Still retro after all these years?
Actually, I've got a comic about that - but I don't have to use it here, because
I've already used it - almost four years ago. Finding
the precise page in which I posted that comic, however, demanded that I do a bit
of searching, and while doing that I discovered that the way I relate to that
proverbial toothbrush in this column is very similar to the way I did so back
then. In other words, even if back then I gave myself
a slightly different title, I was basically writing about being a conservative
technologist (which is, I suppose, more proof of how slow I am to change).
Which raises a legitimate question. If what I'm writing now is basically the same
as what I did then, perhaps there's no real justification for this column. But
it turns out that though one of the basic premises has remained the same, the
ways they find expression in our general culture and in my life in particular
have continued to evolve.
Go to: Compared to what, or
Go to: Confessions of a conservative technology