Protecting the innocent.
I honestly don't derive any special pleasure from poking fun at
a particular technological solution, or at the people who developed it.
That's not the objective of this column. It's quite clear that a great
deal of effort was devoted to the development of this particular solution,
and for all I know it actually offers a workable solution to schools that
decide that they are in need of a web site. Thus, in true Dragnet
style, in this particular column, only the names have been changed (or
omitted) to protect the innocent. My guess is that many an internet start-up
has been created (I can count at least a handful in Israel alone), ostensibly
to facilitate the easy development of web sites, even though from the outset
there was nothing difficult about the process. And even though things have
improved over the past couple of years, the state of HTMLing in Hebrew
today is still enough to make even the most confident do-it-yourselfer
long for a package deal that will sidestep the need for viewing the HTML
code and figuring out where to enter a correction.