Sniffing out leads.
I was preparing to send a link about something entirely different that I'd learned about via e-mail. I thought it would be better to send the link to the page rather than quote what had arrived in the mail, so I went to what I thought was the site with the text I wanted to send. I made a rather simple mistake and clicked on the wrong link, which brought me to ... well, one thing led to another. The details aren't really important. What's interesting is the end result. A playful study caught my eye.
The study was about playing an interactive game through using a urinal. I had little use for this, either in connection with this particular column, or anything else, but it was a very fun read just the same. It was clear that the authors of this paper didn't intend to be taken fully seriously. They did, however, list references at the end of their article, and one of those was the NYT article, which did, among other things, mention the possibility of gathering information from toilets.
Go to: Actually, it's a logical place to collect information, or
Go to: I can't possibly be comprehensive here, or
Go to: They've got a little list.