence experiments in quartz
J. Lumin. 131, 1827-1835 (2011)
[ 41 ] Vasilis Pagonis, Reuven Chen, and George Kitis
On the intrinsic accuracy and precision of luminescence dating techniques for fired ceramics
Journal of Archaeological Science 38, 1591-1602 (2011)
[ 42 ] R. Chen, J.L. Lawless and V. Pagonis
A model for explaining the concentration quenching of thermoluminescence
Radiation Measurements 46, 1380-1384 (2011).
[ 43 ] Vasilis Pagonis, Reuven Chen, John W. Maddrey and Benjamin Sapp
Simulations of time-resolved photoluminescence experiments in α-Al2O3:C
J. Lumin. 131, 1086-1094 (2011)
[ 44 ] N. Kristianpoller, W. Chen, R. Chen and Y. Liu
Irradiation effects in CaF2:ZnO nanostructured crystals
IOP Conf. Series: Mater. Sci. Eng. 15, 012049 (7pp) (2010).
[ 45 ] R. Chen, V. Pagonis and J.L. Lawless
Simulation of the nonlinear dose dependence of stabilized point defects
IOP Conf. Series: Mater. Sci. Eng. 15, 012071 (7pp) (2010)
[ 46 ] V. Pagonis, C. Ankjærgaard, Murray, A.S., Jain, M., Chen, R., Lawless, J.L. and Greilich, S.
Modelling the thermal quenching mechanism in quartz based on time resolved optically stimulated luminescence
J. Lumin. 130, 902-909 (2010)
[ 47 ] R. Chen, V.Pagonis and J.L.Lawless
On the initial-occupancy dependence of some luminescence phenomena under the one-trap-one-recombination-center (OTOR) model
Radiat. Meas. 45, 147-150 (2010)
[ 48 ] R. Chen, V.Pagonis and J.L.Lawless
Nonlinear dose dependence of TL and LM-OSL within the one trap-one center model
Radiat. Meas. 45, 277-280 (2010)
[ 49 ] N. Kristianpoller, W. Chen, N. Khaidukov and R. Chen
Optical properties of fluoride compounds and their application to dosimetry
Radiat. Meas. 45, 566-568 (2010)
[ 50 ] V. Pagonis, J.L. Lawless, R. Chen and C. Andersen
Radioluminescence in Al2O3:C - Analytical and numerical simulation results
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42, 175107 (9pp) (2009)
[ 51 ] J.L. Lawless, R.Chen and V. Pagonis
On the theoretical basis of the duplicitous thermoluminescence peak
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42, 155409 (8pp) (2009)
[ 52 ] V. Pagonis, A.G. Wintle, R. Chen and X.L. Wang
Simulations of thermally-transferred OSL experiments and of ReSAR dating protocol for quartz
Radiat. Meas. 44, 634-638 (2009)
[ 53 ] J.L. Lawless, V. Pagonis and R. Chen
Sublinear dose dependence of thermoluminescence and optically stimulated luminescence prior to the approach to saturation level
Radiat. Meas. 44, 606-610 (2009)
[ 54 ] V. Pagonis, C. Ankjærgaard, A.S. Murray and R. Chen
Optically stimulated exoelectron emission processes in quartz: comparison of experiment and theory
J. Lumin. 129, 1003-1009 (2009)
[ 55 ] R. Chen, V. Pagonis and J.L. Lawless
A new look at the linear-modulated optically-stimulated-luminescence (LM-OSL) as a tool for dating and dosimetry
Radiat. Meas. 44, 344-350 (2009)
[ 56 ] V. Pagonis and R. Chen
Simulation of OSL pulse-annealing at different heating rates: Conclusions concerning the evaluated trapping parameters and lifetimes
Geochronometria 30, 1-7, 2008
[ 57 ] V. Pagonis, R. Chen and J.L. Lawless
A quantitative kinetic model for Al2O3:C: TL response to UV-illumination
Radiat. Meas. 43, 175-179, 2008
[ 58 ] V. Pagonis, A.G. Wintle, R. Chen and X.L. Wang
A theoretical model for a new dating protocol for quartz based on thermally transferred OSL (TT-OSL)
Radiat. Meas. 43, 704-708, 2008
[ 59 ] G. Kitis, R. Chen and V. Pagonis
Thermoluminescence glow-peak shape methods based on mixed-order kinetics
Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 205, 1181-1189, 2008
[ 60 ] R. Chen and V. Pagonis
A unified presentation of thermoluminescence (TL), phosphorescence and linear-modulated OSL (LM-OSL)
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41, 035102 (1-6), 2008
[ 61 ] N. Kristianpoller, D. Weiss, N. Khaidukov, V. Makhov and R. Chen
Thermoluminescence of Pr3+ doped fluoride crystals
Radiat. Meas. 43, 245-248, 2008
[ 62 ] R. Chen, V. Pagonis and J.L. Lawless
Duplicitous thermoluminescence peak associated with a thermal release of electrons and holes from trapping states
Radiat. Meas. 43, 162-166, 2008
[ 63 ] V. Pagonis, A.G. Wintle, and R. Chen
Simulations of the effect of pulse annealing on optically stimulated luminescence of quartz
Radiat. Meas. 42, 1587-1599 (2007)
[ 64 ] V. Pagonis, R. Chen and J.L. Lawless
A quantitative kinetic model for Al2O3:C: TL response to ionization radiation
Radiat. Meas. 42, 198-204, 2007
[ 65 ] N. Kristianpoller, W. Chen, D. Weiss, D. Kuzmin and R. Chen
Irradiation Effects in BaF2:CuCl2 and BaF2:Mn,Ce Crystals
Physica Status Solidi (c), 4, 1110-1113, 2007
[ 66 ] V. Pagonis, R. Chen and A.G. Wintle
Modelling thermal transfer in optically stimulated luminescence of quartz
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 40, 998-1006, 2007
[ 67 ] N. Kristianpoller, D. Weiss and R. Chen
Effects of Photostimulation in Natural Zircon
Radiat. Meas. 41, 961-966, 2006
[ 68 ] G. Kitis, V. Pagonis and R. Chen
Comparison of experimental and modelled quartz thermal-activation curves obtained using multiple- and single-aliquot procedures
Radiat. Meas. 41, 910-916, 2006
[ 69 ] V. Pagonis, R. Chen and J.L. Lawless
Non-monotonic dose dependence of OSL intensity due to competition during irradiation and read-out
Radiat. Meas. 41, 903-909, 2006
[ 70 ] R. Chen, D. Lo and J. L. Lawless
Non-monotonic dose dependence of thermoluminesce
Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 119, 33-36, 2006
[ 71 ] D. Lo, J. L. Lawless and R. Chen
Superlinear dose dependence of high temperature thermoluminescence (TL) in Al2O3:C
Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 119, 71-74, 2006
[ 72 ] N. Kristianpoller, D. Weiss and R. Chen
Optical and dosimetric properties of zircon
Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 119, 267-270, 2006
[ 73 ] V. Pagonis, R. Chen and G. Kitis
Theoretical modeling of experimental diagnostic procedures employed during predose dosimetry of quartz
Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 119, 111-114, 2006
[ 74 ] G. Kitis, V. Pagonis, R. Chen and G. Polymeris
A comprehensive comparative study of the predose effect for three quartz crystals of different origin
Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 119, 438-441, 2006
[ 75 ] G. Kitis, R. Chen, V. Pagonis, E. Carinou, P. Ascounis and V. Kamenopoulou
Thermoluminescence under exponential heating function II: Deconvolution of experimental glow-curves
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 39, 1508-1514 (2006)
[ 76 ] G. Kitis, R. Chen, V. Pagonis, E. Carinou and V. Kamenopoulou
Thermoluminescence under exponential heating function I: Theory
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 39, 1500-1507 (2006)
[ 77 ] R. Chen, V. Pagonis and J.L. Lawless
The non-monotonic dose dependence of optically stimulated luminescence in Al2O3:C: analytical and numerical simulation results
J. Appl. Phys. 99, 033511 (2006)
[ 78 ] W. Chen, N. Kristianpoller, A. Shmilevich, D. Weiss, R. Chen and M. Su
X-ray storage luminescence of BaFCl:Eu2+ single crystals
J. Phys. Chem. B. 109, 11505-11511 (2005)
[ 79 ] L. Lawless, R. Chen, D. Lo, V. Pagonis
A model for non-monotonic dose dependence of thermoluminescence
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 17, 737-753 (2005)
[ 80 ] N. Kristianpoller, D. Weiss and R. Chen
Defects induced in fluorides and oxides by VUV radiation
Phys. Stat. Sol. (c). 2, 409-412 (2005)
[ 81 ] N. Kristianpoller, D. Weiss and R. Chen
Optical and dosimetric properties of variously doped SrF2 crystals
Rad. Meas. 38, 719-722 (2004)
[ 82 ] Reuven Chen and Vasilis Pagonis
Modelling Thermal Activation Characteristics of the Sensitization of Thermoluminescence in Quartz
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 37, 159-164 (2004)
[ 83 ] R. Chen and P.L. Leung
The Decay of OSL Signals as Stretched-Exponential Functions
Radiat. Meas. 37, 519-526 (2003)
[ 84 ] V. Pagonis, G. Kitis and R. Chen
Applicability of the Zimmerman Model in the TL of Predosed and Annealed Synthetic Quartz Samples
Radiat. Meas. 37, 267-274 (2003)
[ 85 ] R. Chen
Apparent Stretched-Exponential Luminescence Decay in Crystalline Solids
Int. Conf. Lumin. and Optical Spect. of Condens. Matter (ICL '02) Budapest, Hungary, Aug. 2002. J. Lumin. 102-103, 510-518 (2003)
[ 86 ] N. Kristianpoller, D. Weiss and R. Chen
Radiation Effects in KMgF3 Crystals
Radiat. Eff. Def. in Solids, 157, 583-588 (2002)
[ 87 ] A. N. Yazici, R. Chen, S. Solak and Z. Yegingil
The Analysis of Thermoluminescent Glow Peaks of CaF2:Dy (TLD-200) after beta-Irradiation
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 35, 2526-2535 (2002).
[ 88 ] R. Chen and D. J. Lockwood
Developments in Luminescence and Display Materials over the last 100 years as reflected in Electrochemical Society Publications, Invited Review Paper
J. Electrochem. Soc. 149 (9) S69-S78 (2002)
[ 89 ] N. Kristianpoller, D. Weiss, R. Chen, N. Nariyama and N. Khaidukov
Luminescence of CsGd2F7 Crystals
Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 100, 207-209 (2002)
[ 90 ] R. Chen
The Role of Retrapping in Dose Dependence of Pulsed Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL)
Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 100, 71-74 2002
[ 91 ] N. Kristianpoller, D. Weiss and R. Chen
Irradiation Effects in Semiconducting Diamonds
Physica B, 308, 612-615 (2001).
[ 92 ] N. Kristianpoller, A. Shmilevich, D. Weiss, R. Chen and N. Khaidukov
Luminescence of LiKYF5:Pr3+ Crystals, Radiation Measurements
Radiation Measurements 33, 637-640 (2001).
[ 93 ] R. Chen and P.L. Leung
Nonlinear Dose Dependence of Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) and Thermoluminescence (TL)
Invited Paper, 4th Euroconference, Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation, LUMDETR'2000, Riga, August 2000. Radiation Measurements 33, 475-481 (2001).
[ 94 ] N. Kristianpoller, A. Shmilevich, D. Weiss, R. Chen and N. Khaidukov
Study of Optical and Dosimetric Properties of Doped Fluroride Crystals
Optical Materials 16, 105-110 (2001).
[ 95 ] R. Chen and P.L. Leung
Dose Dependence and Dose-Rate Dependence of the Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) Signal
J. Appl. Phys. 89, 259-263 (2001).
[ 96 ] R. Chen, P.L. Leung and M.J. Stokes
Apparent Anomalous Fading of Thermoluminescence Associated with Competition with Radiationless Transitions
Radiation Measurements 32, 505-511 (2000).
[ 97 ] R. Chen and P.L. Leung
A Model for Dose-Rate Dependence of Thermoluminescence Intensity
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 33, 846-850 (2000).
[ 98 ] N. Kristianpoller, A. Shmilevich, D. Weiss, R. Chen, M.Z. Su and W. Chen
Luminescence of BaFCl:Eu2+ and SrFCl:Eu2+
Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 150, 65-70 (1999).
[ 99 ] R. Chen and P.L. Leung
Modelling the Pre-Dose Effect in Thermoluminescence
Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 84, 43-46 (1999).
[ 100 ] A. Shmilevich, D. Weiss, R. Chen and N. Kristianpoller
Phototransferred Thermoluminescence of CaWO4 Crystals
Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 84, 131-133 (1999).
[ 101 ] R. Chen and P.L. Leung
Processes of Sensitization of Thermoluminescence in Insulators
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 31, 2628-2635 (1998).
[ 102 ] N. Kristianpoller, A. Rehavi, A. Shmilevich, D. Weiss and R. Chen
Radiation Effects in Pure and Doped Al2O3 Crystals
Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. B141, 343-345 (1998).
[ 103 ] N. Kristianpoller, A. Shmilevich, D. Weiss and R. Chen
Sensitization and Desensitization of the Luminescence Yield of Al2O3:C
Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, 146, 237-241 (1998).
[ 104 ] R. Chen
Evaluation of Parameters from Thermal Desorption Spectra - Methods Borrowed from the Analysis of TL
Surface Science, 400, 258-265 (1998).
[ 105 ] S.W.S. McKeever and R. Chen
Luminescence Models
Invited Review Paper, Special Issue on Luminescence Dating Radiation Measurements, 27, 625-661 (1997).
[ 106 ] A. Shmilevich, R. Chen, D. Weiss and N. Kristianpoller
Point Defects in C-Doped Alpha-Al2O3 Crystals
Materials Science Forum, 239, 65-68 (1997).
[ 107 ] C.M. Sunta, W.E. Feria Ayta, R.N. Kulkarni, R. Chen and S. Watanabe
Pre-Exponential Factor in General-Order Kinetics and its Influence on Glow Curves
Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 71, 93-97 (1997).
[ 108 ] F.R. Siegel, R. Chen, J.E. Vaz and V.K. Mathur
The Integrated Radiation Environment at Well Sites - an Adjunct to Petroleum Exploration
Oil and Gas Journal, 91-96 (Oct. 1997).
[ 109 ] R. Chen and A. Hag-Yahya
A possible New Interpretation of the Anomalous Fading in Thermoluminescent Materials as Normal Fading in Disguise
Rad. Meas. 27, 205-210 (1997).
[ 110 ] N. Kristianpoller, M. Abu-Rayya, A. Shmilevich and R. Chen
Effects of Pre-Dose Treatment on the TL in Synthetic Quartz
J. Lumin. 72, 687-688 (1997).
[ 111 ] M. Abu-Rayya, A. Shmilevich, R. Chen and N. Kristianpoller
Spectral dependence of Optical Bleaching of PTTL in Quartz
Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 65, 69-72 (1996).
[ 112 ] R. Chen and A. Hag-Yahya
Interpretation of Very High Activation Energies and Frequency Factors in TL as being due to Competition between Centres
Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 65, 17-20 (1996).
[ 113 ] R. Chen, G. Fogel and C.K. Lee
A New Look at the Models of Superlinear Dose Dependence of Thermoluminescence
Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 65, 63-68 (1996).
[ 114 ] A. Shmilevich, M. Abu-Rayya, R. Chen and N. Kristianpoller
Studies of Excitation, Optical Bleaching and Thermal Annealing of OSL in Natural Quartz
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 29, 1047-1050 (1996).
[ 115 ] C.K. Lee and R. Chen
Explanation of the Superlinear Behaviour of TL by Considering Residual Holes in the Recombination Centres before Irradiation
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 28, 408-414 (1995).
[ 116 ] R. Chen, G. Fogel and N. Kristianpoller
Theoretical Account of the Sensitization and De-Sensitization in Quartz
Rad. Meas. 23, 277-280 (1994).
[ 117 ] R. Chen and S.W.S. McKeever
Characterization of Nonlinearities in the Dose Dependence of Thermoluminescence
Rad. Meas. 23, 667-673 (1994).
[ 118 ] N. Kristianpoller, M. Abu-Rayya and R. Chen
Optically Stimulated Luninescence in Synthetic Quartz
J. Lumin. 60, 540-543 (1994).
[ 119 ] L. Oster, N. Kristianpoller, R. Chen and A. Katzir
Photoluminescence of Mixed AgCl0.45Br0.55 crystals
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 26, 1759-1763 (1993).
[ 120 ] A.D. Franklin, W.F. Hornyak and R. Chen
A One Trap, Two Luminescence Centre TL Model
Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 47, 17-22 (1993).
[ 121 ] N. Kristianpoller, M. Abu-Rayya and R. Chen
Phototransfer Studies in Synthetic Quartz
Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 47, 37-40 (1993).
[ 122 ] R. Chen and G. Fogel
Superlinearity in TL Revisited
Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 47, 23-26 (1993).
[ 123 ] W.F. Hornyak, A. Franklin and R. Chen
A Model for Mid-Term Fading in TL Dating
Ancient TL, 11, 21-26 (1993).
[ 124 ] W.F. Hornyak, R. Chen and A. Franklin
Thermoluminescence Characteristics of the 375oC Electron Trap in Quartz
Phys. Rev. B1, 46, 8036-8049 (1992).
[ 125 ] R. Chen, M. Abu-Rayya and N. Kristianpoller
Sensitization of Thermoluminescence in Synthetic Quartz - Heat Treatment and Radiation Effects
J. Lumin. 48, 833-837 (1991).
[ 126 ] Y. Kirsh and R. Chen
Analysis of the Blue Phosphorescence of X-Irradiated Albite Using a TL-like Presentation
Nucl. Tracks Rad. Meas. 18, 37-40 (1991).
[ 127 ] R. Chen
Analysis of Thermally Stimulated Phenomena
Invited Commentary, Institute for Scientific Information, Current Contents 30, 52-53, 12 (1990).
[ 128 ] N. Kristianpoller, M. Abu-Rayya and R. Chen
The Variation of TL Properties of Synthetic Quartz by Thermal Annealing
Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 33, 193-195 (1990).
[ 129 ] W.F. Hornyak, R. Chen and A. Franklin
Thermoluminescent Relaxation of Stable Systems
J. Lumin. 46, 251-259 (1990).
[ 130 ] R. Chen, W.F. Hornyak and V.K. Mathur
Competition between Excitation and Bleaching of TL
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 23, 724-728 (1990).
[ 131 ] W.F. Hornyak and R. Chen
TL and Phosphorescence with a Continuous Distribution of Activation Energies
J. Lumin. 44, 73-81 (1989).
[ 132 ] N. Kristianpoller, B. Trieman, R. Chen and Y. Kirsh
The Application of Thermally Stimulated Processes to the Study of Defects in Perovskite Type Fluorides
Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 149, 45-54 (1988).
[ 133 ] R. Chen, X.H. Yang and S.W.S. McKeever
The Strongly Superlinear Dose Dependence of TL in Synthetic Quartz
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 21, 1452-1457 (1988).
[ 134 ] N. Kristianpoller, Y. Kirsh, S. Shoval, D. Weiss and R. Chen
Thermoluminescent Properties of Mica
Nucl. Tracks Radiat. Meas. 14, 101-104 (1988).
[ 135 ] R.K. Bull, S.W.S. McKeever, R. Chen, V.K. Mathur, J.F. Rhodes and M.D. Brown
TL Kinetics for Multi-Peak Glow Curves Produced by the Release of Electrons and Holes
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 19, 1321-1334 (1986).
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