I shouldn't be the one to complain.

It was only a year ago that I wrote that bookmarking, for me at least, seems definitely on the road toward becoming a thing of the past. Recently, even the New York Times noted this tendency. That being the case (even though I've bookmarked numerous items since then) it doesn't seem all that logical that I'd find reason to criticize web surfers for not doing that themselves.

Of course there's a difference between someone who knows how to bookmark and decides that it's no longer useful or functional for him or her, and someone who isn't aware that such a thing exists. From my observations of many web surfers I'm convinced that there are many people who think that the correct way (perhaps the only way) of getting to a page they've been to before and want to get to again is to follow the same path that first led them to it.

In the first week after the Superbowl just about anyone who was on any sort of e-mail list, or who had friends who can't resist forwarding jokes and chain letters, received a photo, or a link to a photo, of Janet Jackson. It would seem to me that very few people actually had to search for that breast - it came to them without asking.

Go to: Putting an asterix on that record, or
Go to: All that technology for ... that?