Two takes on one link.
For someone who grew up in a milieu like the one I did, naming names is anathema. It brings up immediate associations of blacklisting. It's pretty much on the same moral level as strike breaking. For me, that's a knee-jerk, automatic, sort of association.
But I didn't grow up in what would be called the larger, general, even normative public. Though to a certain extent the sub-culture in which I grew up was separated from the normative culture, we were still aware of much of what was happening outside of our small circle. And my associations stem both from the inner and the wider circles. Thus my other association is from the more normative culture (though, of course, for someone in, say, Indonesia, it probably won't seem particularly normative), and is the same association that came to mind the previous time I examined site-generating tools, and the somewhat dubious need to protect the innocent arose.
Go to: What's a nice constructivist like you doing in a site like this?