That's (not yet) all, folks!

Enough is enough, but it seems that there's still one last cherry that can be put atop the whipped topping. On the same day that I wrote the page that linked to this page I received e-mail from my brother on an only slightly related topic (songs from our childhood) in which he mentioned the Churkendoose. His mentioning that story isn't particularly surprising, and definitely not something that would be considered out of the ordinary, but doing so on the same day that I searched for it, and found it on his site ... that's the sort of coincidence that deserves it's own page, even it it's only slightly tangentially related, if at all, to the topic of this column.

Go to: An unexpected and seredipitous, but ultimately predictable, link, or
Go to: It depends on how you look at things, or
Go to: An end to jokes on basket weaving, or
Go to: It's a special sort of talent, or
Go to: The Boidem goes shopping.