I can't possibly be comprehensive here.
Issues of privacy in a databased society (hey, I sort of like that phrase) are, if not countless, then at least very plentiful. We encounter them just about everywhere, ranging from the supermarket, to ... well, let's say rather unexpected places. They arise from simple questions (without simple answers) like who should be permitted to see our medical records, and from newer, perhaps more complicated, but not essentially different, questions that arise from the fact that our cars can keep tabs on us, and might thus be used to incriminate us. I have neither the intention, nor the ability, to deal with all of the possibilities. That in itself, however, is somewhat threatening. If I'm dealing with a topic that is reflected in almost everthing we do, and everywhere we go, chances are good that I'm going to miss something important, leave out some issue that's actually central to the entire topic.
Go to: They've got a little list.